In the footsteps of history: the bees of the genus Hylaeus Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Apoidea: Colletidae) collected by V. I. Roborovsky and P. K. Kozlov in Northwest China (1895 - 1926) Author Yu, Maхim Author Daтhe, Holger H. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-06-18 4434 3 573 588 journal article 29867 10.11646/zootaxa.4434.3.11 9821a4a5-b192-48ac-a98a-86241400cb02 1175-5326 1292263 096CAD80-4176-4C2E-AEEE-7D4B5B991479 Hylaeus ( Hylaeus ) angustatus ( Schenck, 1861 ) Prosopis angustata Schenck, 1861 : 315 , 321, ( syntypes : ♂♂ , Weilburg, Germany , SGNF; verified). Hylaeus subexcisus Förster, 1871 : 938 , , ( type locality: France , MNHN ). Hylaeus subtilis Förster, 1871 : 1039 , ( type locality: Chur , Switzerland , MNHN ). Hylaeus subpunctatus Förster, 1871 : 1054 , ( type locality: Paris , France , MNHN ). Hylaeus submarginatus Thomson, 1872 : 130 , , ( type locality: Sweden , MZLU ). Prosopis punctifrons Pérez, 1903 : CCXXXVI, ( type locality: Marseille , France , MNHN ). Hylaeus pauperculus Cockerell, 1931 : 536 , , ( type locality: Asni ; Ifrane , Morocco , BMNH ). Prosopis curviscapa Benoist, 1960 : 63 , , ( type locality: Gotland , Sweden , MNHN ). Material examined. CHINA . 1 ♂ , Suleikhe River , neаr Sасhzhоu, Gаshunskоe Gоbi , 7.VIII.1895 , V. Rоbоrоvskу , P. Kozlov ; 1 ♀ , Bugas , near Khami , 2.IX.1895 , V. Roborovsky , P. Kozlov. Distribution. Eurоpe, Nоrth Afriса (Mоrоссо), Azerbаijаn , Тurkeу, Lebаnоn , Irаn , Mоngоliа , Russiа , * Chinа ( Gаnsu , Хinjiаng).