Revision of Trassedia (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae), an Evolutionary Relict With an Unusual Distribution Author Mikó, István Frost Entomological Museum, Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Author Trietsch, Carolyn Frost Entomological Museum, Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Author Kamp, Thomas van de Laboratory for Applications of Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, Author Masner, Lubomír Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Author Ulmer, Jonah M. Frost Entomological Museum, Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Author Yoder, Matthew Jon Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, Author Zuber, Marcus Laboratory for Applications of Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, Author Sandall, Emily L. Frost Entomological Museum, Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Author Baumbach, Tilo Laboratory for Applications of Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, Author Deans, Andrew R. Frost Entomological Museum, Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, text Insect Systematics and Diversity 2018 AIFB 2018-12-04 2 6 4 1 29 journal article 10.1093/isd/ixy015 2399-3421 7168382 68249DCE-5520-4415-85D1-80CCA002A48D Trassedia Cancemi 1996 Figs. 3–15 , Supp. 3D pdf, and Supp. 3D video. Fig. 2. Phylogenetic relationships within Ceraphronoidea , with an emphasis on Trassedia (equal weighting analysis).This strict consensus tree was produced by maximum parsimony analysis in TNT. Branch support values of the strict consensus tree have been calculated with jackknifing (above branches) and bootstrapping (below branches) usingTNT.Taxa with a pterostigma are highlighted in blue. Diagnosis Trassedia differs from all other Ceraphronoidea in the following traits: first valvifer is subdivided into two, articulating sclerites. Hind tarsus is enlarged relative to the middle and fore tarsi (hind tarsal claw more than 2× as long as lengths of middle and fore claws). Dorsal margin of S7 tapers medially, locking tip of terebra. Presence of two ovoid, concave areas on each side of the posterior 13 of S7, resembling a chisel. Presence of medially-continuous dorsal carina of occipital depression. Description Foveolate sculpture on body count: absent. Head: Dorsal carina of occipital depression count: present. Dorsal carina of occipital depression medial continuity: continuous medially. Occipital carina sculpture: crenulate. Median flange of occipital carina count: absent. Submedial flange of occipital carina count: absent. Preoccipital lunula count: absent. Preoccipital ridge count: present. Preoccipital furrow count: present. Preoccipital carina count: absent. Postocellar carina count: absent. Randomly sized areolae around setal pits on upper face count: absent. Antennal scrobe count: present. Ocular impression and postocular orbital carina count: present. Transverse scutes on upper face count: present. Region on upper face width transverse scutes lateral limit: extending entire with of frons. Transverse frontal carina count: absent. Frontal ledge count: absent. Rugose region on upper face count: absent. Facial pit count: no external corresponding structure present. White, thick setae on upper face count: absent. Ventromedian setiferous patch and ventrolateral setiferous patch count: absent. Intertorular carina count: present. Median process on intertorular carina count: absent. Intertorular ridge versus epistomal ridge: separated. Intertorular area count: absent. Torulus position relative to anterior ocellus and distal margin of clypeus: torulus reaching epistomal sulcus. Torulo-clypeal carina count: absent. Subtorular carina count: absent. Subantennal groove structure: absent. Posterolateral process of gena count: absent. Median conjunctiva of cardines count (median fusion of left and right cardines): absent (cardines are fused). Maxillary palpomeres count: 4. Mandibular tooth count: 2. Mandibular lancea count: absent. Antenna : Male flagellomere branches count: none. Male flagellomeres shape: cylindric. Multiporous plates on male flagellomeres count: absent. Female flagellomere number: 9. Mesosoma: Transverse pronotal sulcus (anterodorsal branch of pronotal Y) count: present. Epomial carina count: present. Posterodorsal branch of pronotal Y count: present. Occlusor muscle apodeme for the occlusor muscle of the anterior thoracic spiracle count: present. Occlusor muscle apodeme for the anterior thoracic spiracle structure: reduced, knob-like. Atrium of anterior mesothoracic spiracle count: present. Atrium of the anterior thoracic spiracle size: as wide as distal trachea. Ventrolateral invagination of the pronotum count: present. Lateroventral invagination of the propleuron count: absent. Mesonotum anterolateral margin shape: square. Median mesoscutal sulcus count: present. Notaulus posterior end location: anterior to transverse midline of mesoscutum. Transscutal articulation completeness: complete.Lateral carina on the mesoscutellum count: absent. Axillular carina count: absent. Axillular setae count: present. Posterolateral margin of mesoscutellum shape: blunt. Posteromedian process of the mesoscutellum count: absent. Anteromedian projection of the metanoto-propodeo-metapecto-mesopectal complex count: absent. Sternaulus length: short, not reaching 1/2 of mesopleuron length at level of sternaulus. Speculum ventral limit: extending ventrally of pleural pit line. Mesometapleural sulcus count: present. Ventral invagination of mesometapleural sulcus count: absent. Epicnemial pit count: absent. Mesodiscrimen count: present. Metapleural carina count: present. Metapleural carina versus propodeal spiracle: metapleural carina extending ventrally of propodeal spiracle. Ventral projection of the metapleural carina count: absent. Ventral invagination of the metapleural carina count: absent. Lateral propodeal carina count: present. Lateral propodeal carina shape: inverted ‘Y’ (left and right lateral propodeal are adjacent medially posterior to antecostal sulcus of the first abdominal tergum, and connected to the antecostal sulcus by a median carina representing the median branch of the inverted ‘Y’). Median propodeal carina count: present. Posterior propodeal projection count: absent. Propodeal and metacoxal verricules count: absent. Posterior line of the posterodorsal metapectal area count: present. Mesofurca versus metadiscrimenal lamella continuity: fused. Transverse line of the metanotum-propodeum versus antecostal sulcus of the first abdominal tergum: adjacent sublaterally. Metapecto-propodeal conjunctiva count: present. Posterior margin of nucha in dorsal view shape: straight. Mesosomal muscles : Anterior mesothoracic spiracle occlusor muscle site of origin: from oma. Pronoto-mesobasalar muscle site origin: from the wall of the pronotum. Pronoto-procoxal muscle origin: site of origin extends posteroventrally of the anterior thoracic spiracle along the posterior pronotal inflection. Prophragmo-postoccipital muscle site of origin: partly from the posterior surface of the prophragma, partly from the lateral mesoscutal area. Mesonoto-mesotrochanteral muscle count: present. Posterior mesonoto-metanotal muscle site of origin anterior limit: anterior limit not exceed midline of mesoscutellum. Second and third mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of forewing muscle site of origin: reaching the lateral margin of the metacoxa. Mesopleuromesocoxal muscle site of origin: exclusively from the mesopleural apodeme. Mesofurco-mesotrochanteral muscle count: present. Mesofurco-mesotrochanteral muscle relative position: medial to mesonoto-mesotrochanteral muscles. Mesofurco-mesotrochanteral muscle site of insertion: muscle inserts ventrally of the site of origin of the mesonoto-mesotrochanteral muscles. Wings: Stigmal vein of forewing count: present. Pterostigma of forewing count: present. Hind wing reduction: well developed. Legs: Hind tarsus length versus fore and mid tarsi length: hind tarsus two times as long as fore and mid tarsi. Calcar shape: simple. Comb on the ventral surface of calcar count: present. Mesotibial spur count: 1. Mesobasicoxa width versus metabasicoxa width: metabasicoxa distinctly wider than mesobasicoxa. Posterior mesosomal comb count: absent. Metasoma: Transverse carina of petiole count: present. Transverse carina on petiole shape: straight. Basal, longitudinal carinae on syntergum count: more than 5. S1 length versus shortest width: S1 wider than long. Transverse sulcus of first metasomal sternum count (S1 count): absent. Waterston’s evaporatorium count: present. Waterstons evaporatorium shape medially female: median unsculptured area present. Acrotergal calyx of Waterston’s evaporatorium count: acrotergal calyx absent. Male genitalia : Median conjunctiva of male T9 count: absent. Row of short setae delimiting apical, cercus bearing area of male T9: present. Male T10 shape: not folded medially along median weakly sclerotized line. Median part of male S8 structure: not constricted medially, distal margin concave. Proximal margin part of male S9 shape: concave. Distodorsal margin of cupula shape: straight. Cupula length versus gonostyle-volsella complex length: cupula less than 1/2 the length of gonostyle-volsella complex in lateral view. Proximodorsal inflection of cupulal margin count: absent. Proximodorsal notch of cupula count: present. Proximodorsal notch of cupula width versus length: wider than long. Ventral part of cupula shape: Cupula ventromedially is extended more proximally than dorsomedially. Dorsal submedian impression of cupula count: absent. Distoventral submedian corner of the cupula count: absent. Proximodorsal notch of cupula shape: arched; notched. Proximodorsal apodeme of cupula count: absent. Proximoventral margin of gonostyle/volsella complex shape: convex, pointed proximally. Dorsomedian conjunctiva of the gonostyle/volsella complex count: absent. Gonostyle-volsella complex proximoventrally continuity: discontinuous, ventromedian conjunctiva of gonostyle-volsella complex complete, reaching proximal margin of gonostyle-volsella complex. Gonostyle/volsella complex dorsally continuity: continuous, dorsomedian conjunctiva of gonostyle incomplete, not reaching proximal or distal margins of gonostyle. Medioventral area of gonostyle/volsella complex orientation: horizontal. Distodorsal submedian notch of gonostyle/volsella complex count: absent. Medioventral conjunctiva of the gonostyle-volsella complex count (fusion of parossiculi): medioventral conjunctiva present (parossiculi independent or fused proximally). Parossiculus count (parossiculus and gonostipes fusion): absent (fused with the gonostipes). Apical parossiculal seta number: one. Distal projection of the parossiculus count: absent. Digital teeth orientation: dorsally. Penisvalva proximal region curvature: curved ventrally; curved dorsally. Dorsal apodeme of penisvalva count: absent. Distal projection of the penisvalva count: absent. Ventromedian apodeme of aedeagus count: absent. Distal part of aedeagus and gonostyle continuity: not continuous. Sensillar plate of the aedeagus shape: distinctly less than half as wide as the male genitalia. Harpe: count: present. Harpe length: harpe shorter than gonostipes in lateral view. Proximomedial brush of the harpe count: absent. Distoventral seta bearing projection of the harpe count: absent. Proximodorsal projection of harpe accommodating the gonossiculus count: absent. Proximomedial apodeme of harpe count: present; absent. Mediolateral S9-cupulal muscle site of origin: laterally from anterolateral corner of S9. Lateral S9-cupulal muscle subdivision: subdivided, lateral band inserts on the lateral margin of the cupula, distinctly separated from the site of origin of the median band.Dorsolateral cupulo-gonostipal muscle count: present. Ventrolateral cupulo-gonostipal muscle count: present. Ventromedial cupulo-gonostyle muscle count: absent. Lateral gonostyle-penisvalva muscle count: absent. Penisvalvo-gonossiculal muscle count: present. Gonostipo-parossiculal muscle count: absent. Gonostyle/volsella complex-volsella muscle site of insertion:gonossiculus. Medial intrinsic muscle of the volsella count: absent. Parossiculo-penisvalval muscle count: absent. Proximal gonostipo-harpal muscle count: present. Distal gonostipo-harpal muscle count: present. Proximal gonostipo-harpal muscle site of origin: distodorsally from the gonostyle volsella complex. Distal gonostipo-harpal muscle site of origin: at least partly from proximolateral margin part of harpe. Ovipositor: Posterior margin of first valvifer shape: concave. Transvalvifer conjunctiva count: present (first valvifer is subdivided into two sclerites). Anterior flange of the first valvifer count: absent. Basal line of the second valvifer sharpness: sharp. Length of dorsal projection of second valvifer in lateral view versus length of anterior area of second valvifer in lateral view: dorsal projection longer than anterior area. Anterior section of dorsal flange of the second valvifer sharpness: sharp. Venom gland reservoir of the second valvifer count: present. Distal region of first valvula shape: tapered. Annuli on dorsal valve count: absent. Site of attachment of ventral T9-second valvifer muscle on interarticular ridge count: absent. First valvifer-genital membrane muscle site of origin: medial surface of the dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer. Posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle site of insertion on second valvifer: on the medial side of the posterior area of the second valvifer and the anterior area of the second valvifer.