New records of mites from La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain (Trombidiformes: Erythraeidae, Trombidiidae Author Haitlinger, Ryszard Author . Author A. Author A. Author B. Author A. Author E. Author L. Author L. Author L. Author L. text Ecologica Montenegrina 2019 2019-03-07 20 110 113 journal article 10.37828/em.2019.20.10 2336-9744 12716562 Balaustium barloventensis Haitlinger, 2004 Material examined : Canary Islands , La Gomera , Las Hayas, 19.04.2018 , 7 larvae , Macay, 18.04.2018 , 16 larvae ; leg. R . Haitlinger . This species was known only from La Palma , Canary Islands ( Haitlinger, 2004 ). First record from La Gomera . Table 1 . Metric data for Balaustium barloventensis Haitlinger, 2004 ; H – holotype, P – specimens from La Palma (paratypes), G – specimens from La Gomera
Character H P n=3 G n= 10 Range
IL 559 444-635 449-829 444-829
IW 419 355-485 357-684 355-684
L 116 92-106 88-101 88-116
W 54 50-62 45-60 45-62
AW 42 32-38 32-37 32-42
MW 38 36-42 35-39 35-42
PW 46 42-54 52-53 42-54
AA 16 12-16 10-16 10-16
SB 18 12-15 12-18 12-18
ISD 72 64-70 53-75 53-75
AP 40 32-40 28-38 28-40
AL 34 32-42 23-36 23-42
ML 38 34-42 24-39 24-42
PL 46 40-50 24-47 24-50
ASE 58 52-58 35-67 35-67
PSE 80 72-88 66-79 66-88
GL 118 102-132 104-120 102-132
DS 32-48 28-46 23-44 23-48
PsFd 50 44-46 33-45 33-50
PsGd1 25 24-35 23-33 23-35
PsGd2 29 28-37 24-37 24-37
PaFe (L) 55 49-51 32-52 32-55
PaFe (W) 32 31-33 21-25 21-33
Pa Ge (L) 34 31-36 31-35 31-36
PaGe (W) 29 27-32 20-26 20-32
1a 52 48-58 38-64 38-64
2a 42 44-48 34-47 34-48
3a 34 31-36 30-40 30-40
1b 50 44-54 40-60 40-60
2b 68 48-54 32-52 32-68
3b 52 44-54 29-49 29-52
cs 17 14-20 14-18 14-20
bs 21 15-18 17-19 15-21
as 4 - 3-4 3-4
OD 23 22-24 21-23 21-24
ω1 38 35-38 29-40 29-40
Ta I 82 72-80 63-79 63-82
Ti I 96 88-100 79-98 79-100
Ge I 98 76-94 73-95 73-98
Tf I 56 48-56 43-56 43-56
Bf I 54 56-60 39-64 39-64
Tr I 46 44-50 38-41 38-50
Cx I 52 48-64 50-69 48-69
Ta II 78 64-74 60-75 60-78
Ti II 82 72-88 65-82 65-88
Ge II 74 62-74 58-77 58-77
Tf II 44 34-50 35-44 34-50
Bf II 48 30-46 31-51 30-51
Tr II 36 34-40 29-39 29-40
Cx II 76 68-70 56-73 56-76
Ta III 82 64-80 62-77 62-82
Ti III 104 92-104 84-99 84-104
Ge III 84 74-90 67-85 67-90
Tf III 56 44-58 43-54 43-58
Bf III 60 44-62 38-55 38-62
..continued on the next page TABLE 1 . Tr III 44 30-42 35-42 30-44 Cx III 74 64-74 50-71 50-74 Leg I 484 434-500 401-497 401-500 Leg II 438 360-458 348-430 348-458 Leg III 504 416-502 378-465 378-504 IP 1426 1210-1460 1134-1398 1123-1460 Corrected data: in original description on palpgenu were mentioned 3 setae; it is error, there are only 2 setae. In Table 1 measurements for specimens from L Gomera with some new data for this species are given.