3141 Author O’Hara, James E. Author Cerretti, Pierfilippo Author Pape, Thomas Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-12-23 3141 1 268 journal article 1175­5334 56 . Bombylisoma Rondani , 1856 : 164 . ORIGINALLY INCLUDED SPECIES: Bombylius sulphureus Mikan, 1796 (as “ Bombylius Sulphureus Fabr. ”). TYPE SPECIES : Bombylius sulphureus Mikan, 1796 (as “ Bombylius Sulphureus Fabr. ”), sensu Rondani, 1856 [misidentification; = Bombylius minimus Scopoli, 1763 ], by original designation. CURRENT STATUS: Valid genus [ teste Evenhuis & Greathead (1999: 102) ]. FAMILY: BOMBYLIIDAE . REMARKS: The “Corrigenda” in Rondani (1861e: 8) indicated that the genus-group name Bombylisoma should be changed to Dischistus Loew, 1855 , but this was an act of synonymy and not a new replacement name. Marschall (1873: 323) listed the spelling Bombylosoma and this was cited as an unjustified emendation by Zaitzev (1989a: 84) , but criteria for making this name available as an emendation were not found to be fulfilled in Marschall (1873) . Similarly, Zaitzev (1989a: 84) cited the spelling Bombyliosoma of Verrall in Scudder (1882: 47) as an unjustified emendation, but criteria for making this name available as an emendation were not found to be fulfilled in Scudder (1882) . Bombylosoma Marschall, 1873 and Bombyliosoma Verrall, 1882 are thus unavailable names, new status . EMENDATIONS: Bombylosoma Loew, 1862a: 208 (unjustified), n . syn .