3141 Author O’Hara, James E. Author Cerretti, Pierfilippo Author Pape, Thomas Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-12-23 3141 1 268 journal article 1175­5334 93 . Cheilopogon Rondani , 1856 : 157 . ORIGINALLY INCLUDED SPECIES: Asilus punctatus Fabricius, 1781 (as “ Dasipogon Punctatus Fabr. ”). TYPE SPECIES : Asilus punctatus Fabricius, 1781 (as “ Dasipogon Punctatus Fabr. ”), by original designation. CURRENT STATUS: Preoccupied by Lowe, 1841; junior synonym of Dasypogon Meigen, 1803 [ teste Lehr (1988: 259) ]. FAMILY: ASILIDAE . REMARKS: Rondani (1861e: 7) changed Cheilopogon to Seilopogon and, although citing the use of the latter in Costa (1854) , gave himself as author. Seilopogon was indeed made available in Costa (1854) but the Costa name has not been indexed by Neave or other catalogers, instead being mistakenly attributed to Rondani (see under “Genus-Group Names and Misspellings Incorrectly Attributed to Rondani” for further details). Rondani’s Cheilopogon was spelled Chilopogon by Loew (1862b: 69 , 70), but criteria for making this name available as an emendation were not found to be fulfilled in this work. The earliest occurrence we have found of this spelling proposed as an emendation is in Bezzi (1902: 192) . EMENDATIONS: Chilopogon Bezzi, 1902: 192 (unjustified), n . syn . [Cheilorhyncus] Rondani , 1857 : 223 . CURRENT STATUS: Unavailable name; name proposed in synonymy [with Sphyxosoma (as “ Spixosoma ”) Rondani, 1856 ] and not made available by subsequent usage before 1961. FAMILY: CONOPIDAE . REMARKS: The listing in Scudder (1882: 68) does not count as subsequent usage according to ICZN Code Article 23.9.1.