Microchelonus SZÉPLIGETI 1908 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae) species from the Marmara, Western and Blacksea regions of Turkey Author Aydogdu, M. Author Beyarslan, A. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2006 2006-07-21 38 1 397 407 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5433329 0253-116X 5433329 Microchelonus ( Microchelonus ) fenestratus (NEES von ESENBECK 1816) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Karabuk-Eskipazar-Ortakoy, pasture, 870m , 28.08.2002 , 1♀ ; Kastamonu-Akkaya, pine forests, 110m , 31.08.2002 , 1♀ ; Arac-Akgecit, pine forests, 400m , 28.06.2002 , 1♀ ; Ilgaz mountains-Catoren, mixed forests, 1280m , 30.08.2002 , 3♀♀ ; Kanligol Milli Parki, pine forests, 1140m , 28.08.2002 , 1♀ ; Tokat-Niksar-Camici, mixed forests, 1300m , 01.09.2003 , 8♀♀ ; Samsun-Salipazari-Derbentalti, beech forests, 970m , 03.07.2003 , 4♀♀ ; Zonguldak-Devrek-Orman isletme, pine forsests, 800m , 28.06.2001 , 4♀♀ , 29.06.2001 , 1♀ . D i s t r i b u t i o n i n T u r k e y: Western and Midlle Blacksea regions. G e n e r a l D i s t r i b u t i o n: England , Finland , France , Germany , Hungary , Korea , Poland , Russia , Turkey (first record). H o s t s: So far unknown.