A new genus and species of Plumariidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from western xeric Argentina Author Diez, Patricia Author Fidalgo, Patricio Author Roig-Alsina, Arturo text Zootaxa 2007 1467 35 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.176623 111565fa-6239-4585-8f6c-f519084eb0b1 1175-5326 176623 Mapluroides ogloblini new species Holotype male : Total length 5.9 mm ( paratypes , 3.0– 9.3 mm ). Body with alutaceous sculpture and sparse, short pubescence. Color : Dark brown with a pattern of whitish to yellowish brown areas as follows: scape, pedicel, entire posterior surface of head, posterior part of vertex, narrow paraocular band, malar area, clypeus, basal part of mandible, lateral part of pronotum, ventral surface of prosternum, narrow longitudinal band laterally on mesoscutum, tegula, triangular median spot on scutellum occupying triangular horizontal surface and upper part of nearby slanting sides (apex of triangular spot removed from posterior margin of scutellum by ¼ of its length), all legs, wing veins (except dark nebulous veins) and pterostigma. Light brown are: flagellum, upper side of propleuron, lateral spot on mesopleuron in front of mid coxa, and lateral spot on propodeum. Wings membrane hyaline. Color variation. Large specimens present a more contrasting pattern of pale areas, while small specimens tend to be darker. The mesoscutum may lack the pale band, the triangular spot of the scutellum may be reduced or absent, the paraocular band may be lacking, the pterostigma may be brownish, and in some specimens the scape, pedicel, clypeus and base of mandible may be pale brown. Etymology. The species is named after Alejandro A. Ogloblin, distinguished Russian hymenopterist who worked for many years in Argentina , and who collected the first specimen of this new taxon. FIGURES 10–13. Mapluroides ogloblini n. sp . : 10, foretibia; 11, seventh metasomal tergum, dorsal view; 12, hypopygium, dorsal view; 13, genital capsule, ventral view, setae depicted on left side only. Scale = 0.1 mm. Material studied. Holotype male: Argentina , province of San Juan, Ruta 141, Km 197 near Caucete, 580 m a.s.l., at light, 28-I-2006 , col. P. Fidalgo ( MACN ). Paratypes : 32 males , same data as holotype ( IFML ); 32 males , same data as holotype ( MACN ); 4 males , same data as holotype ( MLP ); 2 males , same data as holotype ( FSCA ); 1 male , Argentina , province of La Rioja, Mascasín, 23-XI-1941 , at light, col. A. Ogloblin ( MLP ).