Notes on African Combretum Loefl. species (Combretaceae) Author Jongkind, Carel C. H. text Adansonia 2014 3 2014-12-31 36 2 315 327 journal article 10.5252/a2014n2a11 1639-4798 4599512 Combretum exalatum Engler ( Fig. 4 ) Pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und der Nachbargebiete : 290 (1895); Engler & Diels , Monographieen afrikanischer Pflanzen Familien und Gattungen 3: 81, table 24g (1899); Wickens , Flora of East Tropical Africa , Combretaceae : 48 (1973); Ŋulin , Flora of Somalia 1: 249 (1993). — Type : Tanzania , Maschewa , fr., VII.1893 , Holst 3559 (lecto-, B , designated by Engler & Diels [1899] , destroyed; lecto-, E , designated here; iso-, EA ; fragm.: BM , K ) . FIG. 2. — Combretum carringtonianum Exell & Garcia : A , branch with flowers; B , flower; C , open flower; D , flower bud. After Bidgood et al. 2772 . Drawn by Hans de Vries. Scale bars: A, 3 cm; B, C, 3 mm; D, 1 cm. Combretum taitense Engler & Diels Monographieen afrikanischer Pflanzen Familien und Gattungen 3: 80, table 24h (1899). — Types : Kenya , N’di, fr., II.1877 , Hildebrandt 2561 (syn-, B, destroyed; lecto-, BM, designated here; iso-, K); s.l., fl., Scott Elliot 6743 (syn-, B, destroyed; iso-, BM, K). Combretum didymostachys Engler & Diels , Engler’s Botanische Jahrbücher 39: 492 (1907). — Type : Kenya , Samburu , fl., 27.III.1902 , Kässner 490 (holo-, B, destroyed; lecto-, Z, designated here; iso-, BM, K). Combretumtavetense Engler , Engler’sBotanischeJahrbücher 39: 492 (1907). — Types : Tanzania , between Sadani and Kwagoge , fr., Engler 1624 (syn-, B , destroyed); fr., Engler 1653 (syn-, B , destroyed); near Taveta , fl., Engler 1901 (syn-, B , destroyed; fragm.: BM ), between Sengina and Simba , fl., 13.XII.1901 , Uhlig 867 (lecto-, B , designated here; iso-, EA ) . NOTE Ŋe original syntypes of C. tavetense in the herbarium of Berlin are destroyed,but of one of these types, Uhlig 867 , a small flowering branch was kept in the herbarium of A.Peter and survived the 1943catastrophe.