Loboschiza Diakonoff (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from Thailand with descriptions of four new species Author Anan, Surachet Author Dokchan, Paradorn Author Pinkaew, Nantasak text Zootaxa 2016 4109 1 81 88 journal article 39129 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.1.7 4964d4d0-48f0-4f1a-9f13-a55e5bacd17b 1175-5326 261557 5E8BAED1-A50D-433C-946A-48448DD5FB58 Loboschiza koenigiana (Fabricius, 1775) Figs. 1, 2 , 9 , 14 aurantiana Pryer, 1877 ( Hemerosia ), Cist. Ent. 2: 235. TL: China . Chekiang, Shanghai. Holotype : female (BMNH). delectana Snellen, 1902 ( Grapholitha ), Tijdschr. Ent. 44(1901): 72. TL: Indonesia . Java, Tegal. Syntypes : 3 specimens , sex unknown (NCB). koenigana ; Fabricius, 1787 ( Pyralis ), Mantissa Insectorum 2: 237. Misspelling. vulnerata Walsingham, in Swinhoe, 1900 ( Eucelis ), Cat. East. and Aust. Lepid. Heterocera 2: 571. TL: India . Burma [ Myanmar ] (Tenasserim). Holotype : sex unknown (OUM). Diagnosis. The wing pattern of L. koenigiana is most similar to that of L. bisulca , but the width of the forewing is narrower than in L. bisulca . The basal two-thirds has weakly contrasting, broad orange bands on a yellowish brown ground color that have greater contrast than that of L. bisulca . The male and female genitalia of L. koenigiana differ from those of other Loboschiza by the cucullus shape, with the ventral process long and narrow, nearly finger-like, with a bipronged thorn at the apex in male, and with a long sclerotized plate in ductus bursae in the female. Redescription. Head: Upper frons and vertex yellowish orange, lower frons light yellow; labial palpus porrect, first segment yellowish orange, second segment distally strongly widened, yellowish orange, with small blackish spots dorsodistally, third segment small, pointed, yellowish orange. Antenna short, not reaching middle of forewing, dark brown, dorsally with a distinct, narrow band of yellowish orange scales basally. Thorax: Pronotal collar, tegulae and mesonotum light brown mixed with orange; hindlegs with modified tibia, expanded, covered with dense scales and with a white tibial pencil. Forewing subrectangular, length 4.9–5.1 mm in male (n = 5) ( Fig. 1 ), 4.9–5.0 mm in female (n = 2) ( Fig. 2 ), termen slightly oblique, costal margin with well developed, small blackish striae, two-toned wing pattern with basal 2/3 with weakly contrasting broad orange bands on yellowish brown ground, distal portion with blackish ground color with slender orange sinuous scribbles, separated from rest of wing by a transverse leaden band. Underside greyish brown, with white spots along costa and termen. Hindwing light brown, anal margin basally with dense hair tufts in male, light brown. Underside pale brown. Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Fig. 9 ) with tegumen subtriangular, with pointed process at apex, moderately sclerotized, lateroapically with dense scale sockets on anterior surface; uncus absent; socii rather small, distally free, pendulous membranous lobes, with moderately dense bristles; gnathos two lateral arms, moderately sclerotized, arising from middle of tegumen; vinculum moderately sclerotized; juxta small; caulis moderately long; phallus moderately long, wide at base and slightly narrowing to apex, slightly curved medially, with numerous, dense deciduous cornuti; valva moderately sclerotized, hook-shaped; sacculus rather large, evenly rounded, densely setose, with long loose spines towards neck; cucullus with dorsal portion elongate ovate, rounded at apex, densely setose, with long, very narrow, nearly finger-shaped ventral process, with a bifurcate thorn at apex. Female genitalia ( Fig. 14 ). with papillae anales bearing dense setae. Tergum VIII smooth except for lateral subtriangular extensions with group of scale sockets; sternum VII moderately sclerotized, with moderately dense scale sockets, denser near posterior margin, with subtriangular to rounded projecting lobe medially; ostium bursae behind posterior margin of sternum VII; lamella postvaginalis with dense microtrichia; colliculum an irregular ring, moderately long and sclerotized; ductus bursae as long as corpus bursae, irregularly widening towards corpus bursa, sclerotized apart from narrow membranous ring below colliculum; ductus seminalis arising near neck of ductus bursae; corpus bursae large, ovate, signum a depressed area of scobination near neck of corpus bursae. FIGURES 1–8. Adults of Loboschiza spp. (scale bars = 2 mm). 1. L. koenigiana (male), Nakhon Pathom. 2. L. koenigiana (female), Nakhon Pathom. 3. L. spiniforma , n.sp. (holotype male), Chanthaburi. 4. L. spiniforma , n.sp. (paratype female), Sa Kaeo. 5. L. bisulca , n.sp. (holotype male), Nakhon Nayok. 6. L. bisulca , n.sp. (paratype female), Nakhon Nayok. 7. L. subrectangula , n.sp. (holotype male), Nakhon Ratchasima. 8. L. lunata , n.sp. (holotype male), Nakhon Si Thammarat. Specimens examined . 1♂ , 1♀, Thailand , Nakhon Pathom Prov., Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Saen, 14°02'17"N , 99°58'11"E , ca. 10 m , 9 May 2005 , S. Wisarut, np 1147, ♂ genitalia slide NP 2591, S. Wisarut, np 1149, ♀ genitalia slide NP 2592. 2 ♂, 1♀, Nakhon Ratchasima Prov., Sakaerat ERS., 14°29'47"N , 101°54'59"E , ca. 514 m , 20 Mar 2015 , N. Pinkaew, np 7599, ♂ genitalia slide NP 2558, Sakaerat ERS., 14°30'27"N , 101°55'45"E , ca. 400 m , 21 Mar 2015 , N. Pinkaew, np 7612, ♀ genitalia slide NP 2566, Sakaerat ERS, 14°30'33"N , 101°56'16"E , ca. 363 m , 29 Feb 2014 , N. Pinkaew, np 6900, ♂ genitalia slide NP 2362. 1 ♂, Chanthaburi Prov., Khao Khitchakut N.P., 12°48'37"N , 102°09'11"E , ca. 92 m , 6 Jun 2013 , N. Pinkaew, np 5838, ♂ genitalia slide NP 1979. 1 ♂, Chiangmai Prov., Doi Suthep-Pui N.P., 18°48'54"N , 98°55'38"E , ca. 697 m , 1 Apr 2014 , N. Patibhakyothin, np 6395, ♂ genitalia slide NP 2253. Deposited in KKIC and THNHM. Comments. The previously proposed (e.g., Brown 2005 ) synonymy of aurantiana Preyer, delectana Snellen, and vulnerata Walsingham with koenigiana was not revisited by us, but it is accepted here. The syntypes of L. koenigiana from India are unknown and hence unavailable for study ( Brown 2005 ). External appearance and the genitalia of both sexes of Australian and Thai specimens indicate that the material is conspecific, at least in these two countries.