A key to the Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) egg parasitoids of proconiine sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in the Nearctic region, with description of two new species of Gonatocerus Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. text Zootaxa 2006 1203 1 38 journal article 50803 10.5281/zenodo.172335 076b5447-7740-4af0-aef5-e34d9724424f 1175­5326 172335 Gonatocerus incomptus Huber, 1988 (Figs 29, 30) Gonatocerus incomptus Huber 1988 : 67 –69 (description, diagnosis, distribution, host associations). Gonatocerus capitatus Gahan : Triapitsyn et al. 1998: 241, 242 (misidentification). Gonatocerus incomptus Huber : Triapitsyn et al. 1998: 241, 242 (host association in California). Type locality Riverside, Riverside Co., California, USA . Material examined [ UCRC ] USA . CALIFORNIA: Riverside Co.: Riverside, 13.iii.1981 , J.T. Huber (emerged 20–31.iii. 1981 from H. liturata eggs on lemon) [ 11 females , 4 males ]; 22.iv.2002 , T. Pinkard (on citrus) [ 1 female ]. Ventura Co.: Fillmore: Bardsdale, 13.iii.1997 , J. Dyckes (ex. H. coagulata egg on macadamia nut tree leaf) [ 1 female , 1 male ]; 27.iii.1997 , J. Dyckes (ex. H. coagulata eggs on laurel sumac) [ 3 males ]; 17.iv.1997 , J. Dyckes (ex. H. coagulata eggs on orange) [ 2 females , 1 male ]; 17.iv.1997 , J. Dyckes (ex. H. coagulata eggs on sycamore) [ 1 female ]; 4.iv.1996 , P. Phillips (ex. H. coagulata eggs) [ 2 females ]. OREGON, Jackson Co., 2 mi . S of exit 6 on I5 , 42.0477°N , 122.6052°W , 4.v.2005 , R.A. Rakitov [ 7 females , 8 males ]. Diagnosis The main distinguishing features of this species are as follows (after Huber 1988 ). Body length (female) 1232–1344 . Body very dark brown to black. Longitudinal sensilla usually present on F2–F8 of the female antenna but F2 sometimes lacking sensilla (Fig. 29). Submedial carinae on the propodeum thick, distinct, parallel, almost reaching the dorsellum. Forewing (Fig. 30) hyaline or with a faint uniform brown tinge; microtrichia of blade absent behind venation except for a few setae behind stigmal vein. FIGURES 29–31. Gonatocerus spp. 29, 30. G. i n c o m p t u s (female). 29. Antenna. 30. Forewing. 31. Antenna of G. i m p a r (female).
USA: reliable records from California, Georgia, Oregon (new record), and also Texas
(Lauzière & Hassell 2006).
Hosts Cuerna costalis (Fabricius) , Homalodisca coagulata (Say) , and H. liturata Ball.