A revision of Ganaspidium Weld, 1952 (Hymenoptera, Figitidae, Eucoilinae): new species, bionomics, and distribution Author Buffington, Matthew Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA / ARS ,, United States of America text ZooKeys 2010 2010-02-25 37 37 81 101 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.37.311 2737c0d7-97dc-4770-9ec1-d420a668bd4a 1313–2970 576628 068922FF-CB53-4D26-9D27-363AA4853F0D Ganaspidium eldiablo Buffington , sp. n. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 7564C834-EEF1-4BCD-B809-A21707B77987 urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts:253202 Figure 4D Description. Malar sulcus compound. Malar space smooth. Malar protuberance smooth, elongate, extending beyond length of ventral margin of malar space. Clypeal protuberance elongate, overhanging anterior margin of clypeus. Tubercles of scutellar plate extremely reduced, hardly distinguishable. Dorsal surface of scutellar plate concave around midpit, two setal bearing pits at base of each tubercle. Carina along posterior margin of scutellum absent. Dorsal surface of scutellum smooth anteriorly, gently striate posteriorly. Midpit of scutellar plate in posterior half of plate; plate small, revealing dorsal surface of scutellum when viewed dorsally. Mesopopleural setal patch absent. Mesopleuron entirely smooth. Lateral aspect of pronotum anteriorly with some short setae, remainder glabrous. Marginal cell of forewing distinctly deeper than long. Metasoma of sub-equal in size to mesosoma in lateral view. Figure 4. New species of Ganaspidium : G. didionae Buffington , G. flemingi Buffington , G. kolmaci Buffington , and G. eldiablo Buffington. A head and mesosoma, lateral view, of female G. kolmaci B habitus female of G. flemingi C habitus female of G. didionae D habitus female of G. eldiablo . Diagnosis . This species can be separated from all other Ganaspidium by having the dorsal surface of the scutellum smooth anteriorly, striate posteriorly, and lacking the posterior carina of the scutellum. This species is most easily confused with G. pusillae and G. flemingi , both of which possess a distinct posterior carina of the scutellum. Etymology . Name refers to the type locality along the ‘El Camino Diablo Real’ in southwestern Arizona . The gender is neuter. Link to distribution map. http://hol.osu.edu/map-full.html?id=253202 Material examined. Holotype , female: UNITED STATES : ARIZONA . Pima Co. , 17mi E Papago Well , Camino del Diablo , along wash, Organ Pipe Cactus Na- Figure 5. General distribution map of all species of Ganaspidium . tional Monument , 29.VIII.2006 , sweeping, Gates & Buffington , USNM ENT 00655307 (deposited in USNM ). Paratypes : ( 17 females , 4 males ) UNITED STATES : ARIZONA . Pima Co. , 17mi E Papago Well , Camino del Diablo , along wash, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument , 29.VIII.2006 , sweeping, Gates & Buffington ( 14 females , 3 males , USNM ENT 00655297 , 00655298 , 00655299 , 00655301- 00655306 , 00655308 , 00655309 , 00655310-00655315 ( USNM )). CALIFORNIA . Riverside Co. , Thousand Palms , 26.IV.1955 , W . R . M . Mason ( 1 female , USNM ENT 00655546 ( CNCI )) ; Riverside Co. , Whitewater Canyon , 310m , 2.VI.1998 ( 1 female , UCRC ENT 196990 ( UCRC )). OREGON . Lake Co. , 13.5mi SW Christmas Valley , 5.VIII.1995 , sweeping, J . D . Pinto ( 1 male , UCRC ENT 196979 ( UCRC )). WASHINGTON . Grant Co. , Potholes State Park , 26.VII.1985 , Moss , Finnamore & Thormin ( 1 female , USNM ENT 00655556 ( CNCI )) .