Revision of Nearctic Paramyia Williston (Diptera: Milichiidae) Author Levesque-Beaudin, Valerie Author Mlynarek, Julia J. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-02-11 4732 1 1 56 journal article 24090 10.11646/zootaxa.4732.1.1 78caac28-67ae-4fdf-9142-595adc991ccb 1175-5326 3662029 C4C108E8-71C8-4CAC-BB2B-908309BC6F3E Paramyia anguliloba , new species ( Fig. 15–16 ; 30 ) Description. ( Fig. 15 ) Total length 1.4–1.7 mm , 1.6–1.8 mm . Overall colour brown to dark brown, frontal triangle brown to dark brown, shiny, reaching lunule; frons 1.14–1.25 times longer than wide and 1.6–1.74 times wider than flagellum; width at widest point 2.3–3.0 times the bottom eye width; gena brown with prunescence, 0.21–0.22 times eye height; postgena dark brown, with light prunescence and 0.25 width of head; scape and pedicel dark brown, first flagellomere trapezoidal, 1.2 times wider than long, dark brown with pale pubescence, arista dark brown and 1.6–1.7 times width of first flagellomere; mild facial carina, visible laterally on the upper part only; palpus dark brown with 4 enlarge setae apically and 1 ventral seta pre-apical, labium dark brown 0.43–0.45 mm and labella dark brown 0.49–0.53 mm long. Scutum shiny dark brown; scutellum dark brown, microsetose; all femur and tibia dark brown; all tarsi brown to light and paler than tibia; hind basitarsus shorter than length of tarsi 2–4 combined; haltere uniformly dark brown; wing 1.42–1.50 mm long; abdomen shiny dark brown. Male postabdomen ( Fig. 16 ). Epandrium in lateral view 1.1 times wider than high, in posterior view 2.4 times wider than high (before cerci), small setae densely covering posterior portion of epandrium mixed with a low density of large setae; surstylus 1.3 times as high as epandrium, paddle shape with a strong elbow shape on the anterior edge and with a large circular structure situated basally with many short markings within, setae medium length, covering anterior side and distal half of surstylus; cerci medium size and pointed apically, 0.74 times length of surstylus in posterior view, with a pair of very long preapical setae and other shorter setae, less than 1/3 its length, apically swollen in lateral view. Molecular barcode sequence can be accessed through GenBank Accession: KP049708 and BOLD BIN: BOLD: ACI 8776 (average p-distance within BIN: 0.23%). Distribution ( Fig. 30 ). East Coast: Canada : Ontario ; United States : Florida , Maryland , Virginia FIGURE 15. Paramyia anguliloba male (A) habitus, (B) head frontal, (C) head lateral; female (D) habitus, (E) head frontal, (F) head lateral. Scale bar: habitus = 1 mm, others = 0.2 mm. Type material. Holotype . CANADA : Ontario : L. Cognashene Muskoka Dist. , 28.vii.1981 , J.T. Huber (CNC) [CNC263762]. Paratypes . CANADA : Ontario : Frontenac Co., Skycroft Campground, 5km W Chaffeys Locks, 44.55°N , 76.3667°W , 2♂ , 14-19.vii.1987 , B. Hubley, Malaise trap (ROM), Hamilton, 43.3474°N , 80.1801°W , 261m , 1♂ , 10- 11.vii.2017 , African Lion Safari Staff, Malaise trap (BIOUG), L. Cognashene Muskoka Dist., 44.96°N , 79.92°W , 12♂ , 28.vii.1981 , J.T. Huber (CNC), Ottawa, Montford Hospital, 45.4478°N , 75.6408°W , 1♂ , 15.vii.2002 , J.R. Vockeroth (CNC), Point Pelee National Park, Woodland Trail, 41.9641°N , 82.5287°W , 170m , 1♂ , , BIObus 2014, sweep (BIOUG), Thousand Islands National Park, Jones Creek by Mallorytown, County Rd. 5, 44.4747°N , 75.8652°W , 117m , 1♀ , 13-27.vii.2012 , BIOBus 2012 (BIOUG), Toronto, 43.703°N , 79.402°W , 176m , 1♂ , 3-10.vii.2017 , P. Hebert, Malaise trap (BIOUG), Warsaw, Ferris Provincial Park, 44.2829°N , 77.7963°W , 131m , 2♀ , 1-15.viii.2014 , CBG Collections Staff, Malaise trap (BIOUG), Windsor, Ojibway Prairie Provincial Park, 42.2628°N , 83.0725°W , 175m , 1♀ , , CBG Collections Staff, Malaise trap (BIOUG); Quebec : Mont St. Bruno, 45.548°N , 73.3101°W , 1♀ , 1-8.vii.2008 , V. Levesque, trunk trap (LEMQ). UNITED STATES : Florida : Ocean Pond, Olustee, 30.21°N , 82.45°W , 1♂ , , M.R. Wheeler (AMNH); Maryland : Calvert Co., Scientists Cliffs, 8km S. Prince Frederick, 38.5167°N , 76.5133°W , 2♂ , 22.v-16.viii.1983 , J.M. Cumming (CNC); Ohio : Washington Co., S of New Metamoras on Hwy 7, Wayne Nat. For., 39.444°N , 81.162°W , 1♀ , 14.viii.2007 , T.A. Wheeler, sweep (LEMQ); Virginia : Falls Church, 38.88°N , 77.17°W , 1♂ , 26.vii.1951 , W.W. Wirth (USNM). FIGURE 16. Paramyia anguliloba male genitalia (A) lateral, (B) posterior, (C) surstylus, (D) basal surstylus structure. Scale bar = 0.1 mm. Other material examined. CANADA : Ontario : Warsaw , Ferris Provincial Park , 44.2829°N , 77.7963°W , 131m , 1♀ , 4-18.vii.2014 , CBG Collections Staff, Malaise trap (BIOUG) , Windsor, Ojibway Prairie Provincial Park, 42.2628°N , 83.0725°W , 175m , 1♀ , , CBG Collections Staff, Malaise trap (BIOUG) . Etymology. The specific name anguliloba is derived from the Latin nouns angulus meaning angle or bend, and lobus meaning lobe or rounded projection, reflecting the strong angle/elbow on the anterior side of the surstylus. Remarks. Females of P. anguliloba , P.lustrum , P. nitens , P. rectiloba , P. silvestris , P. wheeleri can only be reliably identified through sequencing.