Review of the genus Paragolsinda Breuning, 1956 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Mesosini), with reconsideration of the endophallic terminology Author Yamasako, Junsuke Author Ohbayashi, Nobuo text Zootaxa 2011 2882 35 50 journal article 46890 10.5281/zenodo.277576 79c711c2-e4c9-43dd-bb25-2557e57e27af 1175-5326 277576 Paragolsinda siamensis Yamasako & Ohbayashi , sp. nov. ( Figs 26–27 , 30 , 45–51 ) Description. Male ( Figs 26–27 , 30 ). Body length 17.0–18.0 mm, body width 6.5–7.2 mm . Body black, evenly covered with light yellowish-brown pubescence. Head clothed with same pubescence; gena sometimes ornamented with pale rose pubescence near posterior margin; occiput with three longitudinal bands of dark brown pubescence of which middle one is narrow, and lateral ones are wide and laid behind upper lobe of eyes. Antennal scape clothed with intermixed dark and light yellowish-brown pubescence, of which light one sometimes varied to pale rose; basal parts of third to the last antennal segments annulated by intermixed light yellowish-brown and white or pale rose pubescence; the remainders covered with dark brown pubescence. Pronotum clothed with light yellowishbrown and dark grayish-brown pubescence, of which dark one is forming two pairs of longitudinal bands on the disk and lateral sides. Elytra scattered throughout with small spots of dark brown pubescence, and ornamented with pale rose pubescence near basal, apical areas, along suture at basal third, near middle and apical fourth, with maculations consisting of dark brown pubescences as follows: two intermittent transverse zigzag bands on basal third and apical third, a short and narrow longitudinal band near base between scutellum and humerus. Legs with femora and tibiae with annulations consisting of intermixed light yellowish-brown or pale rose and dark brown pubescence. FIGURES 45–51. Male genital organ of P. siamensis sp. nov. (Paratype). 45. Tegmen in ventral view; 46. ditto in dorsal view; 47, ditto in lateral view; 48. median lobe in ventral view; 49. ditto in dorsal view; 50. ditto in lateral view; 51. median lobe with endophallus in lateral view. Scales: 1.0 mm. Body elongated, oblong in shape. Head distinctly narrower than pronotum, uniformly micro-sculptured with a few punctures; eyes nearly subdivided; lower lobes well prominent, wider than long, about 0.9 times as long as gena. Antennae moderately thick and long, about 1.6 times as long as body length, approximately surpassing elytral apices at the tip of sixth segment; third segment the longest, about 1.3 times as long as scape and about 1.5 times as long as fourth. Pronotum slightly convex above, widest near middle, about 1.3 times as wide as long, with three indistinct discal tubercles and without lateral projection; base of pronotum about 0.6 times as wide as elytral width at humeri; disk sparsely punctured, with irregular rugae throughout, with a transverse furrow near apex. Scutellum wide obtrapezoidal. Elytra long, about 1.8 times as long as width at humeri, about 3.6 times as long as pronotal length, almost parallel-sided with weak constriction behind sub-quadrate humeri, and arcuately rounded near apex; each disk moderately punctured on basal half, thence getting slightly smaller toward middle and almost indistinct on apical third, with a developed two-hump shaped longitudinal boss of which the anterior swelling is rudimentary and the posterior swelling is pronounced, and a few granules near base. Legs in moderate length among Mesosini . Male genitalia ( Figs 45–51 ). Tegmen in lateral view weakly curved; oblong rhombic-shaped and widest just before middle in ventral view; ringed part in ventral view slightly expanded laterad before middle of tegmen, thence arcuately narrowed basad; lateral lobes in ventral view moderate in length, about one-fifth of the total length of tegmen; each lobe with an oblique obtuse ridge on ventral side near base, and a feeble longitudinal ventral swelling on basal half, with short setae which are massed on the edge of basal ridge, near basal third and a few on apical half, with inner side once lightly emarginated near base and outer side straightly narrowed toward rounded apex, with two kinds of setae of which one is long, thick and concentrated near apex, and the other is rather short and thin, arising mainly from the outside of apical third. Median lobe in lateral view weakly curved; apex roundly acuminate in ventral view; median struts started from before middle. Endophallus slightly longer than twice length of median lobe. The relative length of median lobe and endophallus with each broad membrane area as follow: median lobe: total length of endophallus: BPH: MPH: APH= 4.4: 10.0: 2.2: 7.2: 0.5. MPH with MT+CT almost 0.6 times as long as endophallus; PB rather short, about 0.1 times as long as endophallus. APH rather short, swollen in oval shape. MSp sparsely distributed in apical 2/3 of MT+CT. LSp relatively large, uni-dentate, slightly long and thick, rather densely distributed from latero-dorsal side of basal 1/3 of MT+CT. SSp evenly covered PB. MSp area and LSp area adjacent. LSp area and SSp area close to each other. ED arising from near base of APH on dorsal side. AS semi-membranous and uncolored, connected to ED at base. Female. Body length 21.0 mm, body width 7.6 mm . Almost identical to male in general appearance. Antennae about 1.2 times as long as body, surpassing elytral apices at the apex of eighth segment. Type materials. Holotype ( EUMJ ): 1 male , near Chiang Mai, North Thailand , V, 1988, Native collector. Paratypes : 1 male (M. Hasegawa collection), Chiang Mai, Thailand , VI, 1989, N. Koyama leg. (Each antennal last segment and scutellum in this specimen is broken and missing.); 1 female (K. Mori collection), same locality, VI, 1990; 1 female ( EUMJ ), same locality, 10. VI , 1991. Distribution. Northern Thailand . Notes. This new species is unique in the genus in having an oblique obtuse ridge on the ventral side near the base of the lateral lobe of the tegmen. It can be easily distinguished from P. fruhstorferi by the following characteristics: elytra with few granules near base; the anterior swelling of the elytral basal bosses rudimentary. Also it differs from P. tonkinensis in the following characteristics: elytra covered with light yellowish-brown pubescence, with few granules near base; endophallus with PB rather short.