The Late Early Pleistocene Flora Of Oriolo, Faenza (Italy): Assembly Of The Modern Forest Biome Author Denk, Thomas Author Sami, Marco Author Teodoridis, Vasilis Author Martinetto, Edoardo text Fossil Imprint 2022 2022-08-26 78 1 217 262 journal article 10.37520/fi.2022.009 2533-4069 7167867 Gleditsia aff. caspica DESF., 1809 Text-figs 4h–k , 5a M a t e r i a l. Oriolo MSF 787, 847, 910-1, 914-1, 915-1, 917-1, 918-1, 919-1, 920-1, 922-1, 923, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, Santa Lucia delle Spianate MSF n.n. D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaflet, petiolate, petiole very short, lamina asymmetrical, broad to narrow elliptical, 12–27 mm long, 6–17 mm wide, secondary venation brochidodromous, small veins departing from secondary veins enter small crenulations, margin crenulate. R e m a r k s. Givulescu (1979: 102 , pl.41, fig.14) assigned a leaflet from Late Miocene strata of Chiuzbaia ( Romania ), very similar to the material from Oriolo, to Gleditsia allemanica HEER, 1859 . According to Givulescu (1979) , G . allemanica was present in middle and Late Miocene floras of Germany , Hungary , Romania and Ukraine . Recently, well-preserved leaflets of Gleditsia have been reported from Late Miocene and Pliocene localities in Poland and Germany . Worobiec and Worobiec (2019) reported Gleditsia europaea G. WOROBIEC, 2019 , from the Bełchatów Lignite Mine ( Poland ), which they considered most closely related to the modern North American species G . aquatica MARSHALL, 1785 . From the Pliocene of Frankfurt, Kvaček et al. (2020) reported Gleditsia pliocaenica KVAČEK, TEODORIDIS et DENK, 2019 , which they compared to the western Eurasian G . caspica . The Pliocene specimens are very similar to the material from Oriolo. Text-fig. 4. a–e: Parrotia aff. persica . a: Oriolo MSF 991 capsule. b: Oriolo MSF 994 endocarp. c: Oriolo MSF 654. d: Oriolo MSF 743. e: Oriolo MSF 678. f: Vitis sp. Oriolo MSF 838. g–k: Gleditsia aff. caspica . g: Oriolo MSF 920. h: Oriolo MSF 939. i: Oriolo MSF 787. j: Oriolo MSF 917. k: Oriolo MSF 925. Scale bars 10 mm (a, h–k), 5 mm (b), 50 mm (c–f). Text-fig. 5. a: Gleditsia aff. caspica Oriolo MSF 935. b: Gleditsia caspica modern leaflet (NMNS Cleared Leaf Database specimen T 1484). c: Crataegus aff. monogyna Oriolo MSF 836. d: Mespilus aff. germanica Oriolo MSF 785. e, g, h: Pyracantha aff. coccinea . e: Oriolo MSF 627. g: Oriolo MSF 627. h: Oriolo MSF 684. f: Pyracantha coccinea modern leaf for comparison (NMNH 03695728). i: Pyracantha coccinea modern leaf for comparison (E00408203). j, k: Sorbus aff. domestica . j: Oriolo MSF 636. k: Oriolo MSF 824. Scale bars 10 mm (a–k). Leaflets of Gleditsia differ from the Neogene extinct genus Podocarpium ( Herendeen 1992 ) by their crenulate margin.