Basal Cyclorrhapha In Amber From The Cretaceous And Tertiary (Insecta: Diptera), And Their Relationships: Brachycera In Cretaceous Amber Part Ix David A. Grimaldi Author Grimaldi, David A. Division of Invertebrate Zoology American Museum of Natural History, New York text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 2018-10-24 2018 423 1 97 journal article 7631 10.1206/0003-0090-423.1.1 2e886aea-b59a-45a6-aeaa-2427d584a894 0003-0090 4613008 Prophora , new genus DIAGNOSIS: Proleg stridulatum present (seen in holotype specimen only); frons with well-developed median sulcus, one pair of fronto-orbital setae in both sexes; one pair of interfrontals in male, 3 pairs in female; one pair of verticals in male, two pairs in female; basal flagellomere not sexually dimorphic in size; one pair of dorsocentrals, two pairs of scutellars present; sternites well developed in male, lost in female except for terminal two sternites (7 and 8); lacking wing-vein characters of Euphorida (i.e., chars. 19–24 in table 4, fig. 43). TYPE SPECIES : P. dimorion , n. sp. FIG. 48. Prophora dimorion , n. gen., n. sp. , in Burmese amber. A, C–E. Holotype male, AMNH Bu8783; B. paratype female, JZC 242. A . Head and thorax, oblique frontal view (male). B . Head, frontal view (female). C . Head and thorax, oblique posterior view. D . Body, lateral view. E . Male terminalia, right lateral view. ETYMOLOGY: Pro - (“first, before”), and - phora , common suffix for generic names in the Phoridae . The name is feminine. COMMENTS: The possession of a sulcus on the frons and great reduction in female sternites (which occur in stem-group and many crowngroup Euphorida), but more generalized venation of the Sciadocerinae , makes the phylogenetic position of this genus apparently close to the basal fork of the two lineages.