Basal Cyclorrhapha In Amber From The Cretaceous And Tertiary (Insecta: Diptera), And Their Relationships: Brachycera In Cretaceous Amber Part Ix David A. Grimaldi Author Grimaldi, David A. Division of Invertebrate Zoology American Museum of Natural History, New York text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 2018-10-24 2018 423 1 97 journal article 7631 10.1206/0003-0090-423.1.1 2e886aea-b59a-45a6-aeaa-2427d584a894 0003-0090 4613008 Sciadocerinae indet. Figure 50 SUMMARY: A unique male specimen (AMNH Bu-1376) of a minute species (~ 1.7 mm body length), which is not being formally described since critical structures are not visible (i.e., arrangement of frontal setae, palp size, empodium, presence/absence of stridulatum, base of M vein). This species is like Prophora dimorion in appearing to have a frontal sulcus (this is barely visible), acrostichals in single row, 1 pair of large dorsocentral setae (vs graded row), 2 pairs of scutellars, presence of proscutellum, and few leg macrosetae. It differs from Prophora by significantly smaller size; head with finer, shorter frontal setae; 2 (vs. 3–4) pairs of notopleural setae; scutellar setae upright (vs. posteroclinate); no postalars (vs. 1); microtrichiae completely absent from wing membrane (vs. with some at apex); base of M appears spectral, though not fully visible (vs. present, tubular, though not sclerotized). Further, the male abdomen and genitalia are substantially different: in Bu-1376 segments 6–7 with constriction between them, tergite 7 bulbous, epandrium asymmetrical (vs. symmetrical in Prophora ); male terminalia very asymmetrical, surstyli apparently absent or so small as to not be visible (vs. symmetrical, with pendulous surstyli). GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Body short, length ~ 1.7 mm total length, broad, with relatively few setae. Head about same width as thorax. Antenna with arista dorsal, preapical. Head setae barely visible, appears to have 1 small pair of supraantennal interfrontals ; 1 large pair of orbitals; 1 pair of ocellars; 1 pair of verticals; postoculars relatively short. Scutum arched, short; 1 short row ~6 acrostichals; 7–8 dorsocentral setae, not graded (1 large pair of prescutellar dorsocentrals; other dorsocentrals small, about same size as acrostichals). Two long notopleural setae, 1 supraalar, no postalars. Proscutellum present, narrow; scutellum short, wide, with 2 long, upright pairs of setae. Pleural region not visible. Wing short, broad (L/ W 1.7 ), venation very similar to that of Hennigophora robusta , except that base of M appears spectral, not tubular; membrane devoid of microtrichia. Abdomen very short and broad at anterior end, width of segments 2 and 3 about same as thorax ; abdomen tapered in width to segment 6 (= 0.25× width of segment 2), forming constriction between segments 6 and 7. Tergite 7 slightly asymmetrical, larger than tergite 6; tergite 9 (epandrium) well developed on right side; terminalia asymmetrical, shifted mostly to right (component structures not discernable); surstylus not apparent. Legs with very few macrosetae ; mesotibia with apical pair of long, spurlike setae. The specimen is largely complete, but some legs and segments are disarticulated. It is in a dark piece of amber that also contains a layer of sand grains, stellate trichomes, and particulate debris. A piece of bark or plant fragment lies under the fly; this and the sand grains prevent viewing the front of the head, prolegs, and some other areas.