A taxonomic revision of the genus Baldorhynchus (Di Marco & Osella, 2002) stat. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) Author Bello, Cesare Author Osella, Giuseppe Author Baviera, Cosimo text Zootaxa 2016 2016-01-27 4070 1 1 101 journal article 31380 10.11646/zootaxa.4070.1.1 058a8983-7310-4a2a-ade4-66ed90de8a06 1175-5326 1054428 75CBEFC1-FFC8-4D35-857B-55DD2596BC8C Baldorhynchus tedeschii Bellò & Osella sp. n. ( Figures 15, 15a, 15b, 15c, 15e, 15f , 89 , 106 ) Troglorhynchus prope brixiensis Osella, 1983: 121 , 123. Type locality. “Tampa del Ranzù, N° 3 Lo, 670 m , Dosso Ranzone, Concesio, Brescia” ( Fig. 139 ). Diagnosis. A Baldorhynchus of medium size belonging to the B. blesioi group with elytra ogival or elongateoval. Within the species group, it is recognisable by the sub-ogival elongate elytra with ten striae, punctation of the integuments small, pronotum with the maximum width in the middle and evident scutellum. Punctation of the pronotum small, ordered, strongly sparse and deep. Punctation of the eytra small slightly aligned, feebly impressed and isodiametric. Total length: 4.25–4.45 mm . Elytra with length/width ratio 2.00–2.04. Pronotum length 0.85– 0.95 mm with length/width ratio 1.13–1.15. Type series. Holotype female: [transparent label with genitalia] // ♀ [white, printed] // "IT, Lombardia, Concesio, BS, Tampa del Ranzù, N° 3 Lo, 8 II [20]’14, leg. Bodei e Grottolo” [white, printed] // " Baldorhynchus tedeschii sp. n. , Holotype, det. Bellò & Osella, 2015" [red, printed] (GOS). Paratypes : "Concesio, BS, Tampa del Ranzù, N° 3 Lo, 14 III [19] ’85, leg. M. Grottolo” (MGR), 1 female; "I, Lombardia, Concesio, BS, Tampa del Ranzù, N° 3 Lo, 4 III 2013 , leg. D. Vailati” (DVA), 1 female". Types are three females. All genitalia were examined. Other material . "IT, Lombardia , Concesio, BS , Tampa del Ranzù, N ° 3 Lo , 8 II [20]’14 , leg. Bodei e Grottolo ” ( CBE ), one female (abdomen); " Lombardia , Brescia, Concesio, m.te Palosso, Tampa del Ranzù , N° 3 Lo , 30 V 1976 , leg. D. Vailati ” ( GOS ), three females (abdomens); "IT, Lombardia , Concesio, BS , Tampa del Ranzù , N° 3 Lo , 2 V 2015 , Grottolo leg.” ( MGR ), two females (abdomens); "I, Brescia , Codolazza , Tampa di Ranzù , 18.3. V [19]81 , leg. Kahlen” (TLMF): one female (remains). Holotype . Female. Total length: 4.35 mm . Rostrum elongate, about twice longer than the head; dorsum convex; mesorostrum slightly gibbous, convex in the middle with a short keel; a dozen epistomal setae thin, curved, semi-erect. Antenna slender and elongate with long, semi-erect, thin setae; scape clavate and as robust as funicle. Scape length: 0.90 mm ; funicle length: 1.00 mm. Scape length/funicle length ratio: 0.90. Funicle with club ratios as follows: 12: 8: 5: 7: 4: 6: 4: 26 (club); fusiform club with first segment flat, longest of last five funicle segments, at least twice wider than funicle. Head smooth on disc, short, conical. Supraorbital area with dense golden-yellowish pubescence. Vertex width/mesorostrum width: ratio 1.80. Vestigial eyes present, partially covered by golden-yellowish pubescence. Pronotum (length: 0.90 mm , width: 0.78 mm , ratio: 1.15) subcylindrical, sinuate at the base, longer than wide, with maximum width in the middle; short golden erect seta inserted in center of hole; punctation deep, isodiametric and of different widths, uniformly arranged; smooth and shining central area on disc. Scutellum large, excavated, triangular. Elytra convex, elongate with high suture (length: 2.65 mm , width: 1.30 mm , ratio: 2.04), very rounded on sides, widest at basal third and strongly ogive-shaped on declivity. Punctation striae superficial, isodiametric and of the same widths, without setae; interspaces between strial punctation regular and wider than hole. Interstriae wider than striae, flat, smooth with sparse, long and erect setae. Legs thin and elongate, with rather long golden setae. Femora clubbed and edentate. Tibiae with six tooth-like tubercles on inner edge; protibia slightly curved in side view, metatibia and mesotibia straight. Sternite VIII with sides sub-parallel of lamina and with apical margin fused. Spermatheca with cornu developed and ramus and nodulus almost inconspicuous ( Fig. 89 ). Ovipositor weakly sclerotized, gonocoxites tapered, with short styli and several more or less long setae. Variation. All paratypes are similar to the holotype but differ in size. Distribution. See Fig. 129 . Italian endemic. Known only from “Tampa del Ranzù” cave at 670 meters of elevation: 45°37’25.43’’N 10°13’26.00’’E on Palosso Mount near Concesio (Brescia). Etymology. Named for the entomologist Michele Tedeschi from Milan as a gift for his companionship. Ecology/Phenology. Interestingly, the specimens were found in the cave along with Baldorhynchus cohabitator , among hanging roots from the ceiling in the first tunnel of the cave (Osella, 1983). The cave opens in limestone of the upper Jurassic (Tithonian—Aptian). It is a horizontal cave with clay soil, 78 meters long (Grottolo in litteris , 2015). Inside it has been reported ( Boldori, 1969 ; Grottolo & Martinelli, 1990 ; Vailati, 1988 ) the presence of the following species: Pachydrilus pagenstecheri Ratzel (Enchytraeida) , Troglohyphantes ghidinii Lessert (Araneae) , Androniscus dentiger calcivagus Verhoeff (Isopoda) , Trichoniscus mancinii Brian (Isopoda) , Brachydesmus superus Latz. (Myriapoda) , Nematophora gen. et sp. (Myriapoda), Polysmus edentulus Koch (Myriapoda), Polymicron latzeli italicum Manfredi (Myriapoda), Heteromurus nitidus Templeton (Collembola) , Troglophilus cavicola Kollar (Orthoptera) , Mesophylax aspersus Ramb. (Trichoptera) , Microptera fissa Mc Lachlan (Trichoptera) , Stenophylax permistus Mc Lachlan (Trichoptera) , Bolitophila cinerea Meig. (Diptera) , Heteromyella atricornis Meig. ( Diptera ), Limnobia nubeculosa Meig. (Diptera) , Rhymosia sp. ( Diptera ), Allegrettia boldorii Jeannel (Coleoptera) , Antisphodrus reissi boldorii Dodero (Coleoptera) , Trechus quadristriatus Schr. (Coleoptera) , Boldoria aculeata Jeannel (locus classicus) ( Coleoptera ), Aegopis gemonensis Férussac (Pulmonata) . Reproduction. Probably parthenogenetic. Species known only from three females.