Thirteen new species and new distribution records of Helicopsyche (Feropsyche) Johanson from Venezuela (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae) Author Johanson, Kjell Arne Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text Zootaxa 2004 711 1 40 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.169460 c6b6aaea-4e91-4f23-b4bd-c80a4f676e13 1175­5326 169460 5403C332-6597-48D3-BD4D-7AD6D4CDC2CA Helicopsyche ( Feropsyche ) circulata , new species Fig. 72–78 , 90 The three species, H . circulata , new species , H . perija , new species , and H . planorboides Machado , all have a characteristically wide and rounded distal part of the gonocoxite. In H . circulata , the anterodorsal margin of the gonocoxite is nearly straight, while in H . planorboides it is strongly concave. Also, tergum X is simple in H . circulata , while in H . planorboides a pair of lateral lobes originate midway on the segment. Helicopsyche circulata can be separated from H . perija by the shorter anterior lobe of segment IX, and the longer sternum VI process. Male. Head: Antennal scape as long as eye diameter. Maxillary palp segments equally long, each segment as long as eye diameter. Cephalic warts oval, strongly convex, about half as long as eye diameter; with pale grey and golden brown setae. Forewing golden brown, length 4.1–4.3 mm . Sternum VI process ( Fig. 72, 73 ) nearly 2/3 its segment length, covered by microtrichiae; in lateral view ( Fig. 72 ), nearly straight, slightly tapering along its length; in ventral view ( Fig. 73 ), slightly tapering; apex bearing numerous ventral thorny lamellae ( Fig. 73 ). FIGURES 72–78. Helicopsyche circulata , new species , holotype. 72—sternum VI process, lateral; 73—sternum VI process, ventral; 74—male genitalia, lateral; 75—male genitalia, dorsal; 76— male genitalia, ventral; 77—phallus, lateral; 78—phallus, ventral. Male genitalia ( Fig. 74–78 ). Segment IX, in lateral view ( Fig. 74 ), with anterior lobe triangular, oriented anteriad and located midlaterally on segment; anterodorsal margin nearly straight, anteroventral margin concave; in dorsal view ( Fig. 75 ), with inner margin narrowly ellipsoid; in ventral view ( Fig. 76 ), with pointed posterior process; lateral apodeme present as anteriorly oriented, slightly curving line ( Fig. 74 ) reaching anterior margin; sub­marginal line absent; tergal transverse apodeme absent; sternal transverse apodeme short. Segment X, in lateral view ( Fig. 74 ), oriented posteroventrad, nearly straight; narrowing along its length toward rounded apex; in dorsal view ( Fig. 75 ), narrow, with sub­parallel lateral margins; apex with V­shaped notch ( Fig. 75 ); with about 11 pairs of about equally long megasetae in longitudinal group starting at proximal half on segment. Superior appendage ( Fig. 74 ) club­shaped in lateral view, parallel­sided in dorsal view ( Fig. 74, 75 ); oriented laterally ( Fig. 75 ). Primary branch of gonocoxite, in lateral view ( Fig. 74 ), widely club­shaped, with slightly undulate dorsal margin; apex rounded in lateral and dorsal views ( Fig. 74, 75 ); central part of primary branch about as wide as height of central part of tergum X ( Fig. 74 ); anterodorsal margin nearly straight, smooth; posteroventral margin slightly convex, undulated; basimesal lobe short, rounded in lateral view ( Fig. 74 ); in ventral view, sharply triangular with setal bases produced posteriorly ( Fig. 76 ); with nearly straight and parallel­sided, smooth median margins; with about 4 long megasetae on apical margin; basal plate not visible in lateral view ( Fig. 74 ); in ventral view ( Fig. 76 ), strongly pointing anteriorly. Phallus, in lateral view ( Fig. 77 ), generally slender, smoothly bent ventrad along its length, dorsal margin sigmoid along proximal 2/3; ventral margin gently concave; anterior 1/5 nearly 2x broader than its central part ( Fig. 77 ); in ventral view ( Fig. 78 ), slightly narrowing toward midlength; phallobase present; endotheca weakly produced ( Fig. 77 ); sperm channel divided into thick posterior and slen­ der anterior parts; sclerotized posteroventral part narrow ( Fig. 77 ). Holotype male: VENEZUELA : Aragua: 1 km E Estación Biológica Rancho Grande, 10.352°N , 67.680°W , 1100 m , 27.i.1994 , Holzenthal, Cressa, Gutic ( UMSP 000022205) ( UMSP , pinned). Paratype : same data as holotype1 male ( UMSP , pinned). Distribution. Venezuela (Aragua). Etymology. The specific epithet, circulata , is derived from the Greek kirkos , ring, and the suffix atus , provided with, referring to the circular shape of the gonocoxite. The name is to be treated as a noun in apposition.