Thirteen new species and new distribution records of Helicopsyche (Feropsyche) Johanson from Venezuela (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae) Author Johanson, Kjell Arne Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text Zootaxa 2004 711 1 40 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.169460 c6b6aaea-4e91-4f23-b4bd-c80a4f676e13 1175­5326 169460 5403C332-6597-48D3-BD4D-7AD6D4CDC2CA Helicopsyche ( Feropsyche ) perija , new species Fig. 79–85 , 88 This new species is similar to H . circulata and H . planorboides and can be separated from those species based on characters discussed in the diagnosis of H . circulata . Male. Head: Antennal scape slightly longer than eye diameter. Maxillary palp segments equally long, as long as eye diameter. Cephalic warts oval, about half as long as eye diameter; with pale grey and dark grey setae, some dark brown setae near lateral margins. Forewing pale golden grey, length 3.1–3.9 mm . Sternum VI process ( Fig. 79, 80 ) 2/5 its segment length, apparently smooth; in lateral view ( Fig. 79 ), slightly curving posteriorly, tubular, except narrowing at apex; in ventral view ( Fig. 80 ), parallel­sided; distally with numerous ventral subapical lamellae and apical, minute spines ( Fig. 80 ). FIGURES 79–85. Helicopsyche perija , new species , holotype. 79—sternum VI process, lateral; 80—sternum VI process, ventral; 81—male genitalia, lateral; 82—male genitalia, dorsal; 83—male genitalia, ventral; 84—phallus, lateral; 85—phallus, ventral. Male genitalia ( Fig. 81–85 ). Segment IX, in lateral view ( Fig. 81 ), with anterior lobe sharply triangular, oriented anterodorsad and located ventrolaterally on segment; anterodorsal margin concave, anteroventral margin shallowly concave; in dorsal view ( Fig. 82 ), with inner margin widely ellipsoid; in ventral view ( Fig. 83 ), with rounded posterior process; lateral apodeme sigmoid, pointing toward anterior apex of segment, fading before sub­marginal line ( Fig. 81 ); sub­marginal line well developed, strongly convex anteriorly; transverse apodemes absent. Segment X, in lateral view ( Fig. 81 ), oriented posteroventrad, nearly straight; narrowing along its length toward rounded apex; in dorsal view ( Fig. 82 ), wide, with sub­parallel lateral margins; apex with wide, V­shaped notch ( Fig. 82 ); with about 17 pairs of about equally long megasetae in longitudinal group starting at proximal half on segment. Superior appendage ( Fig. 81 ) tubular; oriented ventrolaterad ( Fig. 81, 82 ). Primary branch of gonocoxite, in lateral view ( Fig. 81 ), widely club­shaped, with slightly undulate dorsal margin; apex rounded in lateral and dorsal views ( Fig. 81, 82 ); central part of primary branch about as wide as height of central part of tergum X ( Fig. 81 ); anterodorsal margin nearly straight, smooth; posteroventral margin slightly convex, undulated; basimesal lobe short, somewhat pointed in lateral view ( Fig. 81 ); in ventral view, with about right­angled median corner, with weakly produced posterior setal bases ( Fig. 83 ); with nearly straight and parallel­sided, smooth median margins; with about 3 long megasetae on apical margin; basal plate, in lateral view ( Fig. 81 ), tapering toward apex; in ventral view ( Fig. 83 ), strongly anteriorly rounded. Phallus, in lateral view ( Fig. 84 ), smoothly bent ventrad at proximal 1/3, dorsal margin sigmoid along proximal 2/3; ventral margin gently curving ventrally at midlength; anterior 1/5 nearly 2x broader than its central part ( Fig. 84 ); in ventral view ( Fig. 85 ), narrowing toward midlength; phallobase present; endotheca produced into dorsal lobe ( Fig. 84 ); sperm channel apparently undivided; sclerotized posteroventral part wide ( Fig. 84 ). Holotype male: VENEZUELA : Táchira : trib. to Río El Valle, 3.8 km SE El Zumbador, 7°57.411'N , 72°04.394'W , 2730 m , 21.iv.1995 , Holzenthal, Cressa, Rincón ( UMSP 000022197) ( UMSP , pinned). Paratype : VENEZUELA : Zulia: Parque Nacional Perijá , Río Negro in Toromo, 10.051°N , 72.712°W , 360 m , 15.i.1994 , Holzenthal, Cressa, Rincón — 1 male ( UMSP , pinned). Distribution. Venezuela ( Táchira , Zulia). Etymology. The name perija , is derived from the type locality, Parque Nacional Perijá . The name is to be treated as a noun in apposition. NEW DISTRIBUTION RECORDS OF VENEZUELAN HELICOPSYCHE ( FEROPSYCHE )