Three new genera and eighteen new species of miniature polydesmid millipedes from the northwestern United States (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Polydesmidae) Author Shear, William A. Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney VA 23943; present address 1950 Price Drive, Farmville VA 23901. Author Marek, Paul E. 0000-0002-7048-2514 Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. pmarek @ vt. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7048 - 2514 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-05-24 4975 1 81 126 journal article 6194 10.11646/zootaxa.4975.1.3 529d48db-4299-4e2d-9aaf-6c4178c08b18 1175-5326 4804909 DB7C9028-3EDF-454F-88D0-336624AD1DC4 Benedictesmus yaquina Shear & Marek , n. sp. Figs 111–117 , 135 Types. Male holotype and male and female paratypes from 0.6 m west of Elk City , Yaquina River , 44.6233°, - 123.8918°, Lincoln Co. , Oregon , collected 20 December 1971 by E. M. Benedict. All types deposited in CAS . Diagnosis. Distinct from other species of the genus in having an unenlarged, straight epiproct ( Fig. 113 ) and four rows of setae on the anterior metazonites ( Fig. 112 ), increasing to five rows on the most posterior rings ( Fig. 113 ). Etymology. The species epithet, a noun in apposition, refers to the type locality along the Yaquina River. Description. Holotype male. Nineteen rings ( Fig. 111 ; the telson or 19th ring is concealed in the figure by the crassate anterior legs). Length about 5.5 mm , greatest width 0.62 mm . Head densely setose, cuticle alveolate ( Fig. 112 ). Collum with anterior marginal row of 20 setae ( Fig. 112 ). Anterior metazonites with four rows of setae, transitioning to four rows ( Fig. 113 ) about ring 15, setal tubercles prominent throughout. Alveolate cuticle absent from metazonites posterior to collum. Epiproct ( Fig. 114 ) not swollen, relatively long, straight, with extensive alveolate cuticle. Anterior legs crassate ( Fig. 111 ), tarsi with sphaerotrichomes. Gonopod ( Figs 115–117 , 135 ) with rather flattened prefemorite. Acropodite short, robust. Pulvillus ( p, Fig. 116 , 117 ) just distal to midlength of acropodite, somewhat elongate. Pulvillar process ( pp, Fig. 116 , 117 ) with short tooth on lateral side. Terminal zone entire ( tz, Fig. 116 , 117 ), with distinct apical tooth. Females similar to males in nonsexual characters. FIGURES 101–106 . Species of Benedictesmus , n. gen . 101 , Gonopods of Benedictesmus aureus , n. sp. , ventral view. SEM stub WS33-6. 102–106 . Benedictesmus ellenae , n. sp. 102 . Head and anterior rings, dorsal view. 103 . Midbody ring, dorsal view. 104 . Pygidium, lateral view. 105 . Gonopods in situ , lateroventral view. 106 . Pulvillus of gonopod. SEM stub WS33- 13.Abbreviations: p , pulvillus; pp , pulvillar process; ppf , prefemorite pore field; tz , terminal zone. Distribution. Benton, Douglas and Lincoln Cos., Oregon . Records : OREGON : Benton Co. : 2.3 mi northwest of Glenbrook on South Fork of the Alsea River access road, 44.3313°, -123.4314°, 1200 ft asl, 4 December 1971 , E. M. Benedict, mm; Clemens Park, Seely Creek Road, 0.3 mi from SR34, 44.4092°, -123.4644°, 400 ft asl, 4 December 2005 , W. Leonard, C. Richart, mm, ff. Douglas Co. : 3.2 mi northeast of Scottsburg, 43.6617°, -123.7877°, 400 ft asl, 11 December 1971 , E. M.Benedict, mm, f. Lincoln Co. : 1.4 mi west of Nashville, 44.6716°, -123.6100°, 600 ft asl, 20 December 1971 , E. M. Benedict, mm.