Four new species of Lophilema Aurivillius, 1910 from East Africa (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)
Volynkin, Anton V.
journal article
Lophilema curva
sp. nov.
Figs 7–9
Type material.
Figs 7
1759 m
Nguru Mountains
, 6–
light trap
, leg.
Smith, R.
Takano, H.
, slide AV3195
(Coll. ANHRT).
1 ♂
1 ♀
2069 m
Nguru Mountains
light trap
, leg.
Smith, R.
Takano, H
., slides AV3191
, AV4587
1 ♂
1 ♀
2069 m
Big River
Nguru Mountains
, 8–
[20]11, leg.
Smith, R.
Takano, H
., slides AV3372
, AV4588
Male of
L. curva
sp. nov.
Figs 7, 8
) is externally similar to those of
L. fletcheri
Fig. 11
) and
L. creatoplaga
Fig. 13
) due to its narrow forewing with gently arcuate anal margin and characteristic, elongate distinct androconial field of the forewing. However,
L. curva
sp. nov.
can be distinguished from
L. fletcheri
by its smaller size, paler body and forewing coloration, and paler ochreous androconial field of the forewing (while in
L. fletcheri
the androconial field is darker, ochreous-brown). The new species differs from
L. creatoplaga
by its somewhat smaller size, darker ochreous androconial field of the forewing (while in
L. creatoplaga
the androconial field is much lighter, yellowish-ochreous), and slightly darker hindwing. Female of
L. curva
sp. nov.
Fig. 9
) is externally similar to that of
L. chrysargyrea
(illustrated by
De Prins & De Prins (2018)
L. mbulu
sp. nov.
Fig. 2
), but differs from
L. chrysargyrea
by its less elongated forewing with slight greyish suffusion and more strongly expressed yellowish ground colour of hindwing. The female of the new species can be distinguished from that of
L. mbulu
sp. nov.
by its smaller size and narrower forewing with silvery white ground color and slight greyish suffusion, while in
L. mbulu
sp. nov.
the forewing ground color is mat white. The male genitalia of
L. curva
sp. nov.
Fig. 19
) differs from that of
L. fletcheri
Fig. 20
) by its uncus being significantly narrower distally, longer juxta, broader trapezoidal dorsal crest of the costa valvae (while that of
L. fletcheri
is much narrower, with smoothly curved dorsal margin), significantly longer and curved distal saccular process (while that is shorter and not curved in
L. fletcheri
), and presence of the dorsal diverticulum in the vesica. The new species differs from
L. creatoplaga
Fig. 21
) by its shorter vinculum, broader trapezoidal dorsal crest of costa valvae (while the costal margin of valva is much narrower, with smoothly curved dorsal surface in
L. creatoplaga
), obtuse angled ventral margin of sacculus (while that is right angled in
L. creatoplaga
), more elongated, curved and apically broadened distal distal saccular process (while that of
L. creatoplaga
is straight, slightly shorter, undilated apically), in addition its more heavily granulated vesica, and presence of the dorsal diverticulum (that character is absent in
L. creatoplaga
). The curved distal saccular process of
L. curva
sp. nov.
is similar to that of
L. angustipennis
Figs 14
), but
L. curva
sp. nov.
differs clearly from
L. angustipennis
by its much larger size and broader forewings, distally broader uncus, narrower dorsal section of the valva, and much shorter and more robust distal saccular process. The female genitalia of
L. curva
sp. nov.
Fig. 24
) are very similar to those of
L. phaeocraspis
Hampson, 1901
Fig. 25
) and
L. fletcheri
Fig. 26
), but differs from
L. phaeocraspis
by its broader anterior sclerotized section of the corpus bursae, larger corpus bursae and longer signum; from
L. fletcheri
it differs by its longer ductus bursae, larger corpus bursae and more heavily sclerotized signum.
Male (
Figs 7, 8
). Forewing length
15 mm
in males. Male antennae ciliate. Body brown. Forewing narrow, elongated, with almost parallel margins, its costal margin curved subapically, anal margin curved medially; medial area with broad and long cluster of ochreous-brown hair-like androconial scales, contrasting in coloration from forewing ground color which is monotonous brown, with diffuse irroration of dark brown scales; discal spot absent; cilia monotonous brown. Hindwing pale ochreous, discal spot diffuse, thin, semilunar, brownish; cilia pale ochreous. Female (
Fig. 9
). Forewing length
16 mm
. Antennae filiform. Head and thorax silvery white; abdomen pale ochreous. Forewing narrow, elongated, with almost parallel margins, its costa slightly curved subapically; forewing silvery whitish, with slight greyish suffusion medially and thin ochreous line on costa; hindwing ochreous yellow, discal spot absent.
Male genitalia
Fig. 19
). Uncus long, slender, curved, distally tapering with claw-shaped apex; tuba analis broad, membranous, scaphium thin, heavily sclerotized; tegumen short and broad; vinculum narrow and weakly sclerotized, rather long, its inner area with very long androconial gland covered with long hairs, which assembled into stick-shaped beam at rest; juxta narrowly trapezoidal, weakly sclerotized, setose, with short rounded basal incision. Valva elongated, slightly tapering distally, curved ventrally, rounded apically; costa valvae short, with short, trapezoidal, medially slightly concave dorsal crest erected basally; sacculus moderately broad, heavily sclerotized; distal saccular process long, robust, arcuate, club-like apically, its ventral surface and apex densely covered with short setae. Aedeagus medium long, narrow, with well-developed coecum, rugose distally; vesica tubular and membranous basally, broadly globular and weakly granulated medially; ventral diverticulum broadly conical and rounded apically; dorsal diverticulum short, narrow, granulated.
Female genitalia
Fig. 24
). Ovipositor short and broad, papillae anales rectangular with rounded corners. Apophyses anteriores and posteriores long and thin, of equal length. Ostium bursae medium-broad, with membranous margins; ductus bursae narrow, elongated, its posterior and medial sections membranous; anterior section of the ductus bursae broadened, heavily sclerotized. Corpus bursae rounded, membranous, with narrow stick-like signum anteriorly; appendix bursae small, conical, membranous, situated posterio-ventrally.
. The new species is currently known only from three localities in the Nguru Mountains in eastern
. ‘Curvus’ means ‘curved’ in Latin, the species name refers to its curved distal saccular process.