A taxonomic note on the genus Lactobacillus: Description of 23 novel genera, emended description of the genus Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901, and union of Lactobacillaceae and Leuconostocaceae Author Zheng, Jinshui Author Wittouck, Stijn Author Salvetti, Elisa Author Franz, Charles M. A. P. Author Harris, Hugh M. B. Author Mattarelli, Paola Author O’Toole, Paul W. Author Pot, Bruno Author Vandamme, Peter Author Walter, Jens Author Watanabe, Koichi Author Wuyts, Sander Author Felis, Giovanna E. Author Gänzle, Michael G. Author Lebeer, Sarah text International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2020 2020-04-15 70 2782 2858 journal article 7136 10.1099/ijsem.0.004107 c650e745-85a1-48ca-b29a-b1714f644bae 4730536 DESCRIPTIONOF PAUCILACTOBACILLUS GEN. NOV. Paucilactobacillus (Pau.ci.lac.to.ba.cil’lus. L. masc. adj. paucus few; N.L. masc. n. Lactobacillus a bacterial genus name; N.L. masc. n. Paucilactobacillus a lactobacillus that ferments few carbohydrates). Gram positive, rod-shaped, catalase negative, heterofermentative, and aerotolerant. Growth is observed at between 20 and 37 °C. Several species are psychrotrophic but Paucilactobacillus suebicus grows at 45 °C. Strains in this genus were predominantly isolated from fermented plant material including silage, pickles, and fruit mashes. The adaptation to hexose depleted habitats is indicated by the lack of mannitol dehydrogenase in many strainsof the genus; among heterofermentative lactobacilli, this property is shared only with Secundilactobacillus that is isolated from related habitats. Paucilactobacillus species preferentially metabolise pentoses and many strains do not ferment disaccharides. The mol% G+C content of DNA ranges from 35.6 to 43.5; and the genome size ranges from 1.75 to 2.57 Mbp. Aphylogenetic tree on the basis of 16S rRNA genes of all species in the genus Paucilactobacillus is provided in Figure S6M . The type species of the genus is Paucilactobacillus vaccinostercus comb. nov. ; Paucilactobacillus was previously referred to as L. vaccinostercus group.