A taxonomic note on the genus Lactobacillus: Description of 23 novel genera, emended description of the genus Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901, and union of Lactobacillaceae and Leuconostocaceae Author Zheng, Jinshui Author Wittouck, Stijn Author Salvetti, Elisa Author Franz, Charles M. A. P. Author Harris, Hugh M. B. Author Mattarelli, Paola Author O’Toole, Paul W. Author Pot, Bruno Author Vandamme, Peter Author Walter, Jens Author Watanabe, Koichi Author Wuyts, Sander Author Felis, Giovanna E. Author Gänzle, Michael G. Author Lebeer, Sarah text International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2020 2020-04-15 70 2782 2858 journal article 7136 10.1099/ijsem.0.004107 c650e745-85a1-48ca-b29a-b1714f644bae 4730536 DESCRIPTIONOF COMPANILACTOBACILLUS GEN. NOV. Companilactobacillus (Com.pani.lac.to.ba.cil’lus. M. L. n. companio friend, partner; N.L. masc. n. Lactobacillus a bacterial genus; N.L. masc. n.; Companilactobacillus , Companion-lactobacillus, the name refers to the association of Companilactobacillus species with other lactobacilli, particularly heterofermentative organisms, in cereal and vegetable fermentations [ 114 ]). Companilactobacillus species are Gram-positive, homofermentative and non-spore-forming rods. Strains of Companilactobacillus were isolated from fermented vegetables, particularly fermented mustard or onion greens, and fruits (17 type strains; five of these from mustard or onion fermentations), sourdough or related cereal fermentations (7 type strains), sausages or meat (seven type strains) or other plant sources; one isolates was obtained from a fermented dairy product. Companilactobacillus appears not to be dominant in any of these fermentations but occurs consistently (type I sourdoughs and fermented mustard oronion greens) or occasionally (meat, salami). Companilactobacillusmetriopterae was isolatedfrom agrasshopper and formsand outgroup that differswith respect to genome size ( C. metriopterae 1.50 Mbp; otherspeciesrange from 2.17 to 2.9 Mbp); mol% G+C content of DNA ( C. metriopterae 32.8; other species range from 34.1 to 38.6) and physiological properties. The temperature requirements for growth are inconsistent; all strains grow between 25 and 30 °C, most but not all species grow at 15 °C and some species grow at 45 °C. The fermentation of pentoses by Companilactobacillus is species- or strain-specific. Information on the ecology or lifestyle of companilactobacilli is scarce. Aphylogenetic tree on the basis of 16S rRNA genes of all species in the genus Companilactobacillus is provided in Fig. S6C . The type species is Companilactobacillus alimentarius comb. nov. ; Companilactobacillus was previously referred to as L. alimentarius group.