Revision of Alloxysta from the north-western Balkan Peninsula with description of two new species (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Charipinae) Author Ferrer-Suay, Mar Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Avda. Diagonal 645, 08028 - Barcelona, Spain; e-mails: jpujade @ ub. edu; mar. ferrer. suay @ gmail. com Author Selfa, Jesús Universitat de València, Facultat de Ciències Biològiques, Departament de Zoologia, Campus de Burjassot-Paterna, Dr. Moliner 50, E- 46100 Burjassot (València), Spain; e-mail: jesus. selfa @ uv. es Author Tomanović, Željko Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 16, Studentski trg, 11 000, Belgrade, Serbia; e-mails: ztoman @ bio. bg. ac. rs, marina. jankovic @ bio. bg. ac. rs Author Janković, Marina Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 16, Studentski trg, 11 000, Belgrade, Serbia; e-mails: ztoman @ bio. bg. ac. rs, marina. jankovic @ bio. bg. ac. rs Author Kos, Katarina Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI- 1111 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail: katarina. kos @ bf. uni-lj. si Author Rakhshani, Ehsan Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol, 98615 - 538, I. R. Iran; e-mail: rakhshani @ uoz. ac. ir Author Pujade-Villar, Juli Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Avda. Diagonal 645, 08028 - Barcelona, Spain; e-mails: jpujade @ ub. edu; mar. ferrer. suay @ gmail. com text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-07-15 53 1 347 368 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5740340 0374-1036 5740340 9D8ED801-B4FD-453C-8E75-F3744BEB1B68 Alloxysta kovilovica Ferrer-Suay & Pujade-Villar sp. nov. ( Figs 29–33 ) Type locality. Serbia , Kovilovo, 44°54′48.87″ N , 20°25′43.31″ E . Type specimens. HOLOTYPE : , glued, deposited in UB . Original label: , alfalfa field, complex landscape, Kovilovo, Serbia, Alloxysta brevis (Thomson) , , det.A. Stojanović, 2012.The holotype was collected from mixed colony of Therioaphis trifolii and Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris, 1776) on Medicago sativa . PARATYPES : 1 JJ 7 ♀♀ . SERBIA : Praon exsoletumTherioaphis trifolii on Medicago sativa , Živkovac-Site 2, : 1 ♀ ; Same data, Umčari-Kotlova, : 1 J 1 ♀ ; same data, Osipaonica, : 1 ♀ ; Aphidius sp. Sitobion avenae on Triticum aestivum , Umčari-Donji Kraj , : 4 ♀♀ . [All material deposited in UB ]. Diagnosis. Alloxysta kovilovica sp. nov. is characterized by closed radial cell ( Figs 29, 31 ), while pronotal ( Fig. 32 ) and propodeal ( Fig. 33 ) carinae are absent. It is similar to A. aperta ( Hartig, 1841 ) but they can be easily differentiated by the relation between flagellomeres: F1 longer than F2 and F 3 in A. kovilovica sp. nov. while F1–F3 subequal in length in A. aperta . Description. Female. Head. Transversely ovate, smooth and shiny, slightly wider than its height in frontal view. Few setae present below, and between the toruli. The area above the toruli and vertex with few scattered setae, face with numerous setae. Transfacial line 1.0 times height of compound eyes. Malar space 0.4 times height of compound eyes. Antenna . 13-segmented, filiform. All antennomeres with sparse setae. F1–F2 smooth and thinner than remaining flagellomeres; F3–F11 club-shaped, with rhinaria. Antennal formula: 3.5 (1.5); 4.0 (1.0); 3.5 (1.1); 3.5 (1.2); 4.0 (1.4) ( Fig. 30 ). Mesosoma . Pronotum covered with scattered setae, without carinae ( Fig. 32 ). Mesoscutum smooth and shiny, round in dorsal view with few scattered setae, and two lines of setae on lateral sides. Scutellum smooth and shiny with scattered setae that are more abundant on apex of scutellum. Height of mesopleural triangle along anterior margin 1.4 times the height of mesopleuron. Propodeum covered with numerous setae; without carinae ( Fig. 33 ). Forewing . Longer than body, 1.4 times as long as mesosoma and metasoma together; densely pubescent; marginal setae present ( Fig. 29 ). Radial cell closed, 2.5 times as long as wide ( Fig. 31 ). R1 short and slightly curved upward; Rs considerably elongated, slightly curved. Metasoma . Proximal part with incomplete ring of setae, glabrous centrally, laterally broader. Remainder of metasoma smooth, shiny with clearly visible terga. Body length. Female: 1.1 mm . Coloration . Head, mesosoma and metasoma yellowish brown.Antennae yellow, darkening towards tip. Legs yellow. Veins yellowish brown. Male. With the same features as female. Etymology. The new species is named after Kovilovo, the suburban settlement of Belgrade ; adjective. Distribution. This species is only known from Serbia . Figs 29–33. Alloxysta kovilovica Ferrer-Suay & Pujade-Villar sp. nov. 29 – forewing; 30 – antenna; 31 – radial cell; 32 – pronotum; 33 – propodeum. Remarks. On the basis of extensive sampling in alfalfa and cereal agroecosystems, as well as in surrounding non-crop habitats, it seems that the new species was associated with cereal and alfalfa aphids.