Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 2. Tribe Heresiarchini
Riedel, M.
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Heresiarches flavomaculatus
fig. 29
H o l o t y p u s (): "S
Dak Lak
, Chu Yang Sin N.P. Krong K`Mar, Malaise traps 13-23, 590-
840 m
, leg. C. v. Achterberg, R. de Vries RMNH´05" (Leiden).
P a r a t y p u s (): "S
Dak Lak
, Chu Yang Sin N.P. nr dam,
800-940 m
, Mal. traps, C. v. Achterberg & R. de Vries RMNH´07" (Leiden).
D e s c r i p t i o n of: Body length 10.0 mm. Flagellum with 33 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 3.7x as long as wide. Long-oval tyloids on flagellomeres 9-17, situated in the center of segments. Temple short, strongly narrowed behind eye. Distance of lateral ocellus to compound eye about 1.2x its diameter. Frons smooth, above with superficial puncture. Face and clypeus with scattered puncture, intervals smooth. Malar space about 0.5x as long as width of mandibular base. Genal carina meets the hypostomal one close to mandibular base. Hypostomal carina not elevated.
Mesosoma with pale brownish hairs. Mesoscutum with coarse puncture and fine granulation, but shining. Mesopleurum with dense puncture, speculum smooth. Metapleurum with dense puncture. Coxal carina distinct. Scutellum moderately convex, wider than long, with complete lateral carina and scattered puncture. Areae basalis and superomedia confluent and smooth. Area superomedia wider than long. Propodeum otherwise with coarse puncture. Femur III about 4.0x as long as high.
Areolet pentagonal, frontal distance of intercubiti 2x its diameter, nervulus slightly postfurcal.
Postpetiole moderately widened. Median field with distinct striation. Gastrocoelus large, triangular, with striae. Thyridium quite large, transverse, 0.5x as wide as the thyridial interval. Second tergite as long as wide. Tergites 2-4 with rugulo-puncture, tergite 2 with coarse median striation.
Coloration: Black. Cream-yellow are palps, clypeus except a narrow black apical margin, face, gena, complete orbit, scapus beneath, anterior and upper margins of pronotum, subtegular ridge, longitudinal stripe on lower mesopleurum reaching the epicnemium, sides of scutellum, postscutellum, carinal triangle, apical half of area dentipara, coxae I- II, all trochanters, anterodorsal spot on coxa III. Coxa III otherwise black (in
) or with posterodorsal reddish spot (in
). Legs otherwise reddish-yellow. Femur III infuscate in the apical 0.2, tibia III yellowish, infuscate in the apical 0.3, tarsus II brown, tarsus III blackish. Postpetiolus apically and tergites 2-4 red, in the
tergite 2 infuscate in the basal 0.3. Postpetiolus and tergites 2-4 with posterolateral yellowish spots.Tergites 5-7 blackish with yellow apical bands. Pterostigma brownish.
R e m a r k: The taxon seems to be related to
H. pseudobirmanicus
, but differs by its yellowish spots on tergites 1-4 and completely black mesosternum and metapleurum,
D i s t r i b u t i o n: