Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 2. Tribe Heresiarchini
Riedel, M.
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Aglaojoppa nepalensis
figs 1
, 28)
H o l o t y p u s (): "
, Khumbu, Khumdzung,
3900 m
, 16.7.62, leg. Ebert & Falkner" (ZSM).
D e s c r i p t i o n of: Body length
19.5 mm
. Flagellum with 45 flagellomeres, first flagellomere (without anellus)2.0x as long as wide, long-oval tyloids on flagellomeres 8- 21. Temple strongly and concavely narrowed behind the eye. Occipital carina lamelliform. Distance of lateral ocellus to the eye 1.0x as long as its diameter. Face and clypeus with coarse puncture, shining. Malar space 0.5x as long as width of mandibular base. Genal carina reaching the hypostomal one far from mandibular base. Hypostomal carina lamelliform elevated.
Mesosoma with pale brownish hairs. Mesoscutum, mesopleurum, and metapleurum densely punctured, shining, coxal carina distinct. Scutellum almost flat, longer than wide and with dense puncture, without lateral carina. Propodeum rounded, area superomedia small, elevated and halfmoon-shaped, smooth. Area petiolaris rugulose. Femur III slen- der, with very scattered puncture basally and ventrally, 5.7x as long as high.
Areolet pentagonal, frontal distance of intercubiti 2-3x their diameter, 2mcu reaching areolet lateral to its middle, Nervulus strongly postfurcal.
Postpetiolus moderately widened, lateral field punctured, median field rugulose. Gastrocoelus strongly impressed, almost smooth. Thyridium large, about as wide as the thyridial interval. Second tergite 1.05x as long as wide. Tergites with strong sutures, tergites 2-4 with somewhat extended posterolateral edges. Tergites 2-6 densely punctured and with strong aciculation medially.
Colour: Head, mesosoma, legs, and tergite 1 black. Metasoma otherwise strongly metallic blue. Ivory are palps. mandible except teeth, clypeus except its margins, face except black central stripe, gena and lower outer orbit, stripe of frontal orbit reaching the occipital carina, scapus beneath, propleurum, collare, lateral anterior margin and wide upper margin of pronotum, tegula, long median stripes on mesoscutum, spot on upper mesopleurum and large mark on lower mesopleurum/lateral mesosternum, subtegular ridge, prescutellar carina, scutellum completely, spot on postscutellum, carinal triangle, stripe on apical half of area superoexterna and complete area dentipara, hind half of postpetiolus and posterolateral spots on all tergites, coxae I-II, anterodorsal spot on coxa III, all trochanteres, frontal side of legs I-II, subapical rings of all femora and median rings of all tibiae, all tarsomeres except narrow apices and sometimes bases. Wing slightly infuscate, pterostigma black.
R e m a r k: In the key of HEINRICH (1968) the new taxon runs to
Aglaojoppa caeruleodorsata
, but differs by ivory marks on prescutellar carina, the completely ivory scutellum, long ivory stripes on the mesoscutum, and the colour pattern of mesopleurum and tergites.
D i s t r i b u t i o n: