Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 2. Tribe Heresiarchini
Riedel, M.
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
H o l o t y p u s (): "
: Tengchong
45 km
NNW: Houqiao N
25,368 E
1700 m
, leg. Blank, Liston, Taeger" (SDEI)
D e s c r i p t i o n of: Body length
14 mm
. Flagellum strongly lanceolate, with 39 flagellomeres, first flagellomere (without anellus)1.8x as long as wide, the second one 1.7x, both flagellomeres together about 0.5x as long as the compound eyes, the eighth flagellomere square, flagellomeres beyond the middle attenuated, the widest 2.5x as wide as long. Temple roundly narrowed behind the eye, seen from lateral 0.95x as wide as eye, at lower eye margin with very scattered puncture. Distance of lateral ocellus to the eye about 1.3 times as long as its diameter. Frons with fine transverse rugulo-puncture, face and clypeus with coarse puncture, more or less shining. Malar space about 0.6 times as long as the width of mandibular base. Hypostomal carina not elevated.
Mesosoma with light brownish hairs. Notauli distinct at the frontal 1/5 of mesoscutum. Mesoscutum with rather dense puncture, shining; mesopleurum punctured, in the caudal half as the metapleurum striate-punctured, coxal carina strong. Scutellum slightly convex, about as long as wide, without lateral carina, with scattered punctures. Propodeum rounded, area superomedia sickle-shaped, wider than long, smoothened, anterior transverse carina obsolete, costula behind the middle. Area superoexterna punctured, area petiolaris with lateral carina, rugulose. Coxa II and III densely punctured, coxa III with distinct scopa of 2/5 of coxal length. Femur III with dense puncture, about 3.7x as long as high. Third tarsomere II about 1.4x as long as wide.
Areolet pentagonal, frontal distance of intercubiti about 2-3x their diameter, 2mcu in the middle of areolet. Nervulus slightly postfurcal.
Metasoma strongly oxypygous. Lateral fields of postpetiole about 0.6x as wide as median field, the latter finely striate. Gastrocoelus strongly impressed, with longitudinal ridges. Thyridium oblique, about 1.2x as wide as the thyridial interval. Tergites 2-3 densely punctured, matte and striate medially. Tergite 4 with superficial puncture, more or less shining. Seen from above ovipositor sheath about 0.5x as long as the seventh tergite.
Colour: black, metasoma with slightly bluish tint. Ivory are stripes on flagellomeres 7- 13, spot on mandibular base, labrum, wide sides of clypeus, gena except black stripe on malar spcae, wide facial and narrower frontal orbits confluent with large triangular spot on vertex, lower outer orbit, collare, spot on lateral edge and wide upper margin of pronotum, spot on tegula, two short longitudinal stripes on mesoscutum, large spot on lower mesopleurum anteriorly, subtegular ridge, scutellum and postscutellum, area dentipara, apical half of postpetiolus, large posterolateral marks on tergites 2-4 and smaller spot on tergite 5, coxae and trochanters I-II mainly, dorsal and ventral spots of coxa III and trochanter III, apically spots on all femora frontally, tibia I on frontal side, and subapical rings of all tarsomeres. Pterostigma reddish-brown.
R e m a r k s: In the key of HEINRICH the species runs to no. 39
C. kompensis
, but differs mainly by its large scopa and black tibiae II-III.