The ant tribe Dacetini. With a revision of the Strumigenys species of the Malgasy Region by Brian L. Fisher, and a revision of the Austral epopostrumiform genera by Steven O. Shattuck. Author Bolton, B. text Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 2000 65 341 369 journal article 8538 AA3AF36F-DAE3-48E6-812F-8A9934C335BE Pyramica tathula Bolton sp. n. HOLOTYPE WORKER. TL 1.8, HL 0.46, HW 0.37, CI 80, ML 0.14, MI 30, SL 0.28, SI 76, PW 0.27, AL 0.48. Answering to the description of erynnes but differing as follows. 1 Propodeum armed with a pair of triangular teeth, each subtended by a narrow lamella down the declivity. 2 First gastral tergite with about a dozen suberect short remiform hairs, arranged in rows over the whole sclerite (rather than being restricted to an apical pair and a basal pair). 3 Averaging smaller than erynnes and with somewhat shorter scapes (compare measurements). PARATYPE WORKERS. TL 1.8 - 2.0, HL 0.44 - 0.52, HW 0.37 - 0.41, CI 79 - 84, ML 0.13 - 0.15, MI 26 - 30, SL 0.28 - 0.32, SI 76 - 80, PW 0.26 - 0.60, AL 0.47 - 0.54 (4 measured). Holotype worker, Madagascar: Prov. Fianarantsoa, 28 km. SSW Ambositra, Ankazomivady, 1670 m., ll. i. 1998, 20 ° 46.5 ' S, 47 ° 10.1 ' E, # 1620 (31) - l, sifted litter, grassland (B. L. Fisher) (BMNH). Paratypes. 1 worker with same data as holotype; 1 worker, 1 queen and 1 male with same data but # 1620 (37) - 7; 2 workers and 2 queens with same data but # 1620 (17) - 9 (BMNH, MCZ, in coll. Fisher (where there are also some specimens in alcohol )).