New data on the genus Manota Williston (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Africa, with an updated key to the species Author Hippa, Heikki Author Søli, Geir Author Kurina, Olavi text Zootaxa 2019 2019-08-09 4652 3 401 441 journal article 25528 10.11646/zootaxa.4652.3.1 9823b3d4-a8ba-4196-b924-02bf807b4d61 1175-5326 3364902 2BE983B6-FDD2-4175-A7EB-295FFB4FE6DB Manota kirkspriggsi sp. n. Figs 5 A–D Male. Colour. Head light brown, face somewhat paler. Antenna light brown, including scape and pedicel. Clypeus and mouthparts pale yellowish. Thorax yellowish. Legs yellowish, basal and apical fourths of hind femur infuscated. Wing with light brownish tinge because of microtrichia; halter yellowish with blackish knob. Abdomen brown, tergites laterally and sternites lighter. All vestiture pale, yellowish or brownish, thicker setae and trichia seeming darker than finer ones. Head. Antennal flagellomere 4 ca. 1.4 times as long as wide. Palpomere 3 of maxillary palpus with apicomesial thumb-like extension, with 4 apically curved sensilla; palpomere 4 with parasegment; palpomere 5 1.7 times as long as palpomere 4. Nine strong postocular setae. Thorax. Anepisternum with 58 setae; anterior basalare with 8 setae, laterotergite with 30–34 setae, preepisternum 2 non-setose; metepisternum with 14 setae. Legs. Mid and hind tibial organs absent. Wing. R 1 meeting C within basal half of costal margin; sclerotized part of M 2 extending to level of tip of R 1 ; wing length 1.9–2.2 mm . Hypopygium ( Figs 5 A–D). Sternite 9 laterally fused to gonocoxa, posterior margin broad, convex, extending to base of gonostylus, anterior margin with a shallow and wide V-shaped concavity medially, anterior 1/3 non-setose, posterior 2/3 setose, setae similar to those on ventral side of gonocoxa. Ventral medial margin of gonocoxa short, simple. Parastylar lobe finger-like, tapering, with a stout and medially directed apical seta. No paraapodemal lobe identifiable. Dorsal medial margin of gonocoxa membranous, with a transverse conical lobe, bearing 5–6 pointed megasetae in marginal row posteriorly (lobe bend inwards in paratype ). Dorsal posterior margin simple, forming together with medial margin an acute rounded angle. Setae on dorsal side of gonocoxa similar to those on ventral side. One juxtagonostylar seta present, a simple and pointed megaseta with finger-like basal body that is shorter than the megaseta. Gonostylus elongated, about 5 times as long as wide medially, with basal 1/3 slightly widened, setose, 2–3 apical setae somewhat longer and stronger, otherwise setae similar to those on ventral side of gonocoxa.Aedeagus elongate subtriangular, without lateral shoulders, apex curved ventrad. Hypoproct extending posteriorly to the middle of gonostylus, number of ventral setae (sternite 10) ca. 10 on each half. Cerci medially separated, setae scattered over the surface, apical setae somewhat longer, deviating from others. FIGURE 5. Manota kirkspriggsi sp. n. (holotype). A. Hypopygium, dorsal view. B. Hypopygium, ventral view. C. Gonostylus, dorsal view. D. Hypoproct and aedeagus, ventral view. Scale 0.1 mm. Female. Unknown. Etymology. The species is named after Dr. Ashley Kirk-Spriggs (London, UK ) in honour and recognition of his contribution to the study of Afrotropical Diptera . He is the collector of a number of specimens studied in this paper including both type specimens of M. kirkspriggsi sp. n. Comments. Manota kirkspriggsi sp. n. belongs to a group of 14 Afrotropical species as defined under M. polylobata . In having 4–6 pointed megasetae of subequal length at dorsal medial margin of the gonocoxa in marginal row on a transverse conical lobe, M. kirkspriggsi differs remarkably from all other species in this group. Types. Holotype . Male , MADAGASCAR , Province Fianarantsoa , Ranomafana National Park at: 21°15.613’S 47°25.117’E , 15–17.i.2007 , Malaise trap , A.H. Kirk-Spriggs leg. (slide mounted, AMGS ) . Paratype . Male , MAD- AGASCAR: Fianarantsoa Ranomafana National Park , Talatakely , 800 m SW entrance, 21°15.48’S 47°25.27’E ; 16–19.x. 2014 , 610 m, A.H. Kirk-Spriggs & R. Harin’Hala leg., Malaise trap secondary rainforest (slide mounted, BMSA ) .