New species of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae), with a key for the species of the megacantha clade
Norrbom, Allen L.
Korytkowski, Cheslavo A.
journal article
Anastrepha magnicurva
new species
Figs. 12
32, 33, 34
, 106, 107
Anastrepha magnicurva
differs from all other species of
in having extremely elongate terminalia, with the oviscape strongly dorsally arched and more than
20 mm
long, and the phallus more than
40 mm
long. It is similar to
A. willei
Korytkowski (2001)
in having the facial carina produced between the antennal bases, in wing pattern, and in the shape of the aculeus tip.
Mostly yellow to orange, with white to pale yellow markings poorly differentiated in
specimens. Setae dark red brown to black.
Head: Yellow to orange except brown ocellar tubercle. 2–3 frontal setae; 2 orbital setae, posterior seta well developed. Ocellar seta weak, 1.2 times as long as ocellar tubercle. Facial carina, in profile, strongly produced dorsally between antennal bases. Antenna extended 0.62–0.67 distance to ventral facial margin. Palpus in lateral view dorsally curved, evenly setulose.
Thorax: Mostly orange, without brown markings, with following areas white to pale yellow: postpronotal lobe and lateral margin of scutum bordering it; slender medial scutal vitta (not well differentiated in
specimens); sublateral scutal vitta from transverse suture to posterior margin, including base of intra-alar seta; entire scutellum; dorsal margins of anepisternum and katepisternum; katepimeron; and most of anatergite and katatergite. Subscutellum and mediotergite entirely orange. Mesonotum
3.84–5.22 mm
long. Postpronotal lobe, scutum, and scutellum entirely microtrichose or, at least in
female, scutum with pair of short, narrow nonmicrotrichose vittae between acrostichal and dorsocentral lines, interrupted at transverse suture; scutal setulae yellowish. Chaetotaxy typical for genus. Katepisternal seta poorly differentiated from setulae to at most one-third as long as anepisternal seta, weak, orange.
Legs: Entirely yellow to orange.
femur length
3.30–4.14 mm
; tibia length
2.75–3.80 mm
; tarsus length
3.50–4.63 mm
; tibia length/femur length 0.83–0.95; tarsus length/tibia length 1.15–1.27.
Wing (
Figs. 32–34
): Length
10.80–13.36 mm
, width
4.27–5.04 mm
, ratio 2.47–2.79. Apex of vein R1 at 0.59–0.66 wing length, more or less aligned with crossvein r–m. Cell c 1.02–1.20 times as long as pterostigma; pterostigma 5.25–6.29 times as long as wide. Vein R2+3 not sinuous to slightly sinuous. Crossvein r–m at 0.71–0.75 distance from bm–cu to dm–cu on vein M. Vein M very strongly curved apically; cell r4+5 0.72–0.81 times as wide at apex as at level of dm–cu. Cell bcu with distal lobe moderately long, length of bcu 1.57–1.68 times as long as anterior margin, lobe 0.89–0.92 times as long as vein A1+Cu2. Wing pattern mostly orange and moderate brown. Cband mostly orange; orange brown in pterostigma; distal margin in cells br, r2+3 and sometimes r1 narrowly brown. C-band and S-band broadly separated along veins R2+3 and R4+5 by hyaline band that extends from cell bm into cell r1, and separated, sometimes narrowly, or connected along costa, connecting area in cell r1 sometimes paler yellow. Basal half of S-band mostly orange, posterodistal margin brown, very broadly in cell cu1, without incision in cell cu1, anterobasal margin narrowly brown anterior to vein M; distal section orange except brown apically in cells r2+3 and r4+5, relatively broad, at apex of vein R2+3 0.70–0.86 times width of cell r2+3, not extended to apex of vein M; hyaline area proximal to apex of band extending to vein R2+3 or very slightly into cell r1. V-band complete; proximal arm slender, mostly brown, much of band in cell r4+5 and sometimes bordering anterior part of dm–cu orange, separate from S-band anteriorly, on posterior margin extended at least three-fourths distance to vein A1+Cu2; distal arm connected to proximal arm.
Abdomen: Mostly orange, without brown markings. Setulae yellow to orange.
Male terminalia (Fig. 106, 107): Epandrium in lateral view 0.8 times as long as high; posterodorsal margin with narrow V-shaped medial indentation. Lateral surstylus short, extended beyond prensisetae by ca. length of prensiseta; strongly demarcated from epandrium by bluntly lobelike ventrolateral margin of latter; in lateral view slightly posteriorly curved; in posterior view bluntly rounded, lateral and medial margins slightly convex. Proctiger with ventral and lateral sclerotized areas connected but lateral areas separate dorsally. Phallus 48.0–
51.5 mm
long, 10.67–11.44 times as long as mesonotum; glans
0.70–0.75 mm
long, 0.015 times as long as phallus.
Female terminalia: Oviscape
24.1–39.5 mm
long, 6.28–7.61 times as long as mesonotum, in lateral view dorsally or dorsobasally directed at base then extremely strongly ventrally curved, apical half slightly ventrally curved except extreme apex slightly dorsally curved; mostly dark brown except basal eighth or less orange; spiracle at basal 0.12–0.13. Eversible membrane (
Fig. 54
) with ca. 30 strong, hooklike dorsobasal denticles in 4 irregular rows in subtriangular pattern. Aculeus ventrally curved in lateral view,
23.60–37.75 mm
long, 0.94–0.98 times oviscape length; tip (
Fig. 89
0.45–0.54 mm
long, 0.01–0.02 times aculeus length,
0.165–0.180 mm
wide, 2.72–3.09 times as long as wide, lateral margin strongly convex, rapidly then gradually tapered, nonserrate,
0.09–0.11 mm
wide in lateral view, 0.55–0.61 times ventral width. Spermathecae not examined.
Anastrepha magnicurva
is known only from
The host plants and other aspects of the biology of this species are unknown.
: Junín: Chanchamayo, 2007, L. Martínez Puma.
: Napo:
20 km
E of Puerto Napo, Aliñahui,
450 m
Nov 1997
, E. S. Ross, 1Ƥ (
: Huánuco: 1Ƥ (SENASA
00671164); Huánuco: Alto Huallaga, Tingo María, Pendencia Baja, McPhail trap 1,2,2,2,
24 Sep 2001
, D. Damas, 001-01, 1Ƥ (
00671982). Junín: Chanchamayo, Pichanaki, McPhail trap 1,6,7,9,
10 Mar 2009
, H. Riveros, 074-09, 13 (SENASA
00671985) 13 (
Other material.
: Huánuco: Huallaga Central, Aucayacu, Pueblo Nuevo,
12 Jul 2005
, D. Damas, 585- 0 5, 1Ƥ (SENASA); same,
3 Jun 2005
, 0286-05, 1Ƥ (SENASA); Alto Huallaga, Tingo María, Pendencia Baja, McPhail trap 1,2,1,3,
26 Dec 2001
, D. Damas, 009-01, 1Ƥ (SENASA). Junín: Chanchamayo, Pichanaki, McPhail trap 1,6,7,9,
10 Mar 2009
, G. Gonzáles, 2Ƥ (SENASA) (in poor condition, broken into pieces and mixed together).
The name of this species is an adjective referring to the extremely curved oviscape.
This species belongs to the
species group (
et al
. 1999b
). It may be most closely related to
A. willei
(see diagnosis). The oviscape and aculeus were measured along their full lengths, not directly from base to apex. Because of their extreme curvature this was done by totaling a series of measurements of different sections.