New species of Condylostylus Bigot (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Comoros Madagascar, Tanzania and South Africa, with key to Afrotropical species Author Grichanov, Igor Ya. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-08-12 4830 1 62 74 journal article 8740 10.11646/zootaxa.4830.1.2 f277d05f-a500-46f3-b159-563c2affd186 1175-5326 4402948 4B031451-AA4E-4E31-8005-56B721E1B18E Condylostylus kaplini sp. nov. ( Fig. 4 ) D3CACE31-E573-4AB5-BB05-95727D9673CE Diagnosis. Condylostylus kaplini sp.nov. belongs to the C. burgeoni species group ( Grichanov 2010 ), close to C. basovi from Madagascar . The latter differs from the new species by the fore basitarsus 4 times longer than wide, flattened and widened except basal two-fifths, with posteroventral row of hooked setulae in basal two-fifths; mid tibia with 2 short ventral setae in apical half; mid tarsomeres 3 and 4 with elongate setulae; mid tarsomeres 4 and 5 slightly enlarged and flattened; cercus with all ventral hairs hooked on basal third ( Fig. 4G ) and sparse simple ventral hairs along entire length distally. Males of C. kaplini have the fore basitarsus 5–6 times longer than wide, flattened and widened on distal half, without hooked setulae; mid tibia without ventral setae; mid tarsomeres 3–5 simple, cylindrical; cercus with few simple ventral setae at base and dense ventral pile of brownish hairs along entire length distally ( Figs 4E, F ). FIGURE 4. Condylostylus spp., males. A–F. Condylostylus kaplini sp. nov. A. Habitus. B. Head. C. Antenna. D. Wing. E. Hypopygium, left lateral view. F. Cercus, basal part. G. Condylostylus basovi Grichanov (paratype), cercus, basal part. Description. Male ( Fig. 4A ). Body length 5.3 mm ; antenna length 1.2 mm ; wing length 4.1 mm ; wing width 1.2 mm . Head ( Fig. 4B ): frons metallic blue, shiny, weakly pollinose; strong anterior vertical bristle arising from small mound; upper postocular setae black, short; ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs; face densely silvery-white pollinose, narrow, under antennae 2 times wider than postpedicel, at clypeus half as wide as postpedicel; bulging clypeus 1/3 as long as upper part of face (epistome); antenna ( Fig. 4C ) black, shorter than height of head; pedicel with short bristles, with 1 long dorsal bristle; postpedicel rounded, as long as high, with short hairs; arista-like stylus dorsal, microscopically haired; length (mm) of scape, pedicel, postpedicel, stylus (segments 1 and 2), 0.08/0.08/0.09/0.05/0.84; proboscis orange; palpus black, with white and black hairs. Thorax : mesonotum and scutellum metallic blue-green; pleura bronze-green, white pollinose; 5 dorsocentral bristles gradually decreasing in size anteriorly with 2 strongest posterior pairs; acrostichals short, biserial; scutellum with 2 pairs of strong setae. Legs : mostly yellow; coxae yellow; apical segments of fore and mid tarsi black; hind femur blackish brown on distal quarter; hind tibia brown; hind tarsus black; fore and mid coxae with yellow hairs and 2 black subapical setae; hind coxa with 1 black seta at base; femora without strong or long setae; mid femur with light ventral hairs on basal half, at most half as long as femur diameter; fore tibia without seta; fore basitarsus 5–6 times longer than wide, flattened and widened except basal two-fifths, with ventral pile, posteroventral row of elongate setulae in basal two-fifths, row of elongate setulae along dorsal margin of flattened part; mid tibia with 2 short anterodorsals and 1 minute posterodorsal, without ventral setae; mid tarsomeres 3–5 simple, cylindrical; hind basitarsus with small basoventral seta; tarsomeres 3–5 of hind leg slightly thickened; femur, tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length ratio (mm): fore leg: 1.19/1.47/0.84/0.41/0.3/0.17/0.14, mid leg: 1.55/2.26/1.67/0.45/0.36/0.17/0.12, hind leg: 1.95/2.89/1.28/0.42/0.3/0.16/0.14. Wing ( Fig. 4D ): widened apically, hyaline in basal part, dark in apical half anteriorly, brownish along veins, veins brown; R 4+5 gently curved to M 1 in apical fifth; M 1+2 straight in basal half, slightly convex anteriad in middle part; M 1 with nearly right-angular elbow, forming acute angle with M 1+2 and obtuse angle with M 2 ; ratio of parts of costa between R 2+3 and R 4+5 to those between R 4+5 and M 1 , 7/1; crossvein dm-m slightly convex; ratio of crossvein dm-m to apical part of M 1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of M 4 , 46/70/17; anal vein and lobe reduced; anal angle absent; lower calypter brownish, with fine yellow cilia; halter yellow with brownish knob. Abdomen : thin and long, metallic bluish-green-black, with short black hairs; segment 1 with white hairs; pregenital segments combined about 3 times as long as mesonotum; hypopygium ( Fig. 4E ) black, with short black hairs; cercus black, long, filiform, slightly broadened at base, without basoventral lobe, densely covered with numerous black setae dorsally, somewhat sparser on distal third, with few simple ventral setae at base and dense ventral pile of brownish hairs along entire length ( Fig. 4F ); cercus 4 times longer than epandrium; surstylus and epandrial lobe greatly reduced. Female. Similar to male except MSSC. Face wider, at narrowest point wider than postpedicel, nearly parallel-sided; distal segments of fore and mid tarsi dark; hind tarsus black from middle of basitarsus; wing on average with more blackish pattern. Etymology. The species name is dedicated to Dr. V. Kaplin, a Russian entomologist (VIZR, St. Petersburg ). Type material. HOLOTYPE , labelled: SAR, Umhlanga Rocks , Natal , 2931 CA , coastal dunes, 24.x.1971 , M.E. Irwin [ NMSA ]. PARATYPES : South Africa : 3♂ , 1♀ , same data as for holotype; 2♂ , 1♀ , Natal Prov. , Cape Vidal , 20 mi. N of St. Lucia , 2832BA, 0–20 m , 24.xi.1971 , coastal dune forest, M.E. & B.J. Irwin ; 2♀ , Natal Prov. , Zululand , Dukuduku Forest , 4 mi. W of St. Lucia , 2832AD, 3 m , 26.xi.1971 , M.E. & B.J. Irwin ; 1♂ , 2♀ , Umhlanga Bush near Durban , Natal , v.1961 , B. & P. Stuckenberg ; 1♀ , Umhlanga Bush near Durban , Natal , 9.xi.1962 , from coastal forest, B. & P. Stuckenberg ; 1♂ , 2♀ , Dukuduku between St. Lucia & Matubatuba , Zululand , 7–8.iv.1960 , B. & P. Stuckenberg ; 2♀ , Ingwayuma distr. , Lebombo , Zululand , ii.1957 , Stuckenberg ; 1♀ , Ndumu Reserve , Ingwayuma distr., Tongaland , 1–10.xii.1963 , B. & P. Stuckenberg (all NMSA ) . Distribution. South Africa ( KwaZulu-Natal ).