Arge pyracanthae n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Argidae) feeding on Pyracantha fortuneana in Hunan Province, China Author Shinohara, Akihiko Author Wei, Mei-Cai Author Kiyoshi, Takuya text Zootaxa 2015 3947 3 407 416 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3947.3.7 4d8d8270-4387-4ccb-808b-649d531086c5 1175-5326 242850 1B285B9B-CB39-4B5D-B2B1-8E767A8CDD15 Arge pyracanthae Wei & Shinohara , n. sp. ( Fig. 1–8 , 10, 12, 14–24 ) Description . Female ( holotype ). Length 9.5 mm ( Fig. 1 ). Color. Black with bluish reflection, abdominal tergite 1 with distinct purplish reflection, tergites 2–4 with weak purplish tinge. Antennal flagellum black without distinct reflection; palpi largely black brown, fourth maxillary palp partly and sixth maxillary palp largely pale brown; apex of mandible reddish black. Legs bluish black, apical half of hind coxa with ventral pale brown macula, extreme base of hind femur with small pale macula, outer side of fore and middle tibiae and tarsomeres 1 largely pale brown, basal 0.4–0.5 of hind tibia yellowish white except for extreme base, tibial spurs pale brown. Hairs pale brown, those on mesoscutellum and ovipositor sheath blackish brown. Forewing with basal half largely hyaline and apical half and cell C largely and basal posterior margin narrowly infuscated; broad and weakly infuscated band present below stigma; stigma and veins mostly dark brown to blackish brown, extreme base of stigma, apex of vein C, apical 0.7 of first abscissa of vein R1 creamy white; hindwing with basal 0.4 almost hyaline, apical 0.6 weakly infuscated, veins largely dark brown to blackish brown. Surface texture . Anterior part of clypeus minutely and very sparsely punctured, punctures gradually becoming larger and denser toward posterior margin, interspaces smooth, shiny; punctures on supraclypeal area moderate, denser than punctures on clypeus; frontal field (basin) smooth, shiny, frontal ridge with some shallow punctures; temple largely smooth, head otherwise with some minute and very sparse setigerous punctures. Mesoscutal median lobe and anterior part of lateral lobe with small but distinct punctures, interspaces smooth; mesoscutellum largely and metascutellum entirely impunctate, anterior and lateral sides of mesoscutellum with a few minute punctures; upper half of mesepisternum with sparse and minute setigerous punctures, shiny. Abdominal tergite 1 entirely, tergites 2–8 largely smooth and glabrous, strongly shiny, tergites 9–10 and lateral sides of tergites 2–8 sparsely pubescent. Hairs on head and mesopleuron slightly and those on mesonotum much shorter than diameter of median ocellus. Structure. Labrum broad with shallow roundish incision; anterior margin of clypeus thin with broad incision with depth about 0.3× clypeal length; malar space about as long as diameter of median ocellus; distance between eyes at level of basal corners of clypeus 1.1× longest axis of eye; supraclypeal area broadly elevated with distinct but blunt middle carina, its length about 0.9–1.1× diameter of torulus ( Fig. 3 ); interantennal carinae low, strongly convergent downward, merging with middle carina at about middle of supraclypeal area; largest distance between interantennal carinae about 1.2× diameter of antennal socket; frontal ridge broad and blunt, frons clearly longer than broad, shallowly concave, forming distinct frontal field (basin); frontal pit (middle fovea) round, clearly deeper than frontal basin, bottom without tubercle, upper margin weakly elevated, shallowly and broadly open to frontal basin; POL: OOL: OCL=17: 17: 10; postocellar area very short and strongly oblique, hardly elevated, breadth about 2.5× length; lateral furrows shallow and short, weakly convergent backward; in dorsal view lateral sides of head weakly but clearly narrowed behind eyes ( Fig. 2 ). Antennal flagellum about as long as thorax, clearly but not strongly bent, hardly enlarged beyond middle, slightly compressed, broadest part at about apical 0.35 ( Fig. 4 ), anterior longitudinal carina (when antenna placed parallel to anterior margin of forewing) sharp, dorsal and ventral carinae obtuse. Anterior 0.4 of mesoscutal median lobe with fine and shallow middle furrow. Middle and hind tibiae each with one preapical spur; hind tarsomere 1 1.3× length of following 3 tarsomeres together. In both wings, wing margin between veins Rs and Cu clearly ciliate, glabrous margin indistinct; forewing with vein R+M absent, crossvein1cu-a meeting ventral margin of cell 1M at middle, crossvein 3r-m weakly and roundly bent outwards, cell 2Rs slightly shorter than 1Rs with upper margin 1.1× length of lower margin and about as long as upper margin of cell 1Rs, lower margin of cell 2Rs clearly shorter than lower margin of cell 1Rs; hindwing with cell 1Rs 1.5× length of cell M and anal cell 1.6× length of petiole of anal cell ( Fig. 1 ). Posterior margin of sternite 7 (hypopygium) almost straight, broad median part only very shortly extended backwards. Each lobe of ovipositor sheath in dorsal view subtriangular in outline, about as long as basal breadth, apex not acute but narrowly rounded ( Fig. 6 ), in lateral view slightly shorter than hind femur, distinctly concave at basal 0.2–0.5, apex bluntly rounded ( Fig. 5 ). Lancet with 21 distinct serrulae, serrulae pigmented completely with very fine and indistinct teeth, basal and middle serrulae strongly protruding, apical serrulae weakly protruding, upper margin of lancet shortly and densely pilose ( Fig. 10 ); annular spine bands narrow, distance between seventh and eighth bands at middle about 2.2× breadth of band ( Fig. 14 ); third to fifth serrulae as in Fig. 12 ; distance between first and second serrulae longer than distance between second and third serrulae; annular spine bands subparallel with lateral pore lines except for basal two or three bands. Lance with very short annular spine band (cluster) close to virgae, transparent annular band absent ( Fig. 15 ). FIGURES 1–8. Arge pyracanthae n. sp. , holotype female (1–6) and paratype male (7, 8).—1, 7, Adults, dorsal view (scale bar=1mm); 2, head, dorsal view; 3, head, frontal view; 4, 8, antennae; 5, ovipositor sheath, lateral view; 6, ovipositor sheath, dorsal view. FIGURES 9–18. Arge qinlingia Wei , female, Shaolin Temple, Dengfeng, Henan Province (9, 11, 13) and A. pyracanthae n. sp. , female holotype (10, 12, 14, 15) and male paratype (16–18).—9, 10, Lancets; 11, 13, third to fifth serrulae; 13, 14, sixth to eighth annular spines bands; 15, ventral part of middle segments of lance; 16, genital capsule, dorsal view; 17, genital capsule, ventral view; 18, penis valve, lateral view (left dorsal). Male ( paratype ). Length 8 mm ( Fig. 7 ). Color and structure similar to female except as follows: Hind coxa black except for apical margin pale brown, hind femur without pale macula near base, about basal 0.65 of hind tibia creamy white; hindwing entirely and weakly infuscated; malar space about 0.8× diameter of median ocellus; distance between eyes at level of basal corners of clypeus about as long as longest axis of eye; supraclypeal middle carina sharp; upper part of interantennal carinae sharp and almost parallel, upper ends abruptly curved inward and connected with each other; frons closed forming distinctly depressed frontal field; head distinctly narrowed behind eyes in dorsal view; antennal flagellum slightly longer than thorax, with long and erect setae ( Fig. 8 ); cell 2Rs clearly shorter than 1Rs. Subgenital plate broader than long, apical margin roundly protruding. Genitalia ( Figs 16, 17 ) with harpe longer than broad, weakly broadened toward base, apex broadly rounded; valviceps of penis valve as in Fig. 18 , broadly and weakly narrowed at middle, caudal lobe short. Larva. Middle instar ( Figs 19, 20 ): Pale green, with brown or amber brown head; paired dots along dorsal mid line on thoracic segments, cervical sclerite, most of coxae of thoracic legs, and scattered minute spots on each segment of trunk blackish; thoracic legs with amber tint; head and trunk covered with long hairs. Last feeding instar ( Figs 21–24 ): Pale green. Head with large blackish mark covering vertex and anterolateral extension to ocularium; frons with paired rather inconspicuous blackish spots. Dorsal spots along mid line of thoracic segments, spot on each coxa, and scattered minute spots on each segment of trunk blackish; prolegs whitish. Hairs rather dense, generally blackish. Antenna bulbous; clypeus with two pairs of setae; labrum with two pairs of setae; mandible with two setae on outer surface; maxillary palp four-segmented; palpifer with six setae; labial palp threesegmented; first to ninth abdominal segments each with three annulets and subspiracular lobe distinctly convex; prolegs thin and elongate, on second to sixth segments; 10th tergum in dorsal view broadly rounded apically. Cocoon . Length 10–11 mm in female, 8.5–10 mm in male. Dull white with slight brownish tint. Elongate oval, double walled; outer wall netted and inner wall parchment like. Variation . Female: The length varies from 8 to 9.5 mm . The fore and middle tibiae and tarsomeres 1 are often mostly black, with the pale brown marking much reduced. The pale brown mark on the hind coxa is often reduced, sometimes almost missing. The hindwing is usually uniformly very slightly infuscated. Male: The length varies from 6.5 to 8 mm . The hind trochantelli are often marked with brown. The antenna is constantly black in both sexes. Distribution . China (Hunan Province). Table 1. Summary of rearings in 2013. See text for explanation. June July August Days in Rearing codes 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 cocoon 130610 B 1 L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 14 2 L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 16 3 L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 14 4 L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 15 5 L L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 15 6 L L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 15 7 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L (E) 130610 C 8 L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 14 9 L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 15 10 L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 16 130615 A 11 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 20 12 L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 42 130615 B 13 L L C C C C C C C C C C C C M 12 14 L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 14 15 L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 15 16 L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 14 17 L L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 15 18 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 16 19 L L L L L L L L L L L L L (E) 130615 C 20 L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 13 21 L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 16 22 L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 15 23 L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 15 24 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C F 15 25 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M 14 26 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L (E) Date of larval collection.L: Feeding larval period. C : Date of cocooning.C: Cocoon period. M : Emergence of male adult. F : Emergence of female adult. (E): Fixed in ethanol. FIGURES 19–24. Arge pyracanthae n. sp. , larvae, middle instar (19, 20) and late instar (21–24), photographed by A. Shinohara in 2013.—19, 22, Hupingshan, June 10; 20, 23, 24, photographed indoors, June 22 and 23; 21, Hupingshan, June 15. Specimens examined . Type material : Holotype : ♀, “[ China : Hunan] Shinianzigou, 585 m , 110°33'18"E , 30°00'59"N , Hupingshan, Shimen, A. Shinohara” “ AS 130615 B, larva coll. 15.VI.2013 , mat. 25.VI. em. 10.VII.2013 , Host Pyracantha sp.”, [slide] 2014081602♀, Morphbank 850687 ( CSCS ). Paratypes : 1♂ , “[ China : Hunan] Shinianzigou, 585 m , 110°33'18"E , 30°00'59"N , Hupingshan, Shimen, A. Shinohara” “ AS 130610 B, larva coll. 10.VI.2013 , mat. 19.VI. em. 4.VII.2013 , Host Pyracantha sp.”, [slide] 2014081606♂, Morphbank 850688 ( CSCS ); 1♂ ( AS 130610 B), same data as for holotype but larva coll. 10.VI.2013 , mat. 17.VI. , em. 1.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130610 B), same data but em. 3.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130610 B), same data but mat. 19.VI. , em. 3.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 2♂ ( AS 130610 B), same data but mat. 20.VI. , em. 5.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♀ ( AS 130610 C), same data as for holotype but larva coll. 10.VI.2013 , mat. 15.VI. , em. 29.VI.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♀ ( AS 130610 C), same data but em. 30.VI.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♀ ( AS 130610 C), same data but mat. 19.VI. , em. 5.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130615 A), same data as for holotype but mat. 15.VI. , em. 5.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130615 A), same data but mat. 20.VI. , em. 1.VIII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130615 B), same data but mat. 17.VI. , em. 29.VI.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130615 B), same data but mat. 21.VI. , em. 5.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130615 B), same data but em. 6.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♀ ( AS 130615 B), same data but mat. 23.VI. , em. 7.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♀ ( AS 130615 B), same data but mat. 3.VII. , em. 19.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♀ ( AS 130615 C), same data but mat. 17.VI. , em. 30.VI.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♀ ( AS 130615 C), same data but mat. 20.VI. , em. 6.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 2♀ ( AS 130615 C), same data but mat. 21.VI. , em. 6.VII.2013 ( NSMT , one in ethanol); 1♀ ( AS 130615 C), same data but mat. 29.VI. , em. 14.VII.2013 ( NSMT ); 1♂ ( AS 130615 C), same data but mat. 30.VI. , em. 14.VII.2013 ( NSMT ). Material for barcoding data: GenBank Accession No. KP193141 : 1 late instar larva ( AS 130610 B), “[ China : Hunan] Shinianzigou, 585 m , 110°33'18"E , 30°00'59"N , Hupingshan, Shimen, A. Shinohara”, larva coll. 10.VI.2013 , Host Pyracantha sp.”, fixed in ethanol, 23.VI. , A. Shinohara (NSMT-I-Hym 70905). GenBank Accession No. KP193142 : 1 late instar larva ( AS 130615 B), same locality and host plant, coll. 15.VI.2013 , fixed in ethanol, 27.VI. , A. Shinohara (NSMT-I-Hym 70906). Etymology . The specific epithet refers to its host plant. Host plant . Rosaceae : Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.) H. L. Li. Rearing records . Table 1 shows rearing records of 26 larvae all discovered in the type locality on June 10 and 15, 2013 . The larvae found in the field, both in the early and late instars, were solitary and cryptic ( Figs 19–24 ). Three larvae (nos 7, 17, 26) were fixed in ethanol on June 23, 27 and July 5 , respectively. The other 23 larvae matured and cocooned in mid-June to late June (one on July 3 ). A total of 23 adults ( 11 females and 12 males ) emerged mainly at the end of June to the beginning of July; 18 (eight females and ten males) emerged during the period from June 29 to July 7 , two (one female and one male) on July 14 , and one each on July 10 (female), July 19 (female) and August 1 (male). The cocoon period (Table 1) greatly varied from 12 to 42 days, though about 83% (19 out of 23) were 14 to 16 days. The cocoon period of the 11 females were rather stable, all within the range of 13 to 16 days, whereas 12 males show more variation, with one individual 12 days, nine individuals 14–16 days, one individual 20 days and one individual 42 days.