A reassessment of the Neotropical genus Pseudonannolene Silvestri, 1895: cladistic analysis, biogeography, and taxonomic review (Spirostreptida: Pseudonannolenidae) Author Iniesta, Luiz Felipe Moretti DEEF048E-97FB-4CCD-875F-5FA6184CA8AB&14A15A7F-730F-4D41-BDAC-D53514FAB85D Pós-graduação em Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. & Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 090, São Paulo, Brazil. rodrigobouzan@outlook.com Author Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador DEEF048E-97FB-4CCD-875F-5FA6184CA8AB&14A15A7F-730F-4D41-BDAC-D53514FAB85D Pós-graduação em Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. & Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 090, São Paulo, Brazil. rodrigobouzan@outlook.com Author Brescovit, Antonio Domingos 14A15A7F-730F-4D41-BDAC-D53514FAB85D&D5B81D79-AFAE-47B1-8A6E-DAB448A24BCC Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 090, São Paulo, Brazil. rodrigobouzan@outlook.com&antonio.brescovit@butantan.gov.br text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-04-27 867 1 1 312 http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2023.867.2109 journal article 57602 10.5852/ejt.2023.867.2109 1d2570da-e150-4d75-94d8-bfc5813062bc 2118-9773 7891021 8DEF295C-A8B1-4A6B-B873-B30949F64E07 Pseudonannolene borelli Silvestri, 1895 Figs 50 , 180 Pseudonannolene borelli Silvestri, 1895b: 7 , fig. 12. Pseudonannolene borelli Silvestri 1897b: 8 ; 1902: 22 (description of specimens from Areguá, Central, Paraguay ). — Viggiani 1973: 366 . — Jeekel 2004: 88 . Diagnosis Males of P. borelli slightly resemble those of P. longicornis and P. tricolor by having gonopod with subcylindrical gonocoxa, but differing by an internal branch with long setae restricted to the apical margin and the solenomere with a large trunk ( Silvestri 1895b: 7 , fig. 12; Fig. 50E ). Etymology Patronym honoring the collector Dr Alfredo Borelli ( Silvestri 1895b ). Material examined (total: 1 ♀ ) PARAGUAY Central 1 ♀ ; Areguá ; [ -25.303669 , -57.412255 ]; 157 m a.s.l. ; 11 Oct. 1900 ; A. Borelli leg.; USNM 2389 . Descriptive notes Gonopod description adapted from Silvestri (1895b: 7) to supplement original description and to introduce gonopod terminology. Non-sexual characters described as female. MEASUREMENTS . 68 body rings (1 apodous + telson). Females: body length ca 60 mm ; maximum midbody diameter 3 mm . COLOR . Strongly faded because of long preservation in ethanol, but apparently metazonites with a brownish posterior band; head, antennae, and legs lighter brownish. HEAD . Antennae short ( Fig. 50A ), just reaching back to end of ring 5 when extended dorsally; relative antennomere lengths 1<2≈3≈4<5≈6>7. Mandibular cardo with ventral margin narrow. Ommatidial cluster well-developed, elliptical; ca 32 ommatidia in 5 rows. BODY RINGS . Collum broken. Very faintly constricted between prozonite and metazonite; prozonites smooth; metazonites laterally with transverse striae. Anterior sterna in midbody rings subrectangular, without transverse striae. GONOPODS . Gonocoxa ( gcx ) elongated, almost twice as long as telopodite, subrectangular; flattened antero-posteriorly; with rows of papillae mesally. Seminal groove ( sg ) terminating apically on the seminal apophysis ( sa ). Shoulder ( sh ) inconspicuous. Telopodite ( tp ) as wide as half of gcx ; solenomere ( sl ) with apicomesal process ( amp ) subtriangular; ectal process ( ep ) subtriangular, separated from amp by shallow notch; sa located at mesal portion. Internal branch ( ib ) shovel-shaped, slightly curved apically; setae restricted to the apical region of ib exceeding seminal region of sl ( Fig. 50E ). Distribution Known from Chaco in southwestern Paraguay ; other records from the literature for Argentina and Bolivia ( Fig. 180 ). Comments The type material described by Silvestri (1895b) was not found after consulting the Museo Regionale Scienze Naturali, Torino, Italy (MRSN). Nevertheless, a female topotype (USNM 2389) originally identified by Silvestri (but erroneously referenced as a paratype in its original label) was examined ( Fig. 50A–D ). Other specimens from Argentina ( Santa Fé ), Bolivia ( Potosí and Tajira), and Paraguay ( Asunción ) were recorded by Silvestri (1897b , 1902 ).