Eight New Species Of The Genus Nemoura (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) From Thailand And Vietnam Author Sivec, Ignac Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P. O. Box 290, SLO- 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: isivec @ pms-lj. si isivec@pms-lj.si Author Stark, Bill P. Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, U. S. A. 39058 E-mail: stark @ mc. edu stark@mc.edu text Illiesia 2010 6 21 277 287 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4760051 225571d6-a475-4d3e-9f2a-a2e93c50a984 1854-0392 4760051 Nemoura raptoraloba sp.n. ( Figs. 13-16 ) Material examined. Holotype and 1♀ paratype from Bang Khun Klang , 98° 32’ N, 18° 32’ E, 1200 m , Doi Inthanon National Park , Chiang Mai Province , Thailand , 26 January 1990 , P. Chantaramongkol , H. Malicky ( PMSL ). Additonal Paratypes : Thailand : Chiang Mai Province , Doi Inthanon National Park , CP1TF, 98° 31’N, 18° 31’E, 1600 m , 26 March 1992 , H. Malicky , 1♀ ( PMSL ) . Chiang Mai Province , Doi Inthanon National Park , stream on right below check point, 1500 m , 11 April 1989 , 1♂ ( PMSL ) . Chiang Mai Province , Doi Suthep-Pui National Park , Huai Kaew above Monthatarn , 98° 55’ N, 18° 49’ E, 800 m , 14 February-11 March 2003 , Malaise Trap , 1♂ ( PMSL ) . Adult habitus. General color pale brown. Head and pronotum without distinctive pigment pattern. Palpi and basal antennal segment pale. Femora with mesal and apical dark bands; tibiae with dark proximal marking. Forewings bearing scattered irregularly shaped pale areas against a slightly darker background. Male. Forewing length 6.5 mm. Posterior margin of tergum 9 with a row of 5-8 long setae ( Fig. 13 ); tergum 10 with a patch of sensilla basiconica on either side of epiproct tip, and a pair of prominent clusters of triangular spines set on sclerite adjacent to epiproct near apical third. Epiproct somewhat triangular in dorsal aspect, with a pair of thin, spine covered processes projecting at apex ( Fig. 13 ). Paraproct outer lobe with a slender and strongly curved outer spine ( Figs. 13-15 ). Cerci globular. Vesicle about twice as long as wide ( Fig. 15 ). Female. Forewing length 8.5 mm. Sternum 7 broadly rounded and overlapping basal half of sternum 8 ( Fig. 16 ). Larva. Unknown. Etymology. The species name refers to the prominently curved, somewhat raptorial-like outer paraproct lobe. Diagnosis. As indicated above under N. clavaloba , this species shares the enlarged, spine-like structure on the paraprocts. These paraproct lobes are acute and slender in lateral aspect for N. raptoraloba and N. tenuiloba (described below) but club shaped in N. clavaloba . Nemoura raptoraloba has a cluster of spines on tergum 10 adjacent to the epiproct which are absent in N. tenuiloba and the epiproct is more quadrangular in outline for the latter species.