New Records Of Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) From Ukraine. I. Milesiini And Rhingiini Author Prokhorov, A. V. Author Popov, G. V. Author Zaika, M. I. text Vestnik Zoologii 2018 2018-02-01 52 1 13 20 journal article 55210 10.2478/vzoo-2018-0002 461fa9e8-ec55-4d42-963f-f2e63672607f 2073-2333 6404156 Cheilosia psilophthalma Becker, 1894 ( figs 6–8, 10 ) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Ukraine : Kyiv Region , Irpin env., 50.51 N 30.27 E , mixed forest along the railway, 11.04.2017 , 1 ♀ ; Khodosivka env., 50.27 N 30.50 E , Vita River valley , 5.04.2016 , 1 ♀ (A. Prokhorov). Figs 6–11. Females of Cheilosia psilophthalma (figs 6–8, 10) and C. urbana (figs 9, 11): 6 — habitus, dorsal view; 7 — habitus, lateral view; 8, 9 — head, frontal view; 10, 11 — claws of fore leg. D i s t r i b u t i o n: from southern Norway , Sweden , southern Finland , Ireland , Britain, France (Vosges, Alps, Cevennes), Slovakia , Poland , Switzerland , Greece , Montenegro , Serbia and European Russia ( Peck, 1988 ; Holinka & Mazánek, 1997 ; Speight, 2016). Ukraine ( first record ). Diagnosis. Female: Head ( fig. 8 ). Face black with facial tubercle and lower facial margin well developed ( fig. 7 ); lateral parts of frons densely covering with whitish pile, dust spots not connected to dusting on face ( fig. 8 ); basoflagellomere reddish, 1.5 times longer than wide, arista nearly bare; eyes entirely covered with short whitish pile ( fig. 8 ). Thorax with short pale pile, black bristles on hind rim of scutellum present; upper and lower parts of hairs on katepisternum widely separated. Legs: femora black with small apical part pale, tibiae pale with narrow incomplete black rings below middle ( fig. 7 ); tarsomeres 2–3 of all legs pale, 4–5 blackish, first tarsomeres of fore legs pale with dark patch on upper side, ones of mid legs pale; all claws black ( fig. 10 ). Abdomen elongate and black, sternites 2–4 shining, tergites with short whitish pile. Differs from closely related C. urbana (Meigen, 1822) by black claws (pale at base in C. urbana , fig. 11 ), dust spots on frons not connected to dusting on face (connected in C. urbana , fig. 9 ), femora apex pale for a shot distance (pale over considerable distance in C. urbana ), tergite 5 mostly weakly dusted (mostly undusted in C. urbana ) ( Van Veen, 2010 ).