A new geophilid centipede of the genus Eurytion Attems, 1903 from north­western Argentina. (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Geophilidae) Author Pereira, Luis A. text Zootaxa 2005 794 1 12 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170535 493c6502-6236-498e-aa1b-946a6eae5be1 1175­5326 170535 Genus Eurytion Attems, 1903 Diagnosis : Clypeal area finely punctate or granulate, not areolate. First maxillae with or without coxosternal lappets, telopodite lappets present. Second maxillae with coxosternites medially joined through a narrow, hyaline and non­areolate membranous isthmus only; antero­internal corners of coxosternum without processes; coxosternal pore surronded by sclerotized rim. Forcipulae: pleurocoxosternal sutures extend parallel to the outer margin, chitinous lines absent. Sterna with pore fields. Last pair of legs with two tarsal articles; praetarsus of last legs claw­like, well developed; coxopleura of the last leg­bearing segment with numerous coxal organs opening separately or grouped in one or two clusters. Type of the genus : Geophilus (Eurytion) michaelseni Attems, 1903 (currently Eurytion michaelseni (Attems, 1903)) by subsequent designation by Attems 1929 —Tierreich 52: 254. Remark: For a complete list of the Neotropical species currently included in the genus Eurytion and corresponding full citations, see Foddai, Pereira and Minelli (2000) .