A new genus and species of myrmecophilous aphodiine beetle (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) inhabiting the myrmecophytic epiphyte Platycerium sp. (Polypodiaceae) in the Bornean rainforest canopy Author Maruyama, Munetoshi The Kyushu University Museum, Fukuoka, Japan text ZooKeys 2010 2010-01-28 34 34 49 54 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.34.281 08b92fdc-9bba-469a-8382-0d7f0fb89bb7 1313–2970 576604 7761253A-8625-4DDA-B33B-4AD041F16667 Pterobius itiokai Maruyama , sp. n. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: BB668AEE-029A-4FDC-8127-E0DA27AC3C29 Etymology . Dedicated to the collector of the type series. Dr. Takao Itioka. Type series. Holotype , male, “ MALAYSIA : Sarawak , Taman Negara Bukit Lambir [ Lambir Hills National Park ], 16.IX.2005 , leg. ITIOKA-K.” Mouthparts, left legs and genitalia dissected and mounted on a small glass slide pinned under the specimen. Deposited at the Forest Department of Sarawak , Malaysia. Six paratypes with same data as holotype (deposited in the Kyushu University Museum). Description . Length 3.05–3.30 mm . Body (Figs 1–2) elongate oval, reddish brown, glabrous shining. Head strongly gibbose medially; clypeal margin narrowly reflexed, broadly rounded on each side of shallow, median emargination; sides distinctly emarginate in front of right-angled, protruding genae; clypeal surface densely and finely punctate, with microreticulations. Pronotum rectangular, convex, side margin narrowly deplanate; posterior angles broadly rounded; surface punctures variably-sized, coarse and deep mesally, separated by 1–3 times their diameters. Scutellum narrowly subtriangular. Elytra slightly wider than base of pronotum and about 2.3 times as long Figures 3–9. Pterobius itiokai , new genus and species ( holotype ). 3 epipharynx 4 left antenna, ventral view 5 foreleg, dorsal view 6 middle leg, dorsal view 7 hindleg, dorsal view 8 aedeagus, dorsal view 9 aedeagus, lateral view. as pronotum, epipleural margin slightly reflexed, forming obtuse tooth at shoulder; striae finely impressed, strial punctures coarse, deep; intervals slightly convex, smooth, impunctate. Ventral sclerites shining; mesosternum gibbose and smooth in anterior half, posterior half concave, finely and sparsely punctate, at middle with triangular, smooth convexity prolonged to metasternum; metasternum convex, midline fine; surface finely and sparsely punctate; abdominal sternites with fine fluting along sutures and smooth, impunctate surface including that of pygidium. Legs (Figs 5–7) short; all femora sparsely and finely punctate; profemur subquadrate; meso- and metafemora with posterior lines; metatarsus stout, 2/3 times as long as tibia. Male. Penultimate abdominal sternite and disc of pygidium shorter than female; aedeagus as in Figs 8–9. Remarks . This species is similar to species of the genus Cnematoplatys in general appearance but are easily distinguished from them by the margined elytra, the thick meso- and metatarsi. and the 4-segmented metatarsi.