The genus Macrostemum Kolenati 1859 (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in the Neotropical Region: Description of two new species, taxonomic notes, distributional records and key to males Author França, Diogo Author Paprocki, Henrique Author Calor, Adolfo R. text Zootaxa 2013 3716 3 301 335 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3716.3.1 49da7e6d-45c4-48ed-b055-fc71472f9059 1175-5326 217687 5DA7E94D-F68C-462C-A8D5-9127DE6D55B6 Macrostemum ulmeri (Banks 1913) Fig. 15 A–B Macronema ulmeri Banks 1913: 237 , 238 [ type locality: Rio Negro, Colombia ; MCZ; ♂]; Fischer 1963: 199 [bibliography, distribution]; Flint 1967: 11, 32, Plate 1 [ holotype wings; ♂]; Flint 1974: 105, 107, Plate 1 [♂; wings; distribution]; Flint 1978: 388, 400, 413, 416 [distribution; ♂; wings]; Macronema hyalinum var. Ulmer 1907a: 76, Plate 3 [wings]. Macronema siolii (Marlier 1964) . Marlier 1964: 136–140 [ type locality: unspecified, by inference Brazil , São Paulo de Olivença, Émissaire du source, Igarapé-Jaratuba; IRSNB; ♂; larva and pupa]; Flint 1978: 388 [to synonymy with Macronema ulmeri ]. Macrostemum ulmeri (Banks 1913) . Flint 1991: 79, 108 [♂, wings, distribution]; Flint et al. 1999: 69 [taxonomic notes; distribution]; Blahnik et al. 2004: 4 [distribution]; Paprocki et al. 2004: 8 [distribution]; Nogueira & Cabette 2011: 350 [distribution]. FIGURE 15. Macrostemum ulmeri (Banks 1913) , right fore- and hind wings, dorsal view. A–B, variants. Macrostemum ulmeri can be distinguished from other Neotropical Macrostemum species by forewings characteristics. As reported by Banks (1913), Ulmer (1907a, as a variety of M. hyalinum ), Flint (1967, 1974, 1978, 1991) and the material examined in this study, M. ulmeri has a distinctly apical spot, well defined and paralleling the apical border of the forewings ( Fig 15 A–B). The forewing pattern shows some congruent patterns in comparison with M. hyalinum ( Fig. 11 A–D). Synopsis . Adults pinned. Forewing length 9.7 mm ( 9.54–10.07 mm , n=61). Head with small medial carina, sometimes entire blackish; blackish with yellow spots on pleural region and warts; or brownish on dorsum and yellowish on pleural surface. Compound eyes brownish. Scapes blackish, brownish or yellowish with ferruginous and golden setae. Maxillary palps entirely brownish, yellowish, or with both colors, covered by ferruginous and golden setae. Prothorax entirely blackish or with yellow brownish spot on each pleural surface. Meso- and metathoraces blackish, brownish or with both colors. Legs brownish-yellow. Tibial spur formula 2,4,4. Forewings dark and hyaline, each with three distinct spots beginning near middle of posterior margin and distributed toward apical area; apical spot well defined and paralleling the apical area; discoidal cell present; radial sector markedly expanded ( Fig 15 A–B). Male genitalia. Abdominal segment IX with a medial acuminate keel and long setae covering right and left sides (dorsal view); anterior margins sinuous; posterior margins sinuous, covered by setae and each with one deep notch (lateral view). Segment X bilobed with wart on rounded apex of each lobe (dorsal view); acuminate or truncate, with two longitudinal rows of setae near medial region (lateral view). Inferior appendages uniformly wide, each covered by small setae throughout its length and longer setae on dorsal surface; basal segment from two to three times length of apical segment. Phallus arched; apex truncate (lateral view); phallotremal sclerite without dorsal process; anterior margin concave and posterior margin bearing pair of large rounded prominences (ventral view); phallotrema rounded, concave on anterior surface of apex of phallus. Material examined. BRAZIL : Acre: Mâncio Lima, Parque Nacional Serra do Divisor, Pé da Serra, Base IBAMA, Igarapé Amor, 5.ix.2007 , Malaise, A.R. Calor leg. , 42 males , 54 females (alcohol; UFBA); same data except 5.x.2007 , 13 males , 17 females (alcohol; UFBA); same data except 5.viii.2007 , 42 males , 31 females (alcohol; UFBA); same data except 4.iv.2007 , 33 males (alcohol; UFBA); same data except , 34 males , 24 females (alcohol; UFBA); same data except 5.xi.2007 , 31 males , 10 females (alcohol; UFBA); same data except 5.vii.2007 , 5 males (alcohol; UFBA); Amazonas: Manaus, Ponta Negra, 19.xi.1976 , N. Penny leg. , 1 male (pinned; INPA); Rio Preto da Eva, Ramal Baixo Rio–Estrada Poliana, Igarapé do Geladinho (#38), 2º46’48.2’’S , 59º39’9.6’’W , 24–27.ix.2008 , luz (pensilvania), J.O. da Silva, C. Monteiro, C. Menezes leg ., 2 males (alcohol; INPA); Mato Grosso: Ribeirão Cascalheira, Ribeirão Bonito, 12º52.6’S , 51º53’’W , 12.ix.2007 , luz, Pinho & Mateus leg. , 1 female (alcohol; UFBA); Pará: Rio Xingu, camp ( 3º39’S , 52º22’W ) ca 60km S. Altamira, x.1986 , P. Spangler, O. Flint leg. , 2 males (pinned.; MZSP); Cachimbo, 12–16.iv.1956 , L. Travassos & S. Medeiros leg. , 1 male (alcohol; MZSP); Rôndonia: Porto Velho, Parque Natural Municipal Porto Velho, 2.ix.2005 , P.V. Cruz leg. , 1 female (alcohol; MZSP); São Paulo: Luiz Antônio, Estação Ecológica Jataí, 1–14.x.2004 , Malaise, E.A. Nascimento, G.A. Silveira, R.M. Silva leg. , 2 females (alcohol; UFBA); same data except 10.iii.2006 , 1 female (alcohol; UFBA); São Carlos, Córrego Canchim, 20.xii.2007 , Malaise, F.O. Roque leg. , 2 females (alcohol; UFBA); COSTA RICA : Heredia : Est. Biol. La Selva, Rio Puerto Viejo, 10.440N , 84.012W , 30 m , 3–13.vii.1986 , M.M. Chavarria leg. , 1 male , 1 female (pinned; MZSP); same data except 10.ix.1986 , 1 female (pinned; MZSP). Remarks. Macrostemum ulmeri was described by Banks (1913, as Macronema ulmeri ) without reference to genital characters. Ulmer (1907a) considered the forewing color pattern of M. ulmeri to be a variation of M. hyalinum . Distribution. Brazil ( AC , AM, MG, MT, PA, RO, RR, SP ), Colombia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Honduras , Panama , Peru , and Surinam .