A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World Author Wood, John R. I. Author Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo Author Williams, Bethany R. M. Author Scotland, Robert W. text PhytoKeys 2020 143 1 823 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 1314-2003-143-1 F6F11A6EE4FF5A1885CEA2B60AE965A5 11. Ipomoea malvaeoides Meisn. in Martius et al. , Fl. Brasil. 7 : 251. 1869. (Meisner 1869: 251) Ipomoea malvaeoides var. digitata Hallier f. , Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7 (5), append. 1: 53. 1899. (Hallier 1899b: 53), nom. illeg., autonymic var. Ipomoea malvaeoides var. lineariloba Hallier f. , Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7 (5), append. 1: 53. 1899 (Hallier 1899b: 53). Type. PARAGUAY. B. Balansa 1073 (lectotype G00175984, designated here; isolectotypes BR, G, GOET, K, P). Ipomoea malvaeoides var. albiflora Hallier f. , Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7 (5), append. 1: 53. 1899. (Hallier 1899b: 53). Type. PARAGUAY. B. Balansa 4395 (lectotype P03536099, designated here; isolectotypes G). Ipomoea malvaeoides var. argentea O'Donell , Lilloa 29 : 179. 1959. ( O'Donell 1959b: 179). Type. ARGENTINA. Corrientes, Dept. Mburucuya , Est. Santa Teresa, G.J. Schwarz 8811 (holotype LIL, n.v.). Ipomoea pinifolioides Arachav. , An. Mus. Nac. Montevideo 7 : 197. 1911. (Arechavaleta y Balpardo 1911: 197). Type. URUGUAY. Artigas, "Campos de San Eugenio, diciembre 1901", J. Arechaveleta 455 (holotype MVM). Type. BRAZIL. [Rio Grande do Sul, between Rio Santa Barbara and Alegrete], F. Sello(w) 3386 (Photo F ex B, holotype†), epitype Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, A. St Hilaire 2714 (P00746402), designated here). Description. Erect (rarely decumbent) undershrub to 50 cm; stems puberulent, rootstock tuberous. Leaves shortly petiolate, numerous, mostly 3-5(-7)-fid to near base (some lower leaves entire and up to 2.5 cm wide), lobes 4-9 x 0.15-1.5 cm, oblong to narrowly oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse and mucronate, tapering at base, abaxially (greyish-)sericeous to pubescent only on the veins; petioles 0.2-1.5 cm. Inflorescence of few-flowered pedunculate cymes, from the upper leaf axils,these often reduced to solitary flowers in many populations; peduncles 0.7-2.5(-4)cm, glabrous or puberulent, rarely glabrous; bracteoles 1-2 mm, lanceolate, caducous; pedicels 5-15 mm, puberulent or glabrous; sepals somewhat unequal, outer (5-)7-8(-10) x 3-6 mm, ovate, obtuse to subacute, thinly to very densely pubescent, inner sepals elliptic, rounded, very slightly shorter, pubescent but with scarious glabrous margins; corolla 4.5-6 cm long, pink, funnel-shaped, thinly pilose, limb 3-4 cm diam. Capsules 1.3 x 0.7 cm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds 7 x 5 mm, blackish, glabrous. Illustration. Figures 16 , 17C; O 'Donell (1959b: 181, 183). Distribution. Cerrado and cerrado-like pampas in NE Argentina, southern Brazil, eastern Paraguay and Uruguay, probably declining in frequency throughout its range. URUGUAY. F. Felippone s.n. (SI). ARGENTINA. Corrientes : Ituzaingo , Santa Rita, A. Krapovickas et al. 41247 (CTES, K); Mburucuya , Est. Santa Teresa, T.M. Pedersen 198 (C, P, S); Manantiales, T.S. Ibarrola 3678 (LIL, S); Capital, Riachuelo, A. Schinini 30429 (CTES, MA). Misiones : Posadas, M.E. Rodriguez 1177 (CTES); A. Barbero (SCP); E.L. Ekman 1424 (S). PARAGUAY. Caaguazu : Arroyo Yakare'i , E. Zardini & Aguayo 10744 (FCQ). Canendiyu : B. Jimenez et al. 1873 (CTES); Mbaracayu Natural Reserve, E. Zardini & Benitez 51288 (ARIZ). Central : Campo Grande de San Lorenzo, T. Rojas 10351 (SCP); Limpio, Ribera de Rio Salado, F. Mereles 3886 (FCQ); road to Luque, L. Perez et al. 32 (PY). Concepcion : 3.2 km NW of Loreto, M. Dematteis et al. 3137 (CTES, FCQ); Est. Villa Sana, R. Degen 2280 (CTES, FCQ). Cordillera : E. Hassler 6116 (BM, G); Piribebuy, N. Soria 3212 (FCQ); Tobati , E. Zardini & Velazquez 26714 (FCQ); Caacupe , Bordas 4078 (CTES). Itapua : Isla Yacireta , M. Pena-Chacarro et al. 1789 (BM, FCQ). Misiones : 12 km W of San Ignacio, M.M. Arbo et al. 1917 (CTES, MO). Paraguari : Colonia Achotei, Est. Lago Ypoa , F. Mereles et al . 8050 (CTES, FCQ); Ybicui , Bernardi 18086 (BM, G). San Pedro : Est. Chaparral, S. Keel & L. Spinzi 1793 (FCQ). BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul : Sao Francisco de Assis, L.P. Queiroz & M.C. Machado 12612 (HUEFS); ibid., P.P.A. Ferreira 488 (NY); Santana de Livramento, E. Barbosa et al. 2542 (MBM, RB). Lectotypification. None of the syntypes of Ipomoea malvaeoides var. lineariloba are annotated with this name by Hallier but we have selected the Geneva specimen, G00175984, of Balansa 1073 as it is only sheet we have seen with any annotation by Hallier. However, in the case of Ipomoea malvaeoides var. albiflora , we have designated the Paris specimen as none of the syntypes are annotated by Hallier and the Paris specimen of Balansa 4395 is much the best available. Note. Ipomoea malvaeoides is a notoriously variable species, especially in Paraguay, and a number of varieties have been recognised. Variation is most marked in the length and width of the leaflets, their indumentum and in the degree of branching of the inflorescence. The type and most specimens from Argentina have solitary axillary flowers whereas most specimens from Paraguay have a branched cymose inflorescence. Plants from Corrientes in Argentina were recognised as var. argentea by O'Donell and can be recognised by the relatively broad leaflets which are silvery-pubescent on the abaxial surface. These plants occur rarely in Paraguay. Very narrow-leaved forms are found in Uruguay, Rio Grande do Sul and in Paraguay and can be recognised as var. lineariloba Hallier f. There is some variation in sepal size; Pena-Chacarro et al. 1789, for example, has longer sepals than usual but forms from eastern Paraguay with consistently longer sepals are treated below as Ipomoea pseudomalvaeoides .