An update to the taxonomy of the genus Gastroserica Brenske (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini) Author Liu, Wan-Gang Author Bai, Ming Author Yang, Xing-Ke Author Ahrens, Dirk text ZooKeys 2014 426 87 110 journal article 1313-2970-426-87 722A4F9B9FFB433880B5F668086FA22B Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Gastroserica jinxiuensis Liu & Ahrens sp. n. Figs 2 A-D , 4 Type material examined. Holotype ♂ "Yinshanzhan, Jinxiu, Guangxi, 1100m, 10.V.1999, leg. Li Wenzhu" (IZAS). Description. Body length: 8.8 mm, length of elytra: 6.7 mm, width: 4.4 mm. Body oval, pronotum, dark brown, surface dull, dorsal surface with moderately dense, long, erect setae (Fig. 2D). Figure 2. A-D Gastroserica jinxiuensis sp. n. (holotype) E-H Gastroserica liboensis (holotype) I-L Gastroserica wenzhui sp. n. (holotype). A, E, I Aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K Aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L Habitus. Scale: 0.5 mm. Labroclypeus subrectangular and short, widest at base, lateral margins convex and moderately convergent from base to anterior angles, anterior angles broadly rounded, lateral border and ocular canthus producing a distinct obtuse angle, anterior margin weakly concavely sinuate and weakly reflexed, surface moderately convex medially, moderately shiny, coarsely and sparsely punctate, with several long, erect setae; frontoclypeal suture distinctly impressed and moderately curved, smooth area anterior to eye slightly wider than long; ocular canthus moderately short and strong, finely and densely punctate, terminal seta lacking. Frons coarsely and moderately densely punctate, with fine punctures irregularly interspersed, sparsely setose, most setae abrased in holotype. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter / interocular width: 0.52. Antenna missing in holotype. Mentum elevated and flattened anteriorly. Pronotum rectangular, widest at middle, lateral margins strongly convergent anteriorly, weakly sinuate before posterior angles, anterior angles not produced and strongly rounded, nearly obsolete, posterior angles moderately blunt, anterior margin straight, with a fine marginal line, basal margin moderately curved, without marginal line, base with a weak impression on each side; surface with moderately dense and moderately coarse punctures, punctures with minute setae, moderately impressed on midline, with a weak, transverse impression behind middle; anterior and lateral borders setose; hypomeron carinate, basal margin of hypomeron strongly produced ventrally. Scutellum subtriangular, apex weakly rounded, with fine and dense punctures, smooth medially, with a few minute setae in punctures. Elytra oblong, widest at middle, striae distinctly impressed and finely densely punctate; intervals weakly convex, with fine and sparse punctures concentrated along striae, punctures minutely setose, odd intervals with single coarse punctures, each bearing a strong erect seta; epipleural edge moderately strong, ending at strongly rounded external apical angle of elytra, epipleura densely setose, apical border chitinous, without short microtrichomes. Ventral surface with large and dense punctures and dense, short, adpressed setae. Metacoxa partly glabrous, with fine adpressed setae laterally. Abdominal sternites fine ly and densely punctate, with fine, short setae, each sternite with indistinct transverse row of coarse punctures, each bearing a short strong seta. Mesosternum between mesocoxae as wide as mesofemur, with numerous strong setae. Ratio of length of metepisternum / metacoxa: 1 / 1.79. Pygidium long, apically produced and strongly convex, with fine, dense punctures and fine setae interspersed with a few robust punctures each bearing a robust seta, without smooth midline. Legs moderately slender and shiny; femora finely densely punctate and setose, with two longitudinal rows of setae; anterior edge of metafemur acute, lacking an adjacent serrated line, posterior margin weakly convex, with a few fine setae medially, weakly widened ventrally in apical half but not serrate, serrate dorsally, with short setae. Metatibia moderately broad, convexly widened at middle, ratio width / length: 1 / 3.33, dorsally sharply carinate, with two groups of spines, basal group at one third, apical one at two thirds of metatibial length, basally with a few single spines in punctures; lateral face longitudinally convex, with moderately dense and fine, longitudinally impressed punctures, ventral edge serrate; medial face impunctate and smooth, apex interiorly near tarsal articulation sharply truncate. Meso and metatarsomeres missing in holotype. Aedeagus. Fig. 2 A-C . Diagnosis. The species somewhat resembles Gastroserica kabakovi Ahrens, 2002, in genital morphology. It differs mainly in the details of paramere shape: in the new taxon, the left paramere is distinctly longer than it is in Gastroserica kabakovi , while its two processes are more widely divergent, with the external one reflexed ventrally along its own axis. Etymology. Named after the type locality, Jinxiu.