Systematics of Sparganothoides Lambert and Powell, 1986 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Sparganothini) Author Kruse, James J. Author Powell, Jerry A. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-07-06 2150 1 1 78 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2150.1.1 1175­5334 5311432 31. Sparganothoides broccusana Kruse and Powell , new species Figs. 37 , 59 , 93 Diagnosis . Sparganothoides broccusana is most similar to S. aciculana , but it can be distinguished from the latter by the presence of a small sclerotized crease in the valva and a slightly bulbous distal end of the socius/ gnathos arm. The vertex of the head of the male of S. broccusana is adorned with two protuberances that are lacking in S. aciculana . FIGURES 37–38. Male genitalia of Sparganothoides ; valvae spread, aedeagus removed. 37. S. broccusana . 38. S. cornutana . Description . Male . Head : Frons yellowish white, smooth scaled; vertex roughened, brownish yellow to golden yellow; two exoskeletal protuberances between mesal-posterior margins of compound eyes; a dense clump of small white to yellowish white scales between protuberances, extending mesally along vertex between eyes and antennae. Labial palpus yellowish white mesally, brownish yellow and brown laterally. Antennal scaling brownish yellow. Thorax : Dorsum smooth scaled, brownish yellow or golden yellow; tegula with clump of small orange, pointed scales at apex giving tegula truncate appearance. Forewing length 7.0– 9.3 mm (= 7.7; n = 10). Forewing costal fold extending less than one-half wing length; forewing ground color brownish yellow or golden yellow to brownish gray, with scattered orange and brown scaling; suffused brown pretornal patch; often with ill-defined brown subterminal fascia; indistinct orange and brown transverse strigulae throughout subterminal and terminal areas; often with brown spot at distal end of discal cell. Fringe yellowish white to brownish yellow to golden yellow. Hindwing pale gray, with ill-defined gray transverse striae throughout. Abdomen : Genitalia ( Fig. 37 ; slide #JJK020; SDNHM; Mexico , Jalisco , 11.6 mi S El Chante; n = 6) with uncus long, slender, slightly tapered, gently curved, with very sparse long setae dorsally and patch of short setae ventrally; tegumen slightly raised and triangular at base of uncus; socius broadly rounded posteriorly, secondary arms nearly uniform in width throughout, slender, abruptly curved just before parallel-sided, slightly ovoid terminus; transtilla sclerotized, straight, spines short with some scattered larger spines, numerous over most of posterior margin, anterior margin without reinforcement; valva rectangular, with vestigial sclerotized crease near middle, closer to base and sacculus, sacculus and costa straight, pulvinus reduced; phallus pistol-shaped, aedeagus curved ventrally, subequal to length of phallobase, attenuate and slightly cleft apically, attached to juxta by long process; cornuti with a minute spine near base. Female . Head, Thorax : Essentially as described for male except lacking forewing costal fold. Forewing length 8.6 mm (n = 1). Abdomen : Genitalia ( Fig. 59 ; slide #5543; EME; Mexico , Jalisco , Sierra de Manantlan, Las Joyas; n = 1) with papillae anales parallel-sided, rounded posteriorly; sterigma weakly sclerotized, bandlike; ductus bursae relatively short, slightly widened anteriorly; corpus bursae large, irregularly rounded; signum simple, more than three times as long as wide, weakly curved, rounded at apices. Type material . Holotype : Male : MEXICO : SINALOA : 2 mi SW Potrerillos , 4200’, 12.viii.1986 , J. Brown & J. Powell ( EME ). Paratypes ( 10♂ , 1♀ ). MEXICO : SINALOA : 2 mi SW Potrerillos , 4200’, 7.viii.1986 ( 1♂ ), J. Brown & J . Powell ( EME ) , 12.viii.1986 ( 1♂ ), J. Brown & J. Powell ( EME ) . 8 mi W El Palmito , 1950 m , 8–12.viii.1972 ( 3♂ ), C. MacNeill , J. Powell & D. Veirs ( EME , NMNH ) . JALISCO : Sierra de Manantlan , Las Joyas , 1870 m , 16–19.vii.1985 ( 1♂ ), J. Doyen ( EME ) . 11.6 mi S El Chante , 3.iv.1987 ( 4♂ , 1♀ ), N. Bloomfield ( SDNHM ) . FIGURES 39–47. Female genitalia of Sparganothoides . 39. S. hydeana ; 40. S. machimiana . 41. S. amitana . 42. S. calthograptana . 43. S. coloratana . 44. S. canities . 45. S. lugens . 46. S. vinolenta . 47. S. ocrisana . FIGURES 48–56. Female genitalia of Sparganothoides . 48. S. umbosana . 49. S. licrosana . 50. S. canorisana . 51. S. capitiornata . 52. S. arcuatana . 53. S. lentiginosana . 54. S. morata . 55. S. torusana . 56. S. prolesana FIGURES 57–60. Female genitalia of Sparganothoides . 57. S. silaceana . 58. S. aciculana . 59. S. broccusana . 60. S. cornutana . Immature stages . Unknown. Biology . Adults have been recorded in April, July, and August, suggesting that this species is bivoltine. Distribution . Sparganothoides broccusana is known from the mountains of Jalisco and Sinaloa in western Mexico . Etymology . The name is derived from the Latin “brochus” (= projecting teeth) and refers to the protuberances on the head.