Revision of the tropical African genus Tetraconcha (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) with the description of ten new species Author Massa, Bruno text Journal of Orthoptera Research 2017 26 2 211 232 journal article 1937-2426-2-211 4434EF43-C88D-4711-9DD1-92B0CFE8EDD5 Tetraconcha ndokiensis sp. n. Figs 45-48, 94 Material examined and depository. -Central African Republic, N'Doki , shore of Lake 1, 20-23.II.2012, 02°28' 51.0N 016°13' 04.5E (UV trap) P. Moretto (1♂ holotype) (MSNG); Central African Republic, Dzanga-N'Doki National Park, M'boki , 2.II.2012 (light trap), P. Annoyer (1♂ paratype); Central African Republic, Dzanga-N'Doki National Park, N'Doki , Lake 1, 14.II.2012, 22.II.2012 (light trap), P. Annoyer (2♂ paratypes); Central African Republic, Dzanga-N'Doki National Park, N'Doki , Lake 7, 3.II.2012 (light trap), P. Annoyer (1♂ paratype) (BMPC); Central African Republic, Dzanga-N'Doki National Park, Sangha platform (54m) 23.X.2008, P. Annoyer (1♂ paratype); Central African Republic, Dzanga-N'Doki National Park, N'Doki , Lake 1, 14-15.II.2012, 19.II.2012, 22.II.2012 (light trap), P. Annoyer (5♂ paratypes) (PACT). Color. -Head and pronotum yellow-green, abdomen yellow-brown, tegmina with a black spot at their base, green with yellow spots between veinlets. Description. -Males. Head and antennae: Fastigium of vertex narrow, sulcate dorsally, separated from fastigium of frons. Eyes rounded, well projecting. Antennae long. Legs: Fore coxae armed with a small spine. Fore tibiae furrowed on upper margin, distinctly widening above tympanum, conchate on both sides. Fore femora armed on inner ventral side with 6-7 spines, fore tibiae with 4-5 spines + 1 spur on inner side and 3 spines on outer ventral side, 3 spines + 1 spur on outer dorsal side, mid femora armed with 6-7 spines on outer ventral side, mid tibiae with 15-16 spines on outer and inner ventral sides + 1 spur on each side, and 4 spines + 1 spur on inner dorsal side, hind femora armed with 6-7 small spines on outer and 1-2 on inner ventral sides, hind tibiae with many spines on ventral and dorsal sides + 3 spurs on each side. Thorax: Pronotum narrowing anteriorly, flat above, anterior margin incurved, posterior margin rounded, humeral sinus well developed, lobes of pronotum rounded. Tegmina narrow with rounded apices. Wings longer than tegmina. Stridulatory area of left and right tegmina shown in Fig. 45, veinlets of left tegmen in Fig. 94; stridulatory file curved and composed of ca. 30 very dense and evenly spaced teeth in the proximal part (ca. 1/4 of the length), and 8-10 widely spaced teeth in the distal part (ca. 3/4 of the length) (Fig. 46). Abdomen: Subgenital plate short with a little concavity, cerci slender and incurved (Figs 47-48). Female. Unknown. Measurements. -Cf. Tables 1 and 2. Diagnosis. - T. ndokiensis is characterised mainly by the presence of yellow spots between veinlets of tegmina (Fig. 94), its stridulatory area of left and right tegmina (Fig. 45), its peculiar stridulatory file (Fig. 46) and its subgenital plate (Figs 47-48). Etymology. -After the latinized name of N'Doki , the locality where it was collected, Dzanga-N'Doki National Park in the Central African Republic. Distribution. -Known only from Central African Republic.