Two new species of the genus Tsauria Kocak & Kemal (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Cixiidae) from China, with descriptions of female genitalia of three species Author Zhi, Yan Author Zhang, Pei Author Yang, Lin Author Chen, Xiang-sheng text ZooKeys 2019 855 55 69 journal article 1313-2970-855-55 04337BCF3B8B481AAFE763257CC47443 04337BCF3B8B481AAFE763257CC47443 Tsauria longispina Zhi & Chen sp. nov. Figs 3, 4; 38-49, 50-59 Type material. Holotype: ♂, China: Zhejiang, Hangzhou City, Tianmushan, 22 July 2009, Ting-ting He; paratypes: 24♂♂33♀♀, Zhejiang, Hangzhou City, Tianmushan, 20 -22 July 2009, Yong Chen, Ting-ting He; 1♂, Zhejiang, Longquan City, Fengyangshan, 28-29 July 2009, Ting-ting He; 2♂♂, Guizhou, Liping County, Taipingshan (520-859 m), 15-23 July 2006, Zheng-Guang Zhang; 1♂4♀♀, Guizhou, Liping County, Deshun, 14 July 2016, Yan-li Zheng, Nian Gong, Zheng-xue Zhao, Ying-jian Wang; 1♂, Hainan, Wuzhishan (650 m), 14 July 2007, Ji-chun Xing; 3♂♂, Fujian, Jianou City, Wanmulin, 8-10 August 2009, Pei Zhang, Jun-qiang Ni; 2♂♂4♀♀, Fujian, Jianou City, Wanmulin, 20 May 2012, Jian-kun Long, Wei-cheng Yang; 1♂1♀, Fujian, Dehua county, Guobao, Yunlonggu, 11 May 2012, Jian-kun Long, Wei-cheng Yang; 1♂, Fujian, Datian County, Forest Park, 14 May 2012, Wei-cheng Yang. Description. Body length: male 6.8-7.6 mm (n = 37), female 7.0-8.3 mm (n = 42). Coloration. General color yellowish brown (Figs 3, 4, 38-39). Eyes yellowish brown, ocelli pale yellow. Vertex, face, rostrum, pronotum and mesonotum brown. Forewing semi-translucent, yellowish brown, apical 1/5 with a wide blackish brown stripe, stigma yellowish brown. Hind tibiae yellowish brown and abdominal sternites dark brown. Figures 38-49. Tsauria longispina sp. nov., male 38 head and thorax, dorsal view 39 face, ventral view 40 head, top view 41 forewing 42 genitalia, lateral view 43 pygofer and gonostyli, ventral view 44 anal segment, dorsal view 45 gonostyli, inner lateral view 46 aedeagus, right side 47 aedeagus, left side 48 aedeagus, dorsal view 49 aedeagus, ventral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (38-40, 42-49); 1.0 mm (41). Head and thorax. Vertex (Figs 3, 38, 40) broad, 1.3 times wider than long; subapical carina with middle prominent into obtuse angle, median carina interrupted by subapical carina, with anterior portion complete, posterior portion only discernible at basal half. Frons (Fig. 39) 1.2 times as long as wide. Clypeus with median carina distinct and elevated throughout. Pronotum (Figs 3, 38) 1.8 times longer than vertex; mesonotum 1.5 times longer than pronotum and vertex combined. Forewing (Fig. 41) 2.7 times longer than wide, with 12 apical and 7 subapical cells; RP 3 branches, MP with 5 terminals: MP11, MP12, MP2, MP3, and MP4, fork MP1+MP2 basad of fork MP3+MP4. Hind tibia with 3‒4 lateral spines; chaetotaxy of hind tarsi: 9/10‒12, second segment of hind tarsus with 6‒9 platellae. Male genitalia. Pygofer (Figs 42, 43) symmetrical, dorsal margin concave and U-shaped ventrally; in lateral view, lateral lobes triangularly extended caudally, apex round. Medioventral process mastoid ventrally. Anal segment (Figs 42, 44) long tubular, symmetrical, 2.9 times longer than wide in dorsal view; anal style finger-like, slightly beyond anal segment. Gonostyli (Figs 42, 43, 45) in ventral view, symmetrical, widening towards apex, apical part extended, apical margin rounded; in lateral view, "L-shaped" . Aedeagus (Figs 46-49) in total with four processes. Left side of periandrium with a medium-sized spinose process, slightly curved, directed left-ventrocephalically at apex; right side near apex of periandrium with a short spinose process, directed left-dorsocephalically; periandrium with a medium-sized spinose process positioning slightly to left side of its dorsal margin, slightly curved upward and directed right-dorsally at apex; ventral margin of aedeagal periandrium with an extremely long spinose process, which is the longest of all spinose processes of periandrium, straight, generally directed towards left side, apex directed cephalically. Endosoma moderately sclerotized, structure simple, generally curving left. Female genitalia. Tergite IX (Figs 50, 51, 53) subtriangular, moderately sclerotized, divided by median keel. Anal segment (Figs 50, 53) rectangle, 2.3 times longer than wide in dorsal view. Gonapophysis VIII (Fig. 54) elongate, and slightly curved upwards. Gonapophysis IX (Fig. 55) with two middle teeth, denticulate portion with only one small rounded odontoid. Gonoplac (Fig. 56) rod-like, 3.7 times longer than wide in lateral view. Posterior vagina (Figs 57, 58) elongate. Posterior vagina with many small round, oval and oblong sclerites both in ventral and dorsal view. Sclerites in ventral view dispersed and the ones in dorsal view mainly concentrated in left side. Internal genitalia as shown in Fig. 59. Figures 50-59. Tsauria longispina sp. nov., female 50 genitalia, lateral view 51 genitalia, ventral view 52 anal segment, dorsal view 53 tergite IX, caudal view 54 gonapophysis VIII and gonocoxa VIII, dorsal view 55 gonapophysis IX, lateral view 56 gonoplac, inner lateral view 57 posterior vagina, ventral view 58 posterior vagina, dorsal view 59 internal genitalia. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Distributions. China (Fujian, Guizhou, Hainan, Zhejiang). Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin prefixes "longi" and noun "spina" , referring to the ventral margin of aedeagal periandrium with an extremely long spinose process, which is the longest of all spinose processes of the periandrium. Remarks. Male genitalia of T. longispina sp. nov. is similar to T. brevispina sp. nov., but differs in: (1) spinose process on ventral margin of periandrium being the longest of all spinose processes of periandrium, straight (in T. brevispina , spinose process on ventral margin of periandrium being the shortest of all spinose processes of periandrium, hooked at apex); (2) spinose process on right side near apex of periandrium slightly curved, directed left-dorsocephalically at apex (the latter strongly curved, directed dorsocaudally at apex). Female genitalia of T. longispina sp. nov. is similar to T. cehengensis (Zhang & Chen), but differs in: (1) wax plate divided by median keel (the latter widened laterally and without median keel; (2) posterior vagina elongate (in T. cehengensis , the length of posterior vagina equal to the width).