Systematics of Australian Thrasorinae (Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea, Figitidae) with descriptions of Mikeiinae, new subfamily, two new genera, and three new species Author Paretas-Martinez, J. University of Barcelona. Faculty of Biology. Department of Animal Biology. Avda. Diagonal 645 - 08028 - Barcelona. Spain Author Restrepo-Ortiz, C. University of Barcelona. Faculty of Biology. Department of Animal Biology. Avda. Diagonal 645 - 08028 - Barcelona. Spain Author Buffington, M. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, c / o NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, 10 th & Constitution Ave NW. PO Box 37012 MRC- 168, Washington DC 20013, USA Author Pujade-Villar, J. University of Barcelona. Faculty of Biology. Department of Animal Biology. Avda. Diagonal 645 - 08028 - Barcelona. Spain text ZooKeys 2011 2011-06-17 108 21 48 journal article 1313-2970-108-21 CE362981651B4633A64F19CD1D128AB5 07789D27FFE9230EFFEDFFBFFFD6FFA4 577015 Palmiriella Pujade-Villar & Paretas-Martinez gen. n. Fig. 3 Type species: Palmiriella neumanni (Buffington), comb. n., by present designation and monotypy. Diagnosis. ( Table 2 ) Palmiriella , gen. n., can be distinguished from other thrasorines by having the face smooth, without any sculpturing ( Fig. 3A ); in Scutimica and Myrtopsen , the face is irregularly sculptured ( Fig. 9A, B ); in Cicatrix and Thrasorus , strong transverse carinae are present crossing the entire face or on lateral areas ( Fig. 3A, D , 4A ). Palmiriella is further differentiated from other thrasorines by having metasomal T3 and T4 fused into a syntergum, but not covering the entire metasomal surface ( Fig. 3F ); in Scutimica and Myrtopsen , a syntergum covering the entire metasomal surface is present ( Fig. 9C ); in Cicatrix and Thrasorus , T3 and T4 are separate sclerites (syntergum absent) ( Fig. 2C , 4F ). Additionally, Palmiriella is distinguished from Scutimica and Myrtopsen by having the scutellum posteriorly rounded ( Scutimica and Myrtopsen have an emarginate/truncate scutellum, Fig. 9D, E ), and pronotum not sculptured nor projected (strongly carinate and projected in Scutimica ( Fig. 9F ), with microsculpture or carinate in Myrtopsen ( Fig. 9G )); from Thrasorus by having horizontally striate microsculpture on the mesoscutum ( Fig. 3B ) (mesoscutum smooth in Thrasorus , Fig. 4B ). Figure 3. Diagnostic characters of Palmiriella neumanni ( Thrasorinae ), female A head, anterior view B mesosoma, dorsal view C mesosoma, lateral view D antenna, dorsal view E head and mesosoma, antero-dorsal view F metasoma, lateral view. CI, circumtorular impression. Description. See description, biology and distribution of type species below. Etymology. The new genus is dedicated to our colleague and good friend Palmira Ros-Farre , who has helped us for many years with our little wasps. Gender is feminine. Taxonomic comments. The holotype of Mikeius neumanni Buffington, unlike the other species included in Mikeius , does have the circumtorular impression diagnostic for Thrasorinae . For this reason, this species is transferred from Mikeius to the new thrasorine genus Palmiriella . Characters summarized in the diagnosis below and phylogeny in Fig. 5 justify the erection of the new genus.