The extinct Nerineoidea and Acteonelloidea (Heterobranchia, Gastropoda): a palaeobiological approach Author Kollmann, Heinz A. text Geodiversitas 2014 2014-09-26 36 3 349 383 journal article 6397 10.5252/g2014n3a2 5dd903f5-b398-4a17-83e5-364766291411 1638-9395 4538503 Subfamily CRYPTOPLOCINAE Pchelintsev, 1960 ( Fig. 3 C-E, H) Cryptoplocusidae Pchelintsev, 1965: 69 . FIG. 4. — Nerinellidae and Eunerineidae n. fam. : A -C , Nerinella grossouvrei Cossmann, 1896 , Hettangian, Simon-la-Vineuse (Vendée, France); A , lectotype, with complete broad basal notch, MNHN.F.R00179; B , shell partly removed showing the internal plaits, MNHN.F.A49006; C , shell with moderately concave whorls, MNHN.F.A51317; D , Nerinella danusensis d’Orbigny, 1852 , figure from Cossmann 1896 , Oxfordian, Châtel-Censoir (Yonne, France), MNHN.F.R50376; E , Nerinella elatior (d’Orbigny, 1850) , internal mould, figure from Cossmann 1896 ,Oxfordian,La Rochelle (Charente Maritime,France),MNHN.F. J08541 ; F , G , Aptyxiella flexuosa (Sowerby, 1831) ,Late Cretaceous, Russbach (Salzburg,Austria); F , NHMW 2013/0265/0002; G , axial section, NHMW 2013/0265/0001; H , Neri­ nella arduensis (Buvignier,1852), Middle Bathonian,Martigny,La-Fosse-aux-Conains ( Aisne , France ), MNHN .F.R00036 ; I , J , Eunerinea piettei ( Fischer,1969 ) , Bathonian , Rumigny ( Ardennes , France ), holotype MNHN .F.R00289 ; K , Eunerinea bathonica (Rigaux & Sauvage, 1869) ,Bathonian,Rumigny ( Ardennes , France ), MNHN .F.A49003 ; L , Eunerinea baillei (Maire,1913) ,Oxfordian, La Mouille ( Haute-Saône , France ), MNHN .F.A26139 ; M , Eunerinea defrancei (Deshayes, 1833) , figure from d’Orbigny 1850, Oxfordian, Chatel-Censoir ( Yonne , France ), MNHN .F.B12681. Scale bars: A, E, F, 5 mm ; D, 2,5 mm ; B, C, G-M, 10 mm . TYPE GENUS. — Cryptoplocus Pictet & Campiche, 1861 ( 1861: 257 ) . TYPE SPECIES. — Nerinea depressa Voltz, 1836 ( 1836:540 ) . SUBFAMILY CHARACTERS . — Shells broad coniform to turriculate. Whorls moderately high, flat to strongly concave, broadly rhombic or quadrangular in cross section, columellar and basal lip describing right angle. Periphery of last whorl rounded, base moderately convex, broadly umbilicate. Umbilicus surrounded by a siphonal fasciole. One parietal plait extends diagonally into the whorl interior in Cryptoplocus Pictet & Campiche, 1861 and the synonymous Conoplocus Pchelintsev, 1965 . Wieczorek (1979) mentions an additional columellar plait in early whorls, and a columellar and a palatal plait in Trochalia Sharpe, 1850 . REMARKS This diverse group is allocated to the Ptygmatididae because of its siphonal aureole around the umbilicus. Besides the dominant parietal plait, columellar plaits in variable numbers may occur.