Palaeontological study of Middle Oxfordian- Early Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) ammonites from the Rosso Ammonitico of Monte Inici (north-western Sicily, Italy) Author Cecca, Fabrizio Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, CNRS-UMR 5143 “ Paléobiodiversité et Paléoenvironnements ”, case 104, 4 place Jussieu, F- 75252 Paris cedex 05 (France) cecca @ ccr. jussieu. fr Author Savary, Bérengère Schlumberger Stavanger Research, Risabergveien 3, Tananger, P. O. Box 8013, N- 4068 Stavanger (Norway) BSavary @ stavanger. oilfield. slb. com text Geodiversitas 2007 29 4 507 548 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4651042 1638-9395 4651042 Euaspidoceras cf. radisense (d’Orbigny, 1850) ( Fig. 12C ) MATERIAL EXAMINED. — MI4N 8 “top”/8. STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. — The specimen has been collected at the top of bed 8 of section Monte Inici East, assigned with doubt to the Hauffianum Subzone of the late Oxfordian Bimammatum Zone. The holotype of E. radisense comes from of the Bimammatum Zone, probably the lower part ( Hantzpergue 1994 ). DESCRIPTION Evolute shell of about 92 mm of diameter. The whorl section is subrectangular, with flat flanks, rounded ventrolateral margins and a large, rounded venter. The umbilical area is badly preserved, but the umbilical margin appears to be rounded and the umbilical wall is seemingly vertical. Small, rounded tubercles are developed on the umbilical margin of the last whorl. Shallow ribs are visible in the last portion of the last whorl. Due to the lack of any traces of suture line the diameter of the beginning of the body chamber cannot be observed. Measurements: see Table 20. DISCUSSION Despite its insufficient preservation this specimen shows the characteristics of d’Orbigny’s species. Clambites clambus (Oppel, 1863) shows morphological similarities, namely the shape of the whorl section and the presence of shallow ribs. However, it differs because umbilical tubercles are almost absent.