New records and range extensions of several species of native bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from Mississippi Author Parys, Katherine Author Griswold, Terry Author Ikerd, Harold W Author Orr, Michael Christopher text Biodiversity Data Journal 2018 6 25230 25230 journal article 1314-2828--25230 Triepeolus subnitens Cockerell & Timberlake, 1929 Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence: catalogNumber: SIMRU0791 ; recordedBy: K. A. Parys ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; preparations: pin; occurrenceID: urn:USDA-ARS:BBSL:SIMRU0791; Taxon: scientificName: Triepeolussubnitens Cockerell and Timberlake, 1929; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hymenoptera; family: Apidae; genus: Triepeolus; specificEpithet: subnitens; scientificNameAuthorship: Cockerell and Timberlake, 1929; Location: country: United States ; stateProvince: Mississippi; county: Sunflower; locality: Heathman Plantation, Holly Ridge ; decimalLatitude: 33.462079 ; decimalLongitude: -90.707222 ; geodeticDatum: WGS1984; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Griswold ; dateIdentified: 2017; Event: samplingProtocol: malaise ; eventDate: 2015-7-21 ; Record Level: type: PhysicalObject; language: en; rights:; accessRights:; institutionCode: USDA-ARS ; collectionCode: BBSL ; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Other material . Occurrence: catalogNumber: SIMRU6666 ; recordedBy: K. A. Parys ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; preparations: pin; occurrenceID: urn:USDA-ARS:SIMRU:SIMRU6666; Taxon: scientificName: Triepeolussubnitens Cockerell and Timberlake, 1929; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hymenoptera; family: Apidae; genus: Triepeolus; specificEpithet: subnitens; scientificNameAuthorship: Cockerell and Timberlake, 1929; Location: country: United States ; stateProvince: Mississippi; county: Sunflower; locality: Heathman Plantation, Holly Ridge ; decimalLatitude: 33.462079 ; decimalLongitude: -90.707222 ; geodeticDatum: WGS1984; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Griswold ; dateIdentified: 2017; Event: samplingProtocol: Bee Bowl (Blue) ; eventDate: 2016-6-30 ; Record Level: type: PhysicalObject; language: en; rights:; accessRights:; institutionCode: USDA-ARS ; collectionCode: SIMRU ; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Other material . Occurrence: catalogNumber: SIMRU9876 ; recordedBy: K. A. Parys ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; preparations: pin; occurrenceID: urn:USDA-ARS:SIMRU:SIMRU9876; Taxon: scientificName: Triepeolussubnitens Cockerell and Timberlake, 1929; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hymenoptera; family: Apidae; genus: Triepeolus; specificEpithet: subnitens; scientificNameAuthorship: Cockerell and Timberlake, 1929; Location: country: United States ; stateProvince: Mississippi; county: Sharkey; locality: Rolling Fork ; decimalLatitude: 32.91696 ; decimalLongitude: -90.92081 ; geodeticDatum: WGS1984; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Griswold ; dateIdentified: 2017; Event: samplingProtocol: Vane Trap (Blue) ; eventDate: 2016-8-10 ; Record Level: type: PhysicalObject; language: en; rights:; accessRights:; institutionCode: USDA-ARS ; collectionCode: SIMRU ; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Notes The recent revision of Triepeolus lists the current distribution of this species as including Arizona, California, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas (east to Smith County) and Utah and south into Mexico ( Rightmyer 2008 ). Specimens have been taken from 4 May through 12 October and observed on a variety of host plants ( Rightmyer 2008 ). This group is also cleptoparasitic, with T. subnitens observed entering a burrow of Svastra (Epimelissodes) obliqua (Say) ( Hurd et al. 1980 ). The three specimens reported from Mississippi were all females (Fig. 6) and collected during 2015 and 2016 in two counties (Sharkey and Sunflower). They were taken from both Helianthus sp. and from a blue vane trap located within a soybean field.