Checklist of acanthocephalan parasites of South Africa Author Halajian, Ali Author Smales, Lesley R. Author Tavakol, Sareh Author Smit, Nico J. Author Wilmien J. Luus-Powell, text ZooKeys 2018 789 1 18 journal article 1313-2970-789-1 9C50AE22CD06478CB81AD74E5F0E384D Plagiorhynchus (Prosthorhynchus) cylindraceus (Goeze, 1782) Schmidt & Kuntz, 1966 Echinorhynchus cylindraceus Goeze, 1782 E. pici Gmelin, 1791 fide Florescu and Ienistea 1984 E. merulae Gmelin, 1791 fide Florescu and Ienistea 1984 E. transversus (Rudolphi, 1819) Travassos 1926 E. obliquus Dujardin, 1845 fide Florescu and Ienistea 1984 Centrorhynchus cylindraceus (Goeze 1782) Kostylew, 1914 C. fasciatus (Westrumb, 1821) Travassos, 1926 fide de Marval 1905 C. rostratus de Marval, 1902 fide Florescu and Ienistea 1984 Prosthorhynchus rosai (Porta, 1910) Meyer, 1932 Prosthorhynchus rostratus (de Marval, 1902) Meyer, 1932 Plagiorhynchus formosus Van Cleave, 1918 fide Amin et al. 1999 Plagiorhynchus taiwanensis Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966 fide Amin et al. 1999 . Host. Calidris ferruginea (Pontoppidan, 1763) (Curlew Sandpiper); Charadrius pecuarius Temminck, 1823 ( Kittlitz's Plover); Charadrius tricollaris Vieillot, 1818 (Three-banded Plover) ( Charadriidae ). Locality. Berg River, Western Cape Province, South Africa ( Amin et al. 1999 ). Host. Crecopsis egregia (Peters, 1854) (syn. Crex egregia ) (African Crake) ( Rallidae ). Locality. Blouberg, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Host. Vanellus armatus (Burchell, 1822) (Blacksmith Lapwing) ( Charadriidae ). Locality. Berg River, Western Cape Province, South Africa ( Amin et al. 1999 ).