Recognition and revision of the Phelister blairi group (Histeridae, Histerinae, Exosternini) Author Caterino, Michael S. Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA Author Tishechkin, Alexey K. California Dept. of Food and Agriculture Plant Pest Diagnostics Center, Sacramento, CA 95832, USA text ZooKeys 2020 2020-12-09 1001 1 154 journal article 1313-2970-1001-1 5914D476D746459ABCBFF86C8BD0A78B CED36F5A3D7453A2919A619A767B3367 3. Phelister fimbriatus sp. nov. Figs 3E, F , 6A-C , Map 3 Type material. Holotype male : " French Guiana Roura (8.4km SSE), 200 m 4°40'41"N , 52°13'25"W ,, J.Ashe & R.Brooks, FG1AB97 #182, ex: flight int. trap" / "Caterino/Tishechkin Exosternini Voucher EXO-02927" (CMNC). Paratypes (17 - confirmed males only): French Guiana : Belvedere de Sauel , point de vue ( 3.6228 , -53.2094 ), 1/31/11 FIT, SEAG (CHND, 1ex.); Belvedere de Sauel , point de vue ( 3.6228 , -53.2094 ), 2/7/11, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 1ex.); Regina , Res . Natur. des Nouragues ( 4.0378 , -52.6725 ), 11/3/09, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 1ex.); Regina , Res . Natur. des Nouragues, Camp Inselberg ( 4.0833 , -52.6833 ), 9/9/10, 9/22/10, FIT, SEAG (AKTC & CHND, 3ex.); Regina , Res . Natur. des Nouragues, Camp Inselberg ( 4.0833 , -52.6833 ), 1/25/11, FIT, SEAG (AKTC & CHND, 2ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 12/16/08, FIT, SEAG (AKTC, 1ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 12/6/08-12/16/08, 4/11/09, FIT, SEAG (AKTC & CHND, 2ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 2/23/09, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 1ex.); Suriname : Brokopondo, Ston Eiland Eco Resort nr. Brownsberg ( 4.9833 , -55.1333 ), 2/10/10-2/13/10, FIT, C. Gillet, P. Skelley, W. Warner, EXO-02929 (FSCA, 1ex.); Sipaliwini, CI-RAP Surv. Camp 2: Sipaliwini River ( -2.1753 , -56.7874 ), 210 m, 8/27/10-9/1/10, FIT, Larsen & Short, EXO-02928 (SEMC, 1ex.); Brazil : Amapa , Serra do Navio (0.9833, -52), 5/1/91-5/14/91, FIT, EXO-02935 (CHND, 1ex.); Para , Altamira - Maraba : km 18 (-3.15, -52.05), May 1985, FIT (CHND, 1ex.); Para , Marajo-Breves ( -0.8833 , -50.5333 ), 11/18/87-12/5/87, FIT (CHND, 1ex.). Figure 6. Male genitalia A-C Phelister fimbriatus : A sternite 8 B aedeagus, dorsal C aedeagus, lateral D, E P. stellans : D aedeagus, dorsal E aedeagus, lateral F, G P. sparsus : F aedeagus, dorsal G aedeagus, lateral H, I P. pretiosus : H Aedeagus, dorsal I Aedeagus, lateral J, K P. trigonisternus : J aedeagus, dorsal K aedeagus, lateral. Other material. French Guiana : Belvedere de Sauel , point de vue ( 3.6228 , -53.2094 ), 1/17/11, 1/31/11 and 2/7/11, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 2ex.); Paracou (5.27, -52.92), November 1996, FIT, P.M. Hammond, EXO-02926 (NHMUK, 1ex.); Regina , Res . Natur. des Nouragues ( 4.0378 , -52.6725 ), 11/3/09, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 1ex.); Regina , Res . Natur. des Nouragues ( 4.0378 , -52.6725 ), 1/28/10, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 3ex.); Regina , Res . Natur. des Nouragues ( 4.0378 , -52.6725 ), 2/19/10, FIT, SEAG, EXO-02920 (CHND, 1ex.); Res . Tresor (route de Kaw Pk18) ( 4.6105 , -52.279 ), 225 m, 11/6/09, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 2ex.); Mont Tabulaire, Itoupe ( 3.023 , -53.0955 ), 570 m, 3/24/10, FIT, SEAG, EXO-02923 (CHND, 1ex.); Mont Tabulaire Itoupe ( 3.0303 , -53.1067 ), 400 m, 3/17/10, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 5ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 8/9/09, FIT, SEAG, EXO-02925 (CHND, 1ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 5/22/10, FIT, SEAG, EXO-02945 (CHND, 1ex.); Brazil : Mato Grosso, Mpio. Cotriguacu , Fazenda Sao Nicolau, Mata Norte (-9.8192, -58.26), 12/8/10-12/14/10, FIT, F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello (CEMT, 2ex.); Mato Grosso, Mpio. Querencia, Fazenda Sao Luiz ( -12.597 , -52.3749 ), February 2009, FIT, R. Andrade, EXO-02932 (CEMT, 1ex.); Mato Grosso, Mpio. Tangara da Serra ( -14.3617 , -57.6717 ), 580 m, 1/17/10-2/3/10, FIT, R.S. Silva, EXO-02933 (CEMT, 1ex.); Mato Grosso, Mun. Diamantino. Faz. Sao Joao ( -14.2361 , -56.1364 ), 400 m, 1/11/01, FIT, primary gallery for., Genier & Vaz-de-Mello, EXO-00364 (CMNC, 1ex.); Para , Altamira - Maraba : km 18 (-3.15, -52.05), May 1985, FIT (CHND, 3ex.); Para , Belem , Utinga (IPEAN) (-1.45, -48.4333), October, 1984, FIT, EXO-02936 (CHND, 1ex.); Para , Carajas (Serra Norte) (-6.0667, -50.2), November 1984, FIT, EXO-02937 (CHND, 1ex.); Para , Marajo-Breves ( -0.8833 , -50.5333 ), 11/18/87-12/5/87, FIT (CHND, 2ex.); Para , Tucurui (-3.75, -49.667), 12/9/85-12/17/85, FIT (CHND, 4ex.); Para , Tucurui (-3.75, -49.667), 11/28/89-12/11/89, FIT (CHND, 2ex.); Colombia : Vaupes, Parco Nac. Mosiro-Itajura (Caparu) Centro Ambiental ( -1.0667 , -69.5167 ), 60 m, 1/20/03-1/20/03, FIT, D. Arias & M. Sharkey (MSCC, 2ex.); Ecuador : Orellana, Est. Biodiv. Tiputini ( -0.6376 , -76.1499 ), 6/2/11-6/9/11, FIT, M. Caterino & A. Tishechkin (MSCC, 2ex.); Orellana, Est. Cientifica Yasuni ( -0.6744 , -76.6472 ), 215 m, 9/5/99-9/10/99, FIT, primary forest, E. Riley (TAMU, 9ex.); Peru : Loreto, Campamento San Jacinto ( -2.3125 , -75.8628 ), 175-215 m, 7/11/93, FIT, R. Leschen, EXO-02930 (SEMC, 1ex.); Madre de Dios, CICRA Field Stn., ~ 2 km NW cafeteria res. plot. 12.55236°S , 70.10989°W , 295 m, Flight intrcept., Chaboo Team (SEMC); Marowijne, Palumeu, ( 3.3489 , -55.4383 ), 160 m, 7/7/99-7/8/99, FIT, Z. Falin, SM0176323 (SEMC, 1ex.); Region 8, Iwokrama Forest, Pakatau hills ( 4.7483 , -59.0267 ), 70 m, 5/25/01-5/29/01, FIT, R. Brooks, Z. Falin (SEMC, 2ex.); Saramacca, West Suriname Road, 145 km WSW Zanderij Airport ( 5.1517 , -56.1456 ), 50 m, 6/10/99-6/14/99, FIT, Z. Falin, B. DeDijn, SM0179990 (SEMC, 1ex.); Sipaliwini, CI-RAP Surv. Camp 4: on lower Kasikasima River ( -2.9773 , -55.3850 ), 200 m, 3/20/12-3/25/12, FIT, T. Larsen (SEMC, 1ex.). Map 3. Collecting records for Phelister fimbriatus . Diagnostic description. Length: 1.54-1.81 mm (avg. 1.74 mm); width: 1.38-1.58 mm (avg. 1.50 mm). Body elongate oval, widest behind elytral humeri, rufescent, with ground punctation fine; frons depressed along midline; frontal stria fine but complete within median depression; epistoma with raised edges along sides and front; labrum rather narrow, emarginate & weakly subcarinate along apical margin; mandibles lacking basal teeth; prescutellar impression large, semicircular, ~ 3 x width of scutellum; median pronotal gland openings conspicuous, annulate, ~ 3/4 behind anterior margin; lateral thirds of pronotal disk (laterad a longitudinal line drawn through the gland opening) abruptly more coarsely punctate, secondary punctures varied in size and density; marginal pronotal stria complete along lateral and anterior margins; submarginal stria complete, well-impressed along sides, just turning anterior corner; elytron with single, complete epipleural stria; outer subhumeral stria present at base and apex but usually interrupted at middle; inner subhumeral stria absent; dorsal striae 1-4 complete, 4th arched to sutural, 5th present in apical 1/2, sutural stria slightly longer; propygidium with moderately coarse secondary punctation, that of pygidium sparser; prosternal keel emarginate at base, striae separate at base, converging, united anteriorly; prosternal lobe slightly narrowed, with marginal stria complete, slightly removed from the margin; mesoventrite produced, with complete marginal stria continued at sides by postmesocoxal stria ending at middle of lateral portion of metaventrite; mesometaventral stria angulate at middle, crenulate, reaching middle of mesoventrite, continued at sides by lateral metaventral stria, reaching inner 1/3 of metacoxa; 1st abdominal ventrite with incomplete lateral stria along inner margin of metacoxa; metaventrite lacking secondary punctation; 1st abdominal ventrite with secondary punctures along anterior margin; protibia with outer margin weakly dentate, with five or six robust marginal spines; meso- and metatibiae slender, the mesotibia with ~ five spines along outer margin, metatibia with fewer marginal spines restricted to apical 1/2. Male: S8 with conspicuous apical fringe; aedeagus with basal piece ~ 1/4 length of tegmen; tegmen with sides subparallel to near apex, apex abruptly narrowed, weakly curved in lateral aspect; medioventral process present in basal 1/3; median lobe ~ 1/2 tegmen length, basal apodemes short, thin. Etymology. We name this species for the distinctive marginal fringe on the eighth sternite of the male genitalia. Remarks. While this species shares a lot of its characters with various others in this group, the combination of having its outer subhumeral stria usually interrupted at middle, having 'normal' (not scalloped) protibiae, and having the lateral thirds of the pronotal disk quite distinctly more strongly punctate than the middle third (Fig. 3E ) is unique. It is particularly similar to the following species ( P. stellans ), but it differs from that one in having the arch of 4th dorsal stria a little narrower, and the 5th and sutural striae a little shorter. These seemingly insubstantial differences are backed up by a remarkable difference in the male 8th sternite (Fig. 6A ), which has a long apical fringe; the 8th sternite of P. stellans has at most a few setae at the outer corners. We have restricted the type series of both species to males where identity could be confirmed by genitalia. Specimens of this species have only been collected using flight interception traps. Distribution. This species is known from the Guianas, as well as Amazonian Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador.