Phaonia Oxystoma-Group (Diptera, Muscidae): Diagnosis, Key To Identification, Description Of Two New Species And Synonymic Notes Author Xue, W. Author Q., Zhao Author D, D. Author Wang, M. Author R, P. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2009 2009-03-31 55 1 1 10 journal article 106162 10.5281/zenodo.5731898 3cd533f3-a4d0-4600-99bf-2e5b8ce14f77 2064-2474 5731898 Phaonia sublatilamella XUE et ZHAO sp. n. ( Figs 11–14 ) Description: Male : Body length: 7.0 mm Head: Eyes bare, ommatidiae not expanded on upper medium part; frons subequal to width of anterior ocellus, frontal vitta black, linear-shaped, 4 pairs of frontal setae, situated 2/5 of the lower part of frons, with 2–4 extremely small hairs on the upper side, which subequal to 1.5 times as long as diameter of ommatidiae, without upper orbital setae; fronto-orbital plate and parafacial with hoar pruinosity; parafacial equal to or less than 1st flagellomere in width; antennae dark brown, 1st flagellomere about 3.0 times as long as broad, arista short plumose, the longest hair about 4/5 time as wide as 1st flagellomere; lower facial margin projecting in profile, vibrissal angle situated before frontal angle; anterior margin of gena with 1 row of upcurved subvibrissal setae, genal height about 1/5 of eye height; dorsal area of occiput haired; both genal and postgena hairs black; proboscis slender; prementum with pruinosity, about 4.0–4.5 times as long as broad; palpi black, subequal to 2/3 of prementum. Thorax: Black in ground color, slightly shinning, with few gray pruinosity; scutum with 4 obvious black vittae; acr 1+1, dc 2+3, ial 0+2, pra about 2.0–2.5 times as long as posterior postpronotal seta; notopleuron, the lower and flank of scutellum, basisternum of prosternum, anepimeron, meron and katepimeron all bare; spiracles dark brown; katepisternal setae 1+2; wings hyaline slightly, veins brown; basicosta yellow; costal spine unobvious; costa haired on ventral surface; radical node bare; R 4+5 and M veins straight, and deviated apically; m-m crossvein rather straight; calypteres and halteres yellow; legs: femora, tibiae and trochanters yellow, coxae dark brown, tarsuses black; fore tibia with 1 medium pv ; mid femur with a complete pv row, which become short distinctly towards apical part, mid tibia with 2 p ; hind femur with sparse a av row, pv 5–6 on basal half, hind tibia with av 4, ad 1, 1 long pd in distal 1/4, without apical pv ; tarsi longer than tibiae, claws and pulvilli shorter than tarsomere 5. Abdomen: Black, roundish, with sparse gray pruinosity, tergites 4 and 5 slightly shinning; tergites with median black vittae, without glittery patch, setae sparse and long; body hairs dense; the dorsal surface of tergites with 5–7 rows hairs; sternite 1 bare; sternites 2 to 4 with 1 pair of strong setae respectively. Female : Unknown. Holotype : male, P. R . China : Sichuan Province : Luding : Yanzigou , 2000–2600 m , 7. VII. 2006 , Coll. JIAYU LIU . Paratype : 2 males , same data as holotype ; 2 males , P. R . China : Sichuan Province : Luding : Yanzigou , 2000–2600 m , 7. VII. 2006 , Coll. LIYONG FENG . Etymology – According to the specific name of the resemble species, latilamella , we named the new taxon name as “ sublatilamella ”, the Latin word sub- refer to likeness. Figs 11–14. Phaonia sublatilamella XUE et ZHAO sp. n. (male): 11 = abdomen in dorsal view, 12 = cerci in posterior view, 13 = terminalia in profile, 14 = sternite 5 in ventral view Remarks – This species belongs to Phaonia oxystoma -group, and resembles Phaonia latilamella FENG et MA, 2002 , but it differs from the latter in eyes bare, ommatidiae not expanded on upper medium part; genal height about 1/5 of eye height; acr 1+1; spiracles dark brown; coxae of legs dark brown; the inner lobe of cerci of male wide and long, surstyli rather wide on apical part, the length of sternite 5 longer than its width.